Definitely liking what I see, from the combat to presentation, this is going to be good!!!
Below the video it says the developer is Namco Bandai. Did I sleep through something?
IDK, but Tecmo Koei is developing a One Piece (DW style game) for Namco
looks awesome and flashy too and i hope its better than doa 4
Does anyone really care about DOA as a serious fighter?
Quote from: LouisCipher on September 14, 2011, 10:26:05 PM
Does anyone really care about DOA as a serious fighter?
no it's more or less like smash bros with hueg tits at least to me and come to think of it i dont even think if ever seen doa played in any tournament before
Quote from: Xxenace on September 14, 2011, 10:32:06 PM
no it's more or less like smash bros with hueg tits at least to me and come to think of it i dont even think if ever seen doa played in any tournament before
DOA4 @ EVO 2006. Not that I take it seriously myself (I much prefer VF), but DOA3.2 had a somewhat competitive scene in Europe, IIRC. It's some peoples' cup of tea, and for some it isn't. This is true for any fighting game.
Awesome! Looking forward to this.
Quote from: LouisCipher on September 14, 2011, 10:26:05 PM
Does anyone really care about DOA as a serious fighter?
Tom Brady.
Quote from: Xxenace on September 15, 2011, 02:25:39 AM
ain't that the mk dude?
Tom Brady was big in the DOA scene back when people actually went to DOACentral for DOA3 stuff.
Perfect Legend is also into the DOA
I thought 2011 was a good year for fight games, but 2012 look like is going to be better... all we need know is Darkstalkers, Guilty Gears and killing instinct to complete the fight games comeback list.
A new Guilty Gear got confirmed, but the creator of the series, Daisuke Ishiwatari, doesn't know when it's gonna happen.
Ono said he wanted to do something about DarkStalkers if i remember correctly, so there's a chance for the series to return.
Quote from: LouisCipher on September 14, 2011, 10:26:05 PM
Does anyone really care about DOA as a serious fighter?
This is what i always ask myself. I can't take seriously a game whose main fame is big bouncing tits and excesive fanservice. That and its creator (Itagaki) is a complete asshole.
But hey, that's just like my opinion , any fan of DOA here don't get mad at me.
I'm curious how DOA will progress without Itagaki at the helm. It would be nice to have another 3D fighter that offers a comparable amount of depth as Tekken and Virtua Fighter.
DOA has quite a few awesome characters I always liked, mainly Lei-Fang, Baymen, and Jann Lee. That drunken fist user from one of the recent titles looks kinda cool too, he reminds me of the dude from Double Dragon on Neo-Geo that also used drunken fist.
I think some more fighting style diversity would be good... my top picks of course being boxing, taekwondo, and capoeira.
Dead or Alive...
Isn't it that one super-ultra-mega-giga fanservice-y fighting game?
Quote from: marchefelix on September 15, 2011, 10:16:43 AM
Dead or Alive...
Isn't it that one super-ultra-mega-giga fanservice-y fighting game?
no no no thats that one dating sim fighting game from japan DoA is srs bizness
Quote from: LouisCipher on September 14, 2011, 10:26:05 PM
Does anyone really care about DOA as a serious fighter?
I always liked DOA as a fighter, I really enjoy the Counter system and the multi level stages. But the problem I see with the game mechanics is that the counters take way too much life, same as the falls of the multi stages. If they fix that, I think the game will be more enjoyable as a competitive fighter.
Counters IMO are like Parries in SF3, they are risky because you are guessing the next attack. But obviously Parries take a more skill to pull, but if you pull a counter/parry it becomes a really ratifying moment. The problem is that the damage you cause is huge at times and you can win a match with 3 or 4 well guessed counters.
Man this game doesn't interest me at all.... DoA is by far the worst 3d series to try to do competitively and bay far the most fun to watch. But all this video did was show me the sweet stages that are gonna DESTROY the reality of online play.....
doa 4 is a joke for competetive gaming. doa3.1 was the peak of the series and doa2u was great.
I'm surpised nobody here knew that I ran doa tourneys for 5 years now?
Quote from: The HuBBs on September 16, 2011, 05:24:48 AM
doa 4 is a joke for competetive gaming. doa3.1 was the peak of the series and doa2u was great.
I'm surpised nobody here knew that I ran doa tourneys for 5 years now?
well uh i never heard of you so yeah
I'm not suprised. I only a TO not a top tier player and hype master like DOAMASTER, tom brady, PL or black mamba. My tournaments were recognized as proving grounds for CGS back before it canned itself.
Quote from: Xxenace on September 16, 2011, 05:38:42 AM
Quote from: The HuBBs on September 16, 2011, 05:24:48 AM
doa 4 is a joke for competetive gaming. doa3.1 was the peak of the series and doa2u was great.
I'm surpised nobody here knew that I ran doa tourneys for 5 years now?
well uh i never heard of you so yeah
Nah he's legit man... He's right though... DOA4 is garbage when you compare it to both 2U and 3.1. I've played the hell outta 2U, 3.0, and got a chance to check out 3.1, and I'll tell you that there's a huge difference in the system. 3.1 was dope for me because sidesteps actually worked. Not only that, unlike most fighters, DOA's frame data is strange imo-- I mean almost every move for any random character had negative recovery frames. In 3.1 (not sure about 3), they fixed it so that you could use some moves without fear of being punished for just about everything you do. I kinda see why moves had a ton of negative frames. The system is pretty much RPS with emphasis on yomi, so to my knowledge its not necessarily about pokes per sé, in a Tekken sense where you can spam safely with say a df+1, and 1 or 2 safe strings. It's just that you have to know how well to mix things up, because the system forces you to do that with the negative frames. I don't know how much that has changed in 4.0 or 4.1, but I do know some of that stuff got relieved in 3.1. I'm pretty sure there are many other reasons as to why 3.1 is superior to the other DOAs, but I only got a little time with it.
My issue with 4 was that it felt watered down in many ways. Sure, scrubs are gonna mash out counter all day, but in 2U and 3, you had to actually had to know how to counter someone's move, because there were 6 ways to counter, vice 4 in DOA4 (correct me if I'm wrong--its been awhile). Those characters with special parries like Gen Fu and Lei Fang actually had parries and deflecting moves that were very beneficial to them in 2U (I stuck with Jann and Brad in 3) and they gave them better options, but it required some time to truly master those moves. In 4, I don't recall any real benefit to using them, especially since there's now only a 4 point counter system.
I'm also not a fan of the force get up they have where you kick an opponent and it forces them to get up without you doing anything. For starters, its a free hit, and it puts you in a position you have no control over. In other 3d fighters, I can get hit, and still be able to roll and then get up. Even if I landed near a wall, or edge of a stage, I could still find a way to avoid it. Not so in DOA4.
I'm also not a fan of the moving danger zones. They provide some situational setups, but sometimes that's the same thing that can mess you up while you do a combo, mixup, or whatever. So then you have to stop because a cheetah is running at you, and it saves the opponent.
I will say though I am glad they brought back the bounce combos that were in what DOA1 and ++ I believe. That gave a new way to combo for a ton of characters, especially Zack. I also like how they beefed him up. He was a good character in the other series, but in 4 it's like Team Ninja decided to try some new things, and he was the perfect candidate. I do wish that they didn't nerf some character's combo capabilities like Jann Lee's. I can't stand how his kick launchers don't launch as high as they used to, and in order to get that high launch you have to put yourself in the hornet's nest and attempt to get another stun.
Oh yeah, speaking of Jann Lee, why can the computer do combos that we can't??? I mean there's no physical way of doing it, unless there's some gameshark for x360...
Any DOA vets please feel free to elaborate on whatever I said, and please don't let me spit some incorrect stuff...
Well, I hope that Team Ninja truly hears its fans out and make a 3.1 style of DOA and make it even better. Strangely enough, I felt that DOA 3 was less worried about TnA (sans the cutscenes), and was more worried about the actual gameplay and they beefed it up.
Quote from: jinxhand on September 16, 2011, 07:33:38 AM
My issue with 4 was that it felt watered down in many ways. Sure, scrubs are gonna mash out counter all day, but in 2U and 3, you had to actually had to know how to counter someone's move, because there were 6 ways to counter, vice 4 in DOA4 (correct me if I'm wrong--its been awhile). Those characters with special parries like Gen Fu and Lei Fang actually had parries and deflecting moves that were very beneficial to them in 2U (I stuck with Jann and Brad in 3) and they gave them better options, but it required some time to truly master those moves. In 4, I don't recall any real benefit to using them, especially since there's now only a 4 point counter system..
Because you asked to be corrected, the counter system has been less consistent than that.
2U and 4 both had a four-input counter system (ub vs. high attacks, b vs. mid-punches, f vs. mid-kicks, and db vs. low attacks). 3 (and DOA:Dimensions) have a three-input counter system (b vs. any mid attacks). Although it's possible that DOA3 and 3.1 had different systems? Not sure.
I first learned DOA with the four-input counter system, which I feel makes sense in relation to most character's movelists. But I may be biased here. I remember they said they were tightening the window for counters in DOA4, but it didn't seem much harder.
Anyway, what's with all the haters in this thread? It's cool if DOA isn't your thing, but no one's forcing you to check out this thread. I'm looking forward to DOA5.
Quote from: Rex Dart on September 17, 2011, 07:25:16 AM
Quote from: jinxhand on September 16, 2011, 07:33:38 AM
My issue with 4 was that it felt watered down in many ways. Sure, scrubs are gonna mash out counter all day, but in 2U and 3, you had to actually had to know how to counter someone's move, because there were 6 ways to counter, vice 4 in DOA4 (correct me if I'm wrong--its been awhile). Those characters with special parries like Gen Fu and Lei Fang actually had parries and deflecting moves that were very beneficial to them in 2U (I stuck with Jann and Brad in 3) and they gave them better options, but it required some time to truly master those moves. In 4, I don't recall any real benefit to using them, especially since there's now only a 4 point counter system..
Because you asked to be corrected, the counter system has been less consistent than that.
2U and 4 both had a four-input counter system (ub vs. high attacks, b vs. mid-punches, f vs. mid-kicks, and db vs. low attacks). 3 (and DOA:Dimensions) have a three-input counter system (b vs. any mid attacks). Although it's possible that DOA3 and 3.1 had different systems? Not sure.
I first learned DOA with the four-input counter system, which I feel makes sense in relation to most character's movelists. But I may be biased here. I remember they said they were tightening the window for counters in DOA4, but it didn't seem much harder.
Anyway, what's with all the haters in this thread? It's cool if DOA isn't your thing, but no one's forcing you to check out this thread. I'm looking forward to DOA5.
rex it's natural for people to voice there opinion on how much they hate something
Quote from: Xxenace on September 17, 2011, 07:44:17 AM
rex it's natural for people to voice there opinion on how much they hate something
Only on the internet. And even then, you see it much more at places like GameFAQs, IGN, Gamespot, etc. Believe it or not, I expect better of DC.
Quote from: Rex Dart on September 17, 2011, 07:53:41 AM
Quote from: Xxenace on September 17, 2011, 07:44:17 AM
rex it's natural for people to voice there opinion on how much they hate something
Only on the internet. And even then, you see it much more at places like GameFAQs, IGN, Gamespot, etc. Believe it or not, I expect better of DC.
why we're only human i dont even think anyone really even cares as long as it doesn't become an issue and just my 2 gil i find it rather annoying that i cant speak my mind with out getting the threat of "making the community look bad"
DOA kinda gets a bad rap in general, but from my experience its from people who only play the game and take it at face value, instead of really trying to understand the finer points of the game...
It's like non-Tekken players who say that Tekken is a juggle fest. It can be, only if one's defense is garbage. In many really good matches that I've had, most of the time I was poking and going for mixups.
Anyway, I'm hoping that this DOA is the one that truly shows tight gameplay, and a more in-depth training mode. I guess a tutorial mode to help people understand the game further wouldn't be bad, even though the game itself is pretty easy to get into.
I played all DOA's. Have been into them since the first on the original xbox. Love Bayman that dude is legit.
But i stopped playing them seriously after DOA4. I still played it though i was B rank online. However, i pray they put much effort & time into DOA5 to have a well planned out counter system.
Shit hopefully they do Beta testing like Tekken does.
if anyone still cares
so apparently they are gonna be toning down the sexy and the "violence" in DoA5 (
tbh the glourious bouncing tits, panty shots and skimpy outfits never bothered me also i hate it when devs try to get serious with a game everyone knows that team ninja cant make a game with a good story i mean look at metroid other M
*sigh* MK tried to tone down the violence once...too bad it just completely highlighted how meh the game was without it to begin with. Then they made a better game WITH their trademark violence and gore.
DOA was never that great to begin with...without the sexy, exactly why would anyone buy DOA over SCV or TTT2?
Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on February 16, 2012, 01:30:32 AM
*sigh* MK tried to tone down the violence once...too bad it just completely highlighted how meh the game was without it to begin with. Then they made a better game WITH their trademark violence and gore.
DOA was never that great to begin with...without the sexy, exactly why would anyone buy DOA over SCV or TTT2?
You haven't played DOA 3 or even 3.1 have you???
Quote from: jinxhand on February 16, 2012, 07:34:05 AM
Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on February 16, 2012, 01:30:32 AM
*sigh* MK tried to tone down the violence once...too bad it just completely highlighted how meh the game was without it to begin with. Then they made a better game WITH their trademark violence and gore.
DOA was never that great to begin with...without the sexy, exactly why would anyone buy DOA over SCV or TTT2?
You haven't played DOA 3 or even 3.1 have you???
I'll admit, I have not. Was it good to where my comment looks ignorant and stupid?
The original DOA and DOA2 were my faves.
Especially DOA1, cuz it was very VF-ish. Hell it was even on Sega Model 2 hardware.
Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on February 16, 2012, 07:50:26 AM
Quote from: jinxhand on February 16, 2012, 07:34:05 AM
Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on February 16, 2012, 01:30:32 AM
*sigh* MK tried to tone down the violence once...too bad it just completely highlighted how meh the game was without it to begin with. Then they made a better game WITH their trademark violence and gore.
DOA was never that great to begin with...without the sexy, exactly why would anyone buy DOA over SCV or TTT2?
You haven't played DOA 3 or even 3.1 have you???
I'll admit, I have not. Was it good to where my comment looks ignorant and stupid?
Maybe a bit ignorant, but it's not like I don't understand; most people didn't get a chance to play 3.1 because it was for the Japanese xbox only, and 3.0-- while it was great, people were skeptical about xbox as a system, let alone fighting games on the system til Cashcom came through with ports, along with SNK...
From what I remember, the game had sidesteps that worked, unlike in the other games. Plus, not every move was like -17 on hit, block, etc... Most DOA games have negative frames for even the safest of pokes, so essentially, you're never safe and are forced to apply yomi in every situation, so they definitely reworked frames in 3.1. Holds were better as well. I felt 3.0 and 3.1 were grittier than the other games, and I'm a big Jann Lee player, so I felt he got beefed up really well... I play other characters like Zack, Bayman, and I picked up Brad, too...
Before 3.0 even came out, DOA2U was actually pretty great... I honestly felt like that ninjas didn't matter in that game unlike in 4, where I felt a few non-ninja characters were viable, but then I didn't really get into the system way in-depth like I did with 2U and 3... I felt like too much was thrown in there, plus I'm definitely not a fan of moving danger zones...
One thing DOA did right though was the tag modes... Combos just felt better, especially if you guessed right, and launches were higher back then, too...
DOA 2 and DOA 3.1 were actually pretty decent. They still didn't quite compare to Tekken and VF though.
It all depends whether or not they're going to take the blueprint for 4 and run with it. But from the looks of it, they're concentrating more on story and flashy moves, which makes me nervous.
EDIT: What's the deal with every company needing to cop SFIV? First, MK with X-Rays and EX, then KOF with EXs, then SC with Brave and Crit edge, and now DOA with "cinematic fighting" bullshit. >_>
Quote from: Proto Cloud on February 16, 2012, 11:06:56 PM
DOA 2 and DOA 3.1 were actually pretty decent. They still didn't quite compare to Tekken and VF though.
It all depends whether or not they're going to take the blueprint for 4 and run with it. But from the looks of it, they're concentrating more on story and flashy moves, which makes me nervous.
EDIT: What's the deal with every company needing to cop SFIV? First, MK with X-Rays and EX, then KOF with EXs, then SC with Brave and Crit edge, and now DOA with "cinematic fighting" bullshit. >_>
i think ex's are just one of those things that just work ive never seen anyone raise a question about them before kinda like how ff2 was the first game to have super moves(?) everyone saw that it worked well with the system and started using it
2D games have been great without EX for years. MK9 is probably the only exception in which case, it makes it a better game.
I don't really see the real need for it to have been shoehorned into KOF and SC.
As for supers, it actually was AoF that did it first. But even then, it took a while to catch on and it never caught on to MK, VF, SC or TK.
If there's anything to do this, is that I'd like companies to stick to what they're good at and stop trying to dickride each other.
I really hope Tekken doesn't try this.
The thing is, MK was horribad for about a decade, possibly more (I don't remember UMK3's release year). At their point, wanting to really make a game worthy of being played at a high level, it's understandable in their desire to want to take cues from others. Considering how Ed Boon actually seems to have a good rapport with Capcom, it wouldn't surprise me if he actually asked them for advice on the subject.
For KOF, obviously it's a bit of a touchy subject since there's plenty of people, especially 98 purists, who actually believe KOFXIII is a scrub game and that the original dream matches still shit on it like nothing, what with the more varied movesets and the emphasis on never taking any kind of hit, even a poke. I believe the EX Move thing was done in order to actually make up for the lack of moveset. As you can see, in KOFXIII most characters don't have as many moves as they did in the past. EX moves having different properties help make up for that showing off some variety while requiring a lot less sprite work. They don't have to put as many moves in when they can have EX moves maintain different properties, so I believe it's less about dickriding in this case and more about having as close to the varied moveset of the older games while not having to put as much work into their somewhat new sprite style.
As for Soul Caliber...honestly I don't know. SC3 was a disaster, SC4 was a bit slow but other than that and like...Hilde, I guess it was fine. The biggest problems SC seems to have come from the community's inability to actually agree on a standard set of bannings when it comes to characters and such that become a pain. But other than that SC was running somewhat fine, it had a solid casual audience with single player options that kept people playing, and other than SC3 and SC4 Hilde, the game was fine on a technical level. I'm gonna take a stab, but since I'm not big on SC, I'm probably wrong but from what I understand, there were just frame moves in SC, just like they had in Tekken. Maybe the Brave Edges at least were put there to ease up on the execution but in it's place, you have that meter management to deal with. I dunno if that's the case though.
And I doubt Tekken will try this though we won't be seeing Tekken 7 until Next Gen consoles I'm guessing so who knows.
Aight let's get something straight:
Capcom did NOT invent EX moves!!! That credit goes to Waku Waku 7, so in essence you can say SNK was responsible for that... This is yet another feature that Capcom took and claimed for themselves, as they did with Parrying...
I also remember SNK games having super powered versions of normal supers, like P-Supers in FF/MoTW, and even ones in Samsho, and other SNK games... SF4 wasn't the start of these crazy supers... They just took advantage of the "commercial FG hiatus" and threw things in people's faces that they've seen before and made it look brand new... No there really wasn't a FG drought either, and I have at least 4 reasons to prove that, but that's for another discussion...
As far as MK is concerned, MK2 was solid, just casually promoted, and its American, so it was under a shadow per sé when compared to SF2... UMK3 was probably the 2nd best solid game (I think it's better than MK2 though, even though combos were harder to do in MK2)... Again, being under a shadow, and in a period in time where the internet wasn't so dominant in people's houses (remember those Aol trial CDs, Encharta, and actual BBS sites??), so you didn't know who was playing it, where they were playing it, and on what system unless you went to school with those cats... I mean, MK is solid now imo, but is still getting dogged by America...
I honestly don't see how X-ray moves are similar to Revenge Moves... I mean it's not as over the top as they were, and real talk, MK had something like that already in Deadly Alliance, where you would hit a button to impale someone, and they'd bleed til the end of the round... They just revamped that imo, and made it so that the game was still competitive without wondering if there were gonna be any shenanigans like that, or the UMK3 Kabal rushdown...
Ok, back to DOA... The last one they released for the 3DS had such an in-depth story, which filled lots of holes that were made in the previous games... Kudos to them on that...
Honestly though, I feel like DOA is better off without Itagaki, as if he was holding the game back from being better... At the same time, Team Ninja is making good moves in terms of story and appearance, but when it comes to the actual gameplay, it's meh... I mean when the community is telling them of changes that need to be made, and they interview the bigwigs, all they've got to say is "We feel the game doesn't need to be changed. Blah blah blah", WTF is up with that?!?!?! They're so inspired by Sega they basically take the same business/marketing approach and avoid engaging the customers/fans... I don't understand it... The community has been crying for an overhaul of DOA and to make it more along the lines of 3.1, and these guys are like, "yeah man, whatever..." They don't realize that their game is at the bottom of the totem pole of fighters, and I like the game, but it is what it is... Smash does better than DOA, and DOA is only doing ok because of mad advertising/promo from Microsoft, and it was a launch title, like part 3 was...
Anyway, I hope that they actually do make vital system changes in the game... Aside from removing falling KO's, and adding stupid moving danger zones, I definitely am not a fan of forced wakeup by being down attacked... That eliminates the whole wakeup game, and it's a lazy way out of guessing... Plus it keeps the downed opponent from moving anywhere, they just get up right there, only to be left open for a grab, or whatever...
I do like how the characters don't have an anime look to them, but they actually look real... I feel sorry for the Spartan players though... I hope they add new characters though...
2 of my favorite 3d fighters joining force,
this kinda killed my hype on seeing how TxSF will be like
DOA5 GDC Play movie (
mmm, I think that I'm maybe reading too much into this, but considering that maybe just 5 characters had been announced for DOA 5 from the original series, could we see this somehow became a DOA vs VF?
No, Akira is a guest Character and nothing more, this "might" hint of future plans
word on the street has this game coming out in September, I still want to see Jan Lee and Eliot
Elliot needs his 4th costume back from doa 4
This here shows that Sega is starting to change for the better... The last "crossover" thing they ever did was---- Fighters Megamix...
Oh no, there was that Sonic vs Mario thing, but in terms of fighters, Sega had a iron curtain separating itself from other companies... Things are definitely changing for the better...
This does make sense, seeing as DOA is VF-lite, with a stronger emphasis on yomi...
I hope this means that this series is going legit. Last thing we need thing we need is Akira Yuki in Boobie World.
Dead Or Alive X Virtua Fighter (
I am truly impressed with this. Can't wait to hear more details.
Sort of feels like How Ryo was brought to FFS, just really different.
Quote from: Proto Cloud on March 05, 2012, 10:51:27 PM
I hope this means that this series is going legit. Last thing we need thing we need is Akira Yuki in Boobie World.
Both Sega and TN are breaking those stigmas which have been plaguing their games since the very beginning, which is something you proved to exist by your post-- hopefully with DOA5, this removes that altogether... On top of that, both companies are reaching out to their fans by doing this... On VFDC, there has been talk and speculation of this for quite some time, I mean years before this even came to be... DOA has a similar 3 button RPS system as VF, with more emphasis on yomi, so the transition is feasible... On the flipside, if VF were to have a guest character, FS' system would allow DOA characters to play with just as much freedom as they had in DOA...
One thing is for sure, DOA 3.1-esque mechanics are being displayed in the video, something which I didn't notice til Sorwah (from and a fellow Marylander) pointed out... He broke that vid down real good imo-- Here's the link if anyone's interested... (
DOA is actually a solid game... It's overlooked primarily because of things mentioned earlier, in conjunction with Itagaki (and possibly other members of TN) keeping the game dumbed down... Now with a new vision, TN I believe can achieve greatness with this game, if they keep in touch with the players (read: actual/tourney/competitive players)... This vid alone gave me a good impression, and I'll be snagging this game up most definitely, especially seeing how the game just seems like a fresh new start, unlike DOA4, which I felt like was a pseudo tech demo, and a carry-over from DOA3 with easier mechanics...
If it's anything like DOA 3.1, I might give it a shot. It all depends on how dependent the game is on the silly QTE nonsense.
DOA3.1 was Japan only right? What was the deal with that version and what changed compared to the original 3? I already know most of the bullshit that went down with 4 that made many spite the game, I'm also curious how DOA:Dimensions on 3DS compares to the previous installments.
Quote from: Running Wild on March 06, 2012, 09:37:14 AM
DOA3.1 was Japan only right? What was the deal with that version and what changed compared to the original 3? I already know most of the bullshit that went down with 4 that made many spite the game, I'm also curious how DOA:Dimensions on 3DS compares to the previous installments.
Well, characters had moves with + frames, which allowed unholdable setups, as well as a better poking game (since most of the time in any other DOA, characters had nothing but - frame moves, which forced you to rely on yomi and counter right)... Some move properties changed, too...
Specific wall splats guaranteed juggles, and there were better opportunities to juggle characters...
Oh yeah, the best thing they added was a functioning sidestep feature, which supposedly was a glitch, but I'm not so sure about that...
Ultimately, this was the game that made DOA actually more competitive, and less casual... 3.0 was good, too, but 3.1 was like the icing on the cake... If you manage to have an old jp xbox, then it's worth a purchase still... I think Sorwah from FSD manages to help people get this game-- it's that good...
It would be nice if TN threw us a bone and made that downloadable for xbl... Or at least make an HD remake and push it for both xbl and psn...
Oh yeah, DOAD is basically 4.1 with a few tweaks... Honestly, I don't care about those tweaks, as I wasn't a big fan of DOA4 (I'll still play though), and I didn't wanna get DOAD in the first place...
I will say, on a good note, DOAD did bring the story up to speed, letting everyone know about what happened and why it happened... Plus they brought Raidou back, and I have a feeling he might be in 5 as well, because it was an unexpected return and fans loved it alot...
Real talk, I miss those days on old xbl, where DOA2U was actually getting mad play... Even DOA1 had some love... Seems like with this new installment, cats are gonna be trying it because of Akira, or the overall system/visual overhaul... There's hope with this one...
I own Dimensions and it's only a marginal improvement over 4. It's still built upon the same system so it isn't much to get excited for. No guaranteed follow-ups and severe lack of advantage. I just got it because it was the only game besides Ocarina 3D that was interesting on pickup.
I did like how it filled you in on the canon version of the story and made it make sense.
We'll see how it turns out, but basically nothing is set in stone yet. It could easily take a turn for the worse.
There might be another guest character beside Akira appearing in DOA 5, maybe from VF5 or a different series
(I hope it is Brad) (
My guess is that if it is another VF character, it's Jacky... He's the 2nd popular character, and Wolf is right behind in popularity terms... Sarah is up there, too, but Jacky was always more popular (plus now he's easier to play than Sarah is)...
Yeah Brad would be nice, especially since he's like a modded version of Zack with harder hits, and his movement works in the game quite well...
Alot of VF characters are similar to DOA in terms of fighting style, except for Lei Fei, Jeffry, Eileen, Sarah, Vanessa, and Taka... Any one of those characters would be great, especially Lei Fei...
If they ever actually do DOA vs VF, they would have to make an epic battle between Alpha-152 and Dural...
One thing that I'm impressed with so far is that despite the whole fighting entertainment spiel, they're still managing to make the game as competitive as possible, so they're perfecting the concept of feeding both casual and competitive players...
VF Characters are something I wanted to see in DOA for a long time. I wouldn't mind seeing Aoi in it as well.
Oh, and English Dub confirmed (!/TeamNINJAStudio/status/175362212356038657), most possible reason being that the game is on the PS3 that they have to make it Japanese and English voices? (Sony's policy on that localization quirk does exist, check my Warriors Orochi 3 thread for more info).
I would like to see some reactions from you guys on the game's dub, and I wonder if this applies to the Virtua Fighter characters as well...
im cool with a dub provided that they dont get horrible actors for the voices and im guessing if they do announce another vf character it's probably going to be a female so im guessing that spot would go to sarah eileen or vanessa
Video for the DOA 5 Demo (Hitomi vs Ayane)
Dead or Alive 5: Gameplay-Trailer (
more videos from member Sorwah
Dead or Alive 5 (Alpha Demo) - Gameplay Trailer - Ayane vs Hayate (
Dead or Alive 5 (Alpha Demo) - Gameplay Trailer - Ayane vs Hitomi (
Master's Video Breakdown
DOA5 Gameplay Video breakdown Part1 (
DOA5 Video breakdown Part 2 (
I can't wait. I'm going to enjoy this game.
Regardless if it doesn't make main stage at any majors
I started to hate the camera direction at first, but then after playing more of DOA3 I started to notice something... The camera in DOA3 changes a bit, especially depending on what stage you're in-- best example being the rooftop stage, where the camera will pan back, and high enough that you'll be looking above them, but it won't affect the gameplay still...
It's looking like the game will be this way, where the camera change won't mess the gameplay up, so I'm starting to appreciate that more...
I hope the stages are as diverse and as creative as they were in DOA3... There was a stage with a long tunnel that you could fight in, and the terrain varied quite a bit, enough for stage specific combos... DOA4 was flat for the most part, with things placed around it for effect... Some stages had multiple surfaces also, meaning you could do water stuns in some areas, where in others, you could only do normal stuns... I'm also hoping the bounce from DOA1 and DOA4 come back as well... So far the game is looking great though...
Game surprises worst enemy = hackers
A leaked (rumored) list of the whole DOA5 cast is up now:
Well guess my dream of Sarah Bryant with bigger knockers and jiggles physics has now been accomplished.
i know i probably shouldn't complain knowing this game but we dont get a second male guest character? was hoping jacky would be in this game oh maybe jean
Quote from: Proto Cloud on March 23, 2012, 08:47:02 PM
Well guess my dream of Sarah Bryant with bigger knockers and jiggles physics has now been accomplished.
The question is, shall it live up to the legend? Sometimes dreams should just stay like that...dreams.
Quote from: Proto Cloud on March 23, 2012, 08:47:02 PM
Well guess my dream of Sarah Bryant with bigger knockers and jiggles physics has now been accomplished.
Remember though, it isn't the same perv as before making the DOA games. So you still might not get them lol.
On a different note, I don't mind the extra characters they added. I would have liked to see a few others but in all honesty I think the VF characters would be to OP. I mean being an Aoi player I would have counters for everything. But then I think about Goh, Vanessa, Lei Fei and idk; they would be (imo) to nasty and op.
Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on March 23, 2012, 08:51:59 PM
Quote from: Proto Cloud on March 23, 2012, 08:47:02 PM
Well guess my dream of Sarah Bryant with bigger knockers and jiggles physics has now been accomplished.
The question is, shall it live up to the legend? Sometimes dreams should just stay like that...dreams.
If they can at least redo her Uncanny Valley face from VF5, I'll be happy.
Quote from: Proto Cloud on March 25, 2012, 09:24:31 PM
If they can at least redo her Uncanny Valley face from VF5, I'll be happy.
This post had me laughing for a bit, 'cause I know exactly what you're talking about... I do think that Aoi looks like that moreso than Sarah...
Yeah, though I don't think Sarah will look all too different. Hitomi and Ayame did not look anywhere close to the usual hypersexualized women we'd usually get so...yeah.
Wait for the sexy outfits.
Quote from: Proto Cloud on March 28, 2012, 01:44:56 AM
Wait for the sexy outfits.
Even with the sexy outfits, their dimensions aren't as ridiculous as before.
I wanted Aoi : (
But well, sarah and pai are the original girls from VF, so is fine to mee
Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on March 28, 2012, 01:47:28 AM
Quote from: Proto Cloud on March 28, 2012, 01:44:56 AM
Wait for the sexy outfits.
Even with the sexy outfits, their dimensions aren't as ridiculous as before.
To be honest, they all had one of two sizes. Large and Bazooka. At least now they have variety and they're trying to go for age appropriateness.
Before I got into KoF earlier this year, I was really hyped about DOA5. I know that DoA will most likely never be serious, but the games have always been fun when you get into them. People think it's all boobs and fanservice, and to be fair that it was. I like the style they are heading towards with DOA5, I hope the gameplay is good to go along with it.
Quote from: KarnF91 on April 10, 2012, 02:14:36 AM
Before I got into KoF earlier this year, I was really hyped about DOA5. I know that DoA will most likely never be serious, but the games have always been fun when you get into them. People think it's all boobs and fanservice, and to be fair that it was. I like the style they are heading towards with DOA5, I hope the gameplay is good to go along with it.
Same can be said about many other games that are not... *cough* *cough* capcom related or praised by certain fanboys. Most people will rip a game without even playing it or giving the game a SOLID chance.
Quote from: KarnF91 on April 10, 2012, 02:14:36 AM
Before I got into KoF earlier this year, I was really hyped about DOA5. I know that DoA will most likely never be serious, but the games have always been fun when you get into them. People think it's all boobs and fanservice, and to be fair that it was. I like the style they are heading towards with DOA5, I hope the gameplay is good to go along with it.
You never know... DOA3 by far was the most serious of them all, but the thing that held it back imo was the usual stigma of DOA (TnA, counter mash fest, etc.) as well as the game not being on PS2, which was the most popular vs Xbox. Even though the first Xbox did pretty good in the states, it took a long time before it was viewed as a good console for fighters, and DOA3 came out mad earlier than say the xbox ports of CvS2, KOFs (NeoWave as well), Samsho5, SvC (oh yeah!!)...
DOA4 could've been serious if Team Ninja didn't try to dumb the game down... Sure, it was at EVO, but once people started playing the game, the stigmas came back with a vengeance... Alot of people were expecting DOA3 style play as well, after hearing how solid it was, only to be given something way less... On top of that, whatever DOA3-like properties that was in 4.0 was removed in the 4.1 patch... Plus the stages got flatter imo...
Hopefully this game can get a solid audience and the attention it deserves... Team Ninja is taking this game in the right direction, and they're actually using top DOA players to help facilitate that movement...
That was my point, many people just take the game at face value and don't try it. The videos that have been released have been promising too me. There are somethings that look a little worrisome but it'll be interesting to see how things like the danger zones will work in the actual flow of the game. Hopefully TeamNinja will get things right and people will actually take a serious look at DOA again.
As long as they don't have random dangerzones, I'm good... If they decide to keep them, most competitive players take them off anyway. It would suck for those trying to get into the game from scratch, because they might not be aware of those slight mods, and if they're used to playing with it on, or they actually base their game on random dangerzone setups, then it would put a damper in their strat... It's like playing Smash Bros and you can't use weapons, but you base your game on weapon usage...
In the Ayane v. Hitomi video when Hitomi does her charge attack and it goes into the matrix like thing, that worries me a bit. It's a cool idea, but I worry about how it might affect the flow of the game, I don't think it can ruin the game though. I wanted to get the demo, but I couldn't bring myself to pay $60 for a demo (I love Ninja Gaiden, but I'm waiting a while for 3). As long as Helena is in the game it'll be hard for me to not like DoA5. I just hope that it finds a good place in the community, and I think that's where my worries lie with some of the things I've seen so far.
New trailer coming up soon featuring Bayman and Christy
Love what they've done to Christie. Was on the fence with Bayman with that screenshot of him with the Bryan Fury esque smile, but he looks better than ever with his trademark serious frown, in that new art. Hotzone just might be the second-best stage in DOA5 so far, visually at least.
TN pretty much stole Chris from RE and threw it on Bayman... I know I'll be sticking with his original outfit once it's unlocked, if it's not available from jump...
Christie looks good, so did Bayman. I would have liked to see a more in depth fight like the other videos, but still it was interesting.
That stage looked like that first level in MGS4, I thought Snake was going to crawl through during the fight.
One thing I noticed was Bayman had a move that went straight into his roll... I don't remember him having that in either 3 or 4...
Oh yeah, I believe that matrix stuff that shows up in the match vids can be taken off, kinda like how dangerzones can be removed before the match starts...
My eye for DoA moves isn't sharp due to not playing a lot for a while. It seems like in this video Bayman and Christie showed off more new moves for each character than previous videos have.
As for the matrix like stuff, I get the feeling I'll either love it or hate it. If the flow of the game isn't interrupted by it, I won't mind it. Still I like how DoA5 looks so far, especially the characters, I can't wait to see Helena now.
Quote from: jinxhand on April 27, 2012, 04:00:58 AM
TN pretty much stole Chris from RE and threw it on Bayman... I know I'll be sticking with his original outfit once it's unlocked, if it's not available from jump...
Chris is just Bayman without the beret
Quote from: Running Wild on April 28, 2012, 05:05:04 AM
Quote from: jinxhand on April 27, 2012, 04:00:58 AM
TN pretty much stole Chris from RE and threw it on Bayman... I know I'll be sticking with his original outfit once it's unlocked, if it's not available from jump...
Chris is just Bayman without the beret
...and techrolls!!!
But with more boulders.
DOA tutorial plus a DOA 5 Premium Code giveaway. Read the descriptions on how to enter. 2 winners each for 360 and PS3
New character reveal this weekend and Hitomi redesign
Do you know if it's a new character or just perhaps another VF character or a returning DoA character?
Last I read it was Lei Fang and Zack... Hopefully they show someone else... I don't think they're gonna show another VF character for awhile...
I'm waiting for Helena, after seeing Christie, I'm excited to see Helena.
Which is the release date for ths game?
Quote from: Ashspiralingblood on May 23, 2012, 05:08:46 AMHitomi redesign
Wut? Why would they redesign Hitomi when they already shown her? She looks good as it is, with the jacket anyways.
Quote from: sibarraz on May 24, 2012, 06:08:20 AM
Which is the release date for ths game?
September 25th from all I've heard. I know the Team Ninja web site just says September.
I noticed that with the Hitomi redesign, I thought she was all ready redesigned.
Wait, so in september, we will had tt2, persona, the sf 2sth anniversary collection AND DOA5
Holy shit
Pics of new hitomi?
Should we even count the SF anniversary in there? No one's getting that concurrently with any of the other games know, it's just a different beast all considering.
And Persona comes out in August, not September.
So yeah, essentially just DOA5 and TTT2.
Only games that exist in that quarter are TTT2 and Persona. I really don't trust the new Team Ninja, much less one that has had a terrible track record of late.
I'm giving them a chance at least... They know their roots (VF), and they're trying their hardest to clear their name up of being a "TnA Fighter"... Sure, they're still giving that vibe off, albeit so incognito, but they're still making moves in the right direction, gameplay wise...
It could be worse, as in DOA5 ends up becoming DOA4.2 rather than what the people want, which in my mind would've happened had either 1)Itagaki stayed with TN, or 2)The community overall (FSD, TKP, DOAW[?]) didn't say a damn thing to TN about the game and its much needed changes/overhaul...
new trailer
I wonder if they hit the tiger will lead to a free juggle like the generators in 1st stage they showed.
Quote from: jinxhand on May 24, 2012, 10:19:15 AM
I'm giving them a chance at least... They know their roots (VF)
That's kind of a cop out statement man. EVERYONE knows their roots. It's all about execution and Team Ninja has shown anything but that. I'm pretty sure they'll find something to screw the game up, unless they accidentally make it a good game. It's not like I care, because they're dumb to go after VFFS and TTT2. Last thing I need is poverty Virtua Fighter. RIP Team Ninja. It was nice knowing ya.
Did Lei Fang just say Yatta after she won?
Aw hell no, Chun-Li gonna SUE somebody!
Lei Fang has done the yatta! since DOA1.
And I can name many more female fighters that do that as well.
>_> I know, it was a joke. Maybe I should just stay serious all the time.
Quote from: Proto Cloud on May 24, 2012, 09:04:51 PM
Quote from: jinxhand on May 24, 2012, 10:19:15 AM
I'm giving them a chance at least... They know their roots (VF)
That's kind of a cop out statement man. EVERYONE knows their roots. It's all about execution and Team Ninja has shown anything but that. I'm pretty sure they'll find something to screw the game up, unless they accidentally make it a good game. It's not like I care, because they're dumb to go after VFFS and TTT2. Last thing I need is poverty Virtua Fighter. RIP Team Ninja. It was nice knowing ya.
Not everyone knows about the correlation between DOA and VF, so I don't see that as being a copout at all. TN has proven themselves at least when they made DOA3. I personally liked DOA2U a little bit because there were a few changes that made the game a bit enjoyable, but I still prefer 3, as its literally a whole different game, kinda like how KOF96 and KOF95 were vastly different...
You also have to take in consideration that they're actually listening to the community, which can be good and/or bad depending on your view, but for me I see that as a good thing. They're actually hitting up DOA vets and not people who main other games and just dibble dabble in DOA. That has to say something in itself...
Quote from: Running Wild on May 24, 2012, 10:17:28 PM
Lei Fang has done the yatta! since DOA1.
And I can name many more female fighters that do that as well.
Tia from Breakers Revenge comes to mind...
But yeah, Zack better have his Shadowman outfit or something equally as great as that outfit was... I'm also liking his delays, as he didn't have any of those in previous installments. He's still got his sway, too, which is good because that allowed him to do so much in terms of mixups and such.
I just noticed Hitomi is not on the official DOA5 website.
Guess they are gonna re-design her.
Quote from: jinxhand on May 25, 2012, 07:43:06 PM
They're actually hitting up DOA vets and not people who main other games and just dibble dabble in DOA. That has to say something in itself...
They already had a program for their "vets" in place and it's not exactly ideal. The only legit player on their DOA Champions program is Carl White and THAT'S IT. They're probably listening to all the idiots first and then maybe the ones that make sense.
I'm mostly tempted at times to think that DOA3 was just a happy accident than an actual effort.
So Tom Brady isn't legit??? What about Sorwah, or Rikuto???
Tom Brady isn't part of it and neither are they.
I saw the list, hell, it shows up in DOA Dimensions.
New trailer featuring Sarah, kokoro
and E3 streaming ( (
can't wait to see some of the system changes and some good gameplay with the current roster
Final day of the DOA 5 E3 built tournament if anyone is interested (
or (
They definitely managed to make Sarah hotter.
so is anyone picking up doa tonight/tomorrow? or am i the only one who is actually somewhat interested in this game
If the gamestop I pre-ordered the CE from had a midnight release I'd be there this evening. I'll pick up as soon as I can tomorrow though. I'm really excited for it, I just haven't been vocal about it on this board. It'll be taking up a lot of time this week, and for quite a while I think.
Quote from: KarnF91 on September 24, 2012, 08:28:10 PM
If the gamestop I pre-ordered the CE from had a midnight release I'd be there this evening. I'll pick up as soon as I can tomorrow though. I'm really excited for it, I just haven't been vocal about it on this board. It'll be taking up a lot of time this week, and for quite a while I think.
i think most will have a midnight release the new WoW expansion is coming out the same day