Dream Cancel Forum

King of Fighters XIII => Character Discussion => Yuri Sakazaki => Topic started by: nilcam on July 27, 2010, 03:46:20 AM

Title: Yuri Sakazaki (Arcade Version)
Post by: nilcam on July 27, 2010, 03:46:20 AM

;a = Light Punch
;b = Light Kick
;c = Strong Punch
;d = Strong Kick

* = EX version possible

Oni Harite - ;bk/ ;fd+ ;c/ ;d close

Tsubame Otoshi - ;bk/ ;dn/ ;fd+ ;c/ ;d close in air

Command Moves
Yuri Raijin Kyaku - ;df+ ;b in air

Tsubame Tsubasa -  ;fd+ ;a

Special Attacks
Saiha - ;dn ;db ;bk+ ;a/ ;c *

Yuri Chou Upper - ;fd ;dn ;df+ ;a/ ;c *

Raiouken - ;dn ;df ;fd+ ;c/ ;d (also in air) *

Ko Ou Ken - ;dn ;df ;fd+ ;a/ ;c *

Hyakuretsu Binta - ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk+ ;b/ ;d *

Houyoku - ;fd ;dn ;df+ ;b/ ;d *
┗ Nage ;a/ ;c, Yuri Raijin Kyaku  ;b/ ;d, Dageki  ;a ;c

Desperation Moves
Haoh Shou Kou Ken - ;fd ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd+ ;a/ ;c

Hien Hou'ou Kyaku -  ;dn ;df ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk+ ;b/ ;d

Haoh Raiouken - ;dn ;db ;bk ;dn ;db ;bk+ ;a ;c also in air

Yuri's Wiki entry (http://dreamcancel.com/wiki/index.php?title=Yuri_Sakazaki_(XIII)).

Console changes:
*The distance travelled on her dp as well as the angle of descent has been adjusted
*Her air throw coming off of dp.K has special follow up properties
(special follow up properties �"ie- versus normal situations where an opponents in an air status that cannot be followed up on with subsequent attacks)
-s.B is faster
*j.A can be cancelled with her dive kick
-Movement limits on Yuri’s dive kick have been relaxed
*Her hcb.B is now a 1 frame cmd throw
-The invincibility after attack frames on EX hcb.K has been shortened
-Recovery on haoh-shokoken improved

Depending on which buttons get pressed on hcb.K, a 1 frame throw, a running throw, an invincible attack, the properties of the move change dramatically so it will be necessary to use the variations according to the situation. This will be a versatile weapon in her arsenal so please give the move a try in depth. The real spectacle here is her air throw from dp.K which is now a hit-anything move. Try racking up on damage in various situations!
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: krazykone123 on July 29, 2010, 02:08:49 AM

No Gauge
- cr. Bx2, st. B, dp+C
- cl. C, dp+C

Gauge Consumption
- cr. Bx2, st. B, dp+C (1), (SC) qcf hcb+K
- (Corner) st. C, qcb+AC, qcb+C, qcb+A, qcf hcb+K
- (Corner) st. C, qcb+AC, qcb+C, qcb+A, dp+A (1), [DC] qcb+C, qcb+A, qcf hcb+K
- (Corner) st. C, dp+C (1),  (DC) qcb+C, qcb+A, qcf hcb+K

HD Combo
- (Corner) cr. Bx2, st. B, [HD] st. C, dp+C, [(HDC) qcb+C, qcb+A, dp+A (1)]xN, [HDC] qcb+C, qcf hcb+D, [MC] qcbx2+AC, qcf hcb+D
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Kane317 on August 18, 2010, 02:17:08 AM
Saw a cool Yuri combo here (http://www.mmcafe.com/nico.html#http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm11731755), 6m15s.

d.B x2, s.B, dp+P [1hit], [DC], dp+K.P, d.C, Ex dp+K.AC
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: FataCon on September 26, 2010, 12:35:24 PM
is divekick safe on block? i used to see it a lot in early vids. not so much anymore. mostly hop C's. at least i think its a j.C... (double-handed downward hit?)
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Kane317 on September 26, 2010, 02:26:27 PM
Quote from: FataCon on September 26, 2010, 12:35:24 PM
is divekick safe on block? i used to see it a lot in early vids. not so much anymore. mostly hop C's. at least i think its a j.C... (double-handed downward hit?)

I'm almost certain it's safe, Reynald (12slythe), one of the regulars at AI does it all the time.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Shiranui_ninja on October 06, 2010, 09:00:06 PM
I don't see why people prefers Kula over Yuri, I think Yuri's far better.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: MUSOLINI on October 06, 2010, 09:12:55 PM
kula has easier no bar and no drive cancel combos that do well over 30%, can rush like a motherfucker and is generally damn easy to use. if you dont have a bar and no dp your pretty much nailed in that corner unless you can make a good roll and fuck her. 1 mistake and boom, another at least 30% gone. yuri is good, but not kula good.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Kane317 on October 07, 2010, 10:08:06 AM
Quote from: MUSOLINI on October 06, 2010, 09:12:55 PM
kula has easier no bar and no drive cancel combos that do well over 30%, can rush like a motherfucker and is generally damn easy to use. if you dont have a bar and no dp your pretty much nailed in that corner unless you can make a good roll and fuck her. 1 mistake and boom, another at least 30% gone. yuri is good, but not kula good.

It really comes down to ease of use.  Really.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: krazykone123 on November 20, 2010, 05:51:05 PM
Wiki template is finished
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Shiranui_ninja on January 10, 2011, 11:39:12 AM
Yuri combo demostration from snkgameHK:

Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: AzureTAG on February 13, 2011, 01:39:23 AM
Yuri 92% combo 3 Bar - HD Mode

Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: marchefelix on April 08, 2011, 05:16:35 AM
I just realized:

Her Houyoku move is a parody of a move by Akuma, isn't it?
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Diavle on April 08, 2011, 08:33:29 PM
Quote from: marchefelix on April 08, 2011, 05:16:35 AM
I just realized:

Her Houyoku move is a parody of a move by Akuma, isn't it?

Yep, she also used to have his Raging Demon and Ryu's Shin Shoryuken back in the day.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: marchefelix on April 11, 2011, 12:50:57 AM
Quote from: Diavle on April 08, 2011, 08:33:29 PM
Quote from: marchefelix on April 08, 2011, 05:16:35 AM
I just realized:

Her Houyoku move is a parody of a move by Akuma, isn't it?

Yep, she also used to have his Raging Demon and Ryu's Shin Shoryuken back in the day.

I knew Shin Shoryuken, but Raging Demon? When was this?
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Aenthin on April 11, 2011, 03:13:22 AM
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: marchefelix on April 11, 2011, 09:20:03 PM
Quote from: Aenthin on April 11, 2011, 03:13:22 AM

I tried it.

You can tell SNK likes to parody Capcom.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Demoninja on April 11, 2011, 10:11:21 PM
From what I read, they created Yuri to parody Sakura and then Capcom responded by making Dan haha.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: MUSOLINI on April 13, 2011, 05:21:10 AM
you happen to read wiki or some shit? cause thats sounding wrong. ryo and robert looking like ryu and ke, not really but still a little. yuri = 91/92, sakura = 95 iirc. and dan was based on robert. and not just that, theres soo many things wrong in your post, and its just a small post to boot. also dan is sfa1, sakura is sfa2, you do realize that sakura wasnt even created when dan was?
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Demoninja on April 13, 2011, 05:56:25 AM
No I didn't cause I didn't care enough to look it up. I don't even remember where I read that so whatever I definitely can be wrong.

Yuri was first playable in Art of Fighting 2 (1994). Dan was in Alpha 1 (1995). Sakura was in Alpha 2 (1996). So it's certainly plausible that it's the other way around. Dan is most definitely a parody of SNK characters for sure.

Edit: So back to what's really important, I remember seeing a video where the dive kick can cross up on wake up. Is this a big part of her game? Kind of like how Sakura is fairly dependent on her 50/50 game.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Demoninja on May 04, 2011, 05:28:12 AM
Posting in here again haha. I learned some basic BnBs with her and that's about it. Does anyone have any tips regarding getting cross up dive kicks? Also how do people generally play her? I just try to play a solid defensive game and hit confirm combos. However she seems like she'd be really good if I just rely on the 50/50 dive kick and work on creating situations that set them up for more 50/50s.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Ash on May 04, 2011, 06:01:50 AM
Quote from: Demoninja on May 04, 2011, 05:28:12 AM
Posting in here again haha. I learned some basic BnBs with her and that's about it. Does anyone have any tips regarding getting cross up dive kicks? Also how do people generally play her? I just try to play a solid defensive game and hit confirm combos. However she seems like she'd be really good if I just rely on the 50/50 dive kick and work on creating situations that set them up for more 50/50s.

Reynald, get to work!
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Demoninja on May 04, 2011, 06:32:26 AM
Damn, calling in the heavy artillery to start with?
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Ash on May 04, 2011, 06:59:25 AM
Quote from: Demoninja on May 04, 2011, 06:32:26 AM
Damn, calling in the heavy artillery to start with?

Only the best for you!
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Aenthin on May 06, 2011, 04:42:21 PM
Gonna have to put this here in case I forget the link again... x:
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: marchefelix on May 10, 2011, 06:18:16 PM
Something I have yet to know is if something happens if you perform  ;fd ;dn ;df +  ;k and you don't follow it up... or do you have to follow it up if you want something to happen?
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: l2slythe on May 10, 2011, 10:59:52 PM
Quote from: Demoninja on May 04, 2011, 05:28:12 AM
Posting in here again haha. I learned some basic BnBs with her and that's about it. Does anyone have any tips regarding getting cross up dive kicks? Also how do people generally play her? I just try to play a solid defensive game and hit confirm combos. However she seems like she'd be really good if I just rely on the 50/50 dive kick and work on creating situations that set them up for more 50/50s.

Sorry it took solong to respond, kane317 had to point out to me that someone had a question. Anyways, on to it.

On opponent wakeup, you can do s.C into dive kick or d.B x2 s.B into dk. Starting off with yuri, you may want to abuse that for a while so you can get use to the different timings of the dk (if you dont know what I'm talking about, you will after practicing). Her dk is a very big part of her game, but  remember she has other toolsthat make her effective. She has her fireball for zoning and corner pressure. Her qcb. P is also good for those things aswell. After youropponents catch on to the dk setups, you may want to use a zoning tactic. Ive made.plenty of situations where I can xup not only with her dk, but her fdf.(dp) K into P. Ill go more into detail about that when I get on a computer

Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: THE ANSWER on May 10, 2011, 11:30:50 PM
Gimmicks I see.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Ash on May 10, 2011, 11:35:55 PM
Quote from: l2slythe on May 10, 2011, 10:59:52 PM
Quote from: Demoninja on May 04, 2011, 05:28:12 AM
Posting in here again haha. I learned some basic BnBs with her and that's about it. Does anyone have any tips regarding getting cross up dive kicks? Also how do people generally play her? I just try to play a solid defensive game and hit confirm combos. However she seems like she'd be really good if I just rely on the 50/50 dive kick and work on creating situations that set them up for more 50/50s.

Sorry it took solong to respond, kane317 had to point out to me that someone had a question. Anyways, on to it.

On opponent wakeup, you can do s.C into dive kick or d.B x2 s.B into dk. Starting off with yuri, you may want to abuse that for a while so you can get use to the different timings of the dk (if you dont know what I'm

talking about, you will after practicing). Her dk is a very big part of her game, but  remember she has other toolsthat make her effective. She has her fireball for zoning and corner pressure. Her qcb. P is also good for those things aswell. After youropponents catch on to the dk setups, you may want to use a zoning tactic. Ive made.plenty of situations where I can xup not only with her dk, but her fdf.(dp) K into P. Ill go more into detail about that when I get on a computer

You typed all this from a phone???
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Kane317 on May 10, 2011, 11:46:43 PM
Quote from: Ash on May 10, 2011, 11:35:55 PM
You typed all this from a phone???

Don't we all type from phones these days anyways? /OT.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Ash on May 11, 2011, 12:18:11 AM
Quote from: Kane317 on May 10, 2011, 11:46:43 PM
Quote from: Ash on May 10, 2011, 11:35:55 PM
You typed all this from a phone???

Don't we all type from phones these days anyways? /OT.

Not for forum posting /over
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Kane317 on May 11, 2011, 12:36:54 AM
Quote from: Ash on May 11, 2011, 12:18:11 AM
Quote from: Kane317 on May 10, 2011, 11:46:43 PM
Quote from: Ash on May 10, 2011, 11:35:55 PM
You typed all this from a phone???

Don't we all type from phones these days anyways? /OT.

Not for forum posting /over

Oops, I guess I never got the memo =) I know Musolini types with his PS3 lol!
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: l2slythe on May 11, 2011, 01:27:24 AM
Quote from: marchefelix on May 10, 2011, 06:18:16 PM
Something I have yet to know is if something happens if you perform  ;fd ;dn ;df +  ;k and you don't follow it up... or do you have to follow it up if you want something to happen?

basically press a button if you want something to happen, if not then she will land and with a skidding animation
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Mr.KOF on May 11, 2011, 09:49:15 AM
Quote from: l2slythe on May 11, 2011, 01:27:24 AM
Quote from: marchefelix on May 10, 2011, 06:18:16 PM
Something I have yet to know is if something happens if you perform  ;fd ;dn ;df +  ;k and you don't follow it up... or do you have to follow it up if you want something to happen?

basically press a button if you want something to happen, if not then she will land and with a skidding animation

Stand A is all you need to stuff DK LOL
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: MUSOLINI on May 11, 2011, 06:26:28 PM
what about charaxcters with an air throw? cant they just jump and grab her?
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Mr.KOF on May 12, 2011, 01:08:06 AM
Quote from: MUSOLINI on May 11, 2011, 06:26:28 PM
what about charaxcters with an air throw? cant they just jump and grab her?

If Yuri Anticipated a jumping opponent using her DK she could still use her Grab B+D (which would require some precise timing) Id rather poke yuri out of the air with a light attack Stand A because you'd  have a better jump in option/pressure/advantage. 2nd scenario using a jumping attack would put myself into a reset and force myself into a  50/50 ground game as we both land down which is something i'd not prefer =P

Playing against a great yuri requires defense. but if you read and block everything correctly you should win the match up. Winning the game goes to the better player. As easy to understand the FLOWCHART!
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Kane317 on May 12, 2011, 01:11:27 AM
Quote from: Mr.KOF on May 12, 2011, 01:08:06 AM
If Yuri Anticipated a jumping opponent using her DK she could still use her Grab A+C

Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Demoninja on May 12, 2011, 06:51:55 AM
Wait so am I supposed to do dp+K then press df+B to get a dive kick off st.C?
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Rex Dart on May 12, 2011, 07:13:42 AM
No, just K.

;fd ;dn ;df ;k

->  ;k = dive kick
->  ;a or  ;c = air attack
->  ;a +  ;c = throw
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Mr.KOF on May 12, 2011, 09:44:32 AM
Quote from: Kane317 on May 12, 2011, 01:11:27 AM
Quote from: Mr.KOF on May 12, 2011, 01:08:06 AM
If Yuri Anticipated a jumping opponent using her DK she could still use her Grab A+C


Lol i can't believe i made that mistake hehe
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Sharnt on June 27, 2011, 08:33:26 PM
Just in case, if you wont use any meter it's better to do  ;c ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk  ;b than  ;c ;fd ;dn ;df ;c
It does more damage and you are at the perfect range to do a  ;fd ;dn ;df  ;d because if you do it exactly where you are after the commend throw you are at the very low dive kick range or a throw, if you do one step you're cross up with the  ;c follow-up or a throw range too (if you're doing nothing after it whiff and you're are behind your opponent).
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: t3h mAsTarOth...! on June 27, 2011, 09:28:13 PM
man i love KOFXIII... they made characters i always thought were meh in style and never wanted to use them into characters i really want to use... such as Kensou, Ralf, Leona, Yuri, Joe, Takuma... right now really liking Yuri... her mix-up game is insane... and demon flip rules... hop C, cr.B, s.B, dp+C, DC, dp+K~C, s.C, dp+K~A+C is sex...
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: THE ANSWER on June 27, 2011, 09:38:37 PM
Quote from: t3h mAsTarOth...! on June 27, 2011, 09:28:13 PM
man i love KOFXIII... they made characters i always thought were meh in style and never wanted to use them into characters i really want to use... such as Kensou, Ralf, Leona, Yuri, Joe, Takuma... right now really liking Yuri... her mix-up game is insane... and demon flip rules... hop C, cr.B, s.B, dp+C, DC, dp+K~C, s.C, dp+K~A+C is sex...

Yuri has really good mix ups and cross ups. Just don't abuse the DK too much if your opponents are skilled they will eventually start catching up. However I do think that she has a lot of potential and once the rest of the KOF community pick up the game I'm sure she'll go up the ranks.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: t3h mAsTarOth...! on June 28, 2011, 05:48:50 PM
ya... really want to try out new style of characters... currently trying out Kensou, Yuri, Kula... out of those 3 i'm only used to Kula cause she's my Leader in XI... Kensou, i'm kinda getting used to... it's Yuri that i really gotta put in work with... thankfully she has the same b&b as Kula... cr.B, cr.B, s.B, dp+C... so that helps a bit... but i gotta learn all the DK mix-ups and stuff...
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: THE ANSWER on June 28, 2011, 06:56:01 PM
Put it the work with Yuri believe me it will pay off in time.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Amedø310 on June 29, 2011, 03:03:32 PM
Yuri's cr. B links into cr. C and cl. C.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: t3h mAsTarOth...! on June 30, 2011, 06:16:58 AM
Oh wow... I didn't know that... How hard is the link? That is pretty decent... What I really like is AAing with d.C and canceling with demon flip... You can get quite annoying with the mix-up afterwards... Also, if you have meter, then you can do EX demon flip and grab them after AA d.C...
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Amedø310 on June 30, 2011, 06:34:37 PM
Quote from: t3h mAsTarOth...! on June 30, 2011, 06:16:58 AM
Oh wow... I didn't know that... How hard is the link? That is pretty decent... What I really like is AAing with d.C and canceling with demon flip... You can get quite annoying with the mix-up afterwards... Also, if you have meter, then you can do EX demon flip and grab them after AA d.C...

The link is fairly simple. It'll take alittle bit of practice to get the timing right.

Also, her cancel for dp+A/C into dp+B/D can be done as dp+A/C, B/D in both DC and HC. I personal like dp+A, D since Yuri can follow up with A/C and repeat. The combo goes across the entire stage if done in HD.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: t3h mAsTarOth...! on July 01, 2011, 11:44:47 PM
Are you serious? I've been doing dp+C~qcf+B~C... So, instead of that, I can just do dp+C~D~C? That is Awesome...

I was wondering, her EX ranbu DM seems to be an ultimate juggle move... So, couldn't I do d.B, d.B, s.B, dp+C~D~C, d.C, qcf~hcb+BD???
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Sharnt on July 08, 2011, 06:40:00 PM
Quote from: krazykone123 on July 29, 2010, 02:08:49 AM
- cr. Bx2, st. B, dp+C (168Dmg)
- cl. C, hcb+B (176Dmg)
- cr. B, cr. C, dp+C (Range is tight between cr.B and cr.C - 183 Dmg)

Gauge Consumption
- cr. Bx2, st. B, qcfhcb.B (272Dmg)
- cr. Bx2, st. B, dp+C (1),(DC) dp D~C, dp.A (250Dmg)
- cr. Bx2, st. B, dp+C (1),(DC) dp D~C,cr.C,dp.BD~AC (353Dmg)
- cr. Bx2, st. B, qcfhcb.BD (369Dmg)

- (Corner) cr. Bx2, st. B, dp+C (1), (DC) qcb+C, qcf+A,dp.A (286Dmg)
- (Corner) cr. Bx2, st. B, dp+C (1), (DC) qcb+C, qcf+A, cr.C, dp. BD~AC  (377Dmg)
- (Corner) cr. Bx2, st. B, dp+C (1), (DC) qcb+C, qcb+A, qcf hcb+BD (479Dmg) (I think there is a better combo, i just didn't have found it yet)

- cr. B, cr. C, qcb. AC, dp. D~C, dp. A (Range is tight for the cr.B, cr. C - 312dmg)

- (Corner) cr. B, s. C, qcb. AC, qcb. C, qcf. C, dp.C (Range is tight for the cr.B, s. C - 378Dmg)

- (Corner) cr. B, cr. C, qcb. AC, qcf. C, qcf. A, cr.C, dp.BD~AC (Range is tight for the cr.B, cr. C - 494Dmg)
Some tests

QuoteI was wondering, her EX ranbu DM seems to be an ultimate juggle move... So, couldn't I do d.B, d.B, s.B, dp+C~D~C, d.C, qcf~hcb+BD???
Jeeez it's really hard to do because very oftenly i do qcf+D instead of dp+D (I try it only in corner) in a first time but when i understood how to do it :
5623 C 3D 3C 2141236+BD (if you dont hold 3 after the dp motion the drive cancel wont comes out). If you are doing a cr. C after the dp C follow up the super wont comes out.
But the only interest of this combo is in the spacing, because contrary to qcb+C version it works everywhere, but in corner does less damages.

Finally it's really easy, it's just the first few times, when you don't know how to do it which are hard.

I think
- cr. Bx2, st. B, dp+C (1),(DC) dp D~C,cr.C,dp.BD~AC (353Dmg)

Is the best option mid screen for one drive and one ex (The Throw (A+C) on ex dive kick is free juggle what's why it's working). So it's always better to do a full combo which ends in a cr.C, dp.BD~AC than a qcb hcf.B, it makes more gauge, more stun, more damage, better position after the combo because the throw let you at a perfect range for a mix up; but it's also always more difficult to do.

I still have some trouble to do cr.C, dp.BD~AC. Anyone has a tips?
And qcb.AC,qcb.C,qcb.A,qcb.A,dp.A is possible in corner, but i'm unable to do it consistently enough to see combos damage for now.

Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Sharnt on July 10, 2011, 01:27:31 PM
After several edits just read post before
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: sibarraz on August 02, 2011, 02:12:35 AM
After a long time, I could finally pick the game AND try to get deep with it

I'm liking how yuri plays, both versions of saiha had a good use (for me this is the move that make me like yuri) her mixups are good, I don't like that much her aerial ko oh ken, but maybe I need to play more with her, still, could be used as a decent tool

There is any significant change of her for those who played her on the console version
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: SAB-CA on August 03, 2011, 03:24:29 AM
So, I'll ask here just to make sure:

Has Hiyakuretsu Binta always had a command throw variation for ;b , and run throw animation for ;d , in XIII? If not, I guess that's a pretty worthwhile change to note! If it's always been like that, then... er... sorry? ^_^
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Sharnt on August 03, 2011, 03:35:45 AM
Quote from: SAB-CA on August 03, 2011, 03:24:29 AM
So, I'll ask here just to make sure:

Has Hiyakuretsu Binta always had a command throw variation for ;b , and run throw animation for ;d , in XIII? If not, I guess that's a pretty worthwhile change to note! If it's always been like that, then... er... sorry? ^_^
Both version are run throw, B version just start faster and has a shorter range.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: SAB-CA on August 03, 2011, 03:47:11 AM
Yup, that's what it's normally been in older KoFs, I thought so!

Well, in console, she just stood still, and could attempt a command grab. I did it a few times, just to make sure I wasn't getting some kinda of run glitch.

That might be a pretty sweet change, then; should work well with divekick pressure, to be able to go into an instant command grab...
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Sharnt on August 03, 2011, 10:32:40 AM
If it's now a 1frame command grabe (i'm assuming the remove of the run follow that purpose) it allow yuri to punish ton of things , better mix up, better safe punishement opportunity (her fartest move was a normal which start in 3 frames, except the SDM).
But you can't really use it after a dive kick, because of the frame advantage really huge on a divekick you will time it accrurately. But after a j.A,qcf.B it sounds nice. If you hit you continue the combo d.B*2,s.B,dp.C, if not you can throw, only if the hitstun/blockstun on these move wasn't modified.

I'm just hoping B arcade version is D console version of the move.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: KillerSushi on August 15, 2011, 11:22:37 PM
I only got to play with her at Fanime back in May. But the KoFXIII system really suits her well. Her saiha is really good for canceling into specials.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Kane317 on August 16, 2011, 12:25:33 PM
Quote from: KillerSushi on August 15, 2011, 11:22:37 PM
I only got to play with her at Fanime back in May. But the KoFXIII system really suits her well. Her saiha is really good for canceling into specials.

Welcome to DC KillerSushi, don't forget to introduce yourself (http://dreamcancel.com/forum/index.php?board=9.0) when you get a quick second.

Saiha and her Ko Ou Ken (qcf+P) also helps her combo abilities a great deal, especially in the corner.

EDIT: The recent Yuri match videos from SVB reveals that she can now drive cancel after her hcb+K command throw.  A very useful addition to her arsenal.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: SAB-CA on August 23, 2011, 04:02:21 PM
Yuri Command Throw cancels + hcb+b command grab changes in action:

http://www.elive.pro/en/watch/4CcrRVONyVsD (http://www.elive.pro/en/watch/4CcrRVONyVsD)

Start Time: 04:53:37

This is the kinda gameplay that really makes me hype to play console Yuri! She really is similiar to being a female version of Robert, with a tool for every occassion. And the final round ending with her Over-head -> Neomax FTW is just icing on the cake.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: milesw on August 25, 2011, 10:36:55 PM
Some questions for Yuri

firstly her dive kick is this an over head?
And is her demon flip~D exactly the same thing?

Also what would be the best combo to do in the corner off of a cr.B

In my head I assume something like

cr.B>st.B>C chou>DC C saiha>A saiha>A chou>DC C saiha>a saiha> DM

Can someone please confirm if this in bold is possible?thanks
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Sharnt on August 25, 2011, 11:41:18 PM
Some answers for Yuri
Quote from: milesw on August 25, 2011, 10:36:55 PM

firstly her dive kick is this an over head?
And is her demon flip~D exactly the same thing?

Also what would be the best combo to do in the corner off of a cr.B

In my head I assume something like

cr.B>st.B>C chou>DC C saiha>A saiha>A chou>DC C saiha>a saiha> DM

Can someone please confirm if this in bold is possible?thanks

- (Corner) cr. B, s. C, qcb. AC, qcb. C, qcf. C, dp.C (Range is tight for the cr.B, s. C - 378Dmg)
Be careful a cr.C will make the qcb.AC whiff

It's possible but it's REALLY not optimised, go for an hd combo if you're looking for higher damage or go into qcb. C, qcf. C, dp.C loop if you will higher stun, you can also do qcb. C, qcb. A, qcb. A, dp.A loop if you liking hard combos (And those combo are corner only obly).
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: milesw on August 26, 2011, 12:51:15 AM
thanks bro.

I didnt know until recently I could do cr.B into st.C
I didnt even know i could do st.C from dive kick

Yeah it makes much more sense to go straight into HD if you have a full HD bar and you're planning to do a combo that involves 2 HD cancels.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Reiki.Kito on September 06, 2011, 12:16:48 AM
I don't suppose someone will be doing some in-depth analysis on her moves sometime soon or update the wiki? I'm trying to figure a little bit about the properties of Yuri, mostly to find out what I can do to beat her a little easier. For example, I can't tell the properties of her Hyakuretsu Binta (hcb+b) grab from the wiki or the original post. Does she run on both of them or is it like Maxima's Maxima Press.

What's the difference between her Houyoku (dp+k) => B or D Yuri Raijin Kyaku(B or D) and can a standing A poke her out of it or trade?

As far as neutral game for Yuri goes, I have no idea what she's capable of doing so it's kind of weird to fight her.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: milesw on November 02, 2011, 12:27:19 PM
Can anyone recommend some pressure strings with Yuri?
I find it hard to open people up after a jump in.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: SAB-CA on November 02, 2011, 04:35:45 PM
Quote from: Reiki.Kito on September 06, 2011, 12:16:48 AM
I don't suppose someone will be doing some in-depth analysis on her moves sometime soon or update the wiki? I'm trying to figure a little bit about the properties of Yuri, mostly to find out what I can do to beat her a little easier.
I can't do this from experience, but I can try going from observations!

QuoteFor example, I can't tell the properties of her Hyakuretsu Binta (hcb+b) grab from the wiki or the original post. Does she run on both of them or is it like Maxima's Maxima Press.

On Arcade: Runs on both, B was a short run, D a further one.
Console: B is a closeup command grab, D is a run.
Both are unblockable, but the EX version is an attack, not a throw. So if could hit jumping opponents.

QuoteWhat's the difference between her Houyoku (dp+k) => B or D Yuri Raijin Kyaku(B or D) and can a standing A poke her out of it or trade?
I'm guessing the flips had different archs per press, but not entirely sure. Can you poke her out of the flips? Yeah, believe so. Which is why it's not always used for blockstrings. There's some holes in it's activation, and it could be traded with stand A, or crouch C's.

QuoteAs far as neutral game for Yuri goes, I have no idea what she's capable of doing so it's kind of weird to fight her.

She has no command normal that can be combo'd into for ground combos, first off. So she has to reply on crouch B -> Stand B -> Chou UPPAH! Her Fwrd + B hip attack is an overhead. Her Koh'ouken has crappier startup than Ryo's, so can't be used to pressure as tightly. Whiffed Chou Uppa's are very punishable, antsy stand B users might whiff and leave her open for damage.

She uses her Yuri-Flips for pressure and crossups, and her divekick has solid frame advantage. She's a bit stubby with her attacks, though, so she's a bit easier to fight if you can out-prioritize her range.

Watch out for peopel forcing you to recovery roll, only to chase you with Hyakuretsu Binta. It's a nice little trap, and this'll be extra scary on consoles, where she can drive/super cancel it.

Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: t3h mAsTarOth...! on November 03, 2011, 01:37:46 AM
so NEW b&b from the video... hop C/D, s.C, EX qcb+P, dp+C, dp+C, DC, dp+D~C, cr.C, dp+D~A+C... about 45% for 1 meter and 1 DC... this is CRAZY damage...

what's even more crazy is she is able to do the SAME combo *from EX qcb+P onward* after her hcb+K *ANY VERSION*... if this is possible mid-screen then Yuri is gonna be TOO insane...

also to note one more thing... she can now do cr.D, dp+D~A+C everytime... about 20-25% from a sweep... makes her sweep game possibly THE strongest in the game... as you can just mix-up a qcf+A/C or dp+B/D every time after doing cr.D...
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Kane317 on November 03, 2011, 05:04:23 AM
First page updated with console changes.


*The distance travelled on her dp as well as the angle of descent has been adjusted
*Her air throw coming off of dp.K has special follow up properties
(special follow up properties �"ie- versus normal situations where an opponents in an air status that cannot be followed up on with subsequent attacks)
-s.B is faster
*j.A can be cancelled with her dive kick
-Movement limits on Yuri’s dive kick have been relaxed
*Her hcb.B is now a 1 frame cmd throw
-The invincibility after attack frames on EX hcb.K has been shortened
-Recovery on haoh-shokoken improved

Depending on which buttons get pressed on hcb.K, a 1 frame throw, a running throw, an invincible attack, the properties of the move change dramatically so it will be necessary to use the variations according to the situation. This will be a versatile weapon in her arsenal so please give the move a try in depth. The real spectacle here is her air throw from dp.K which is now a hit-anything move. Try racking up on damage in various situations!
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Ben Reed on November 24, 2011, 04:14:46 AM
I tried to combo her sweep into the Demon Flip grab, but it didn't work. Tried it on Shen first, standing and crouching, normal hit. Tried entering the grab early and late after the flip (c. D xx dp + D, A+C). Tried both the B and the D versions, both seemed to put her too high to grab the opponent. Tried it on Raiden (even though I don't know if he actually had a bigger juggle hitbox than Shen from a sweep), it didn't take there either.

s. CD (normal hit) xx Demon Flip grab works, though. And this character's already pretty damn dirty as-is. Good normals, good zoning, good pressure, good mixup, relatively easy and damaging combos, and a million setups in the corner. And a dirty-ass 1-frame grab. If Yuri ever steals air Tatsu and super Demon from Akuma, KOF is straight fucked.

About the only downside to picking this character is her voice.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: SAB-CA on November 24, 2011, 04:17:21 PM
Yuri's voice isn't a downside, it fits her perfectly! :)

I'm a bit jealous of her being able to grapple so smoothly out of her 1 frame grapple, lol. Especially since she doesn't even need an EX version to do it!

So many characters to enjoy in this game... as appealing as I find her gameplay, I still have yet to really play her much.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Diavle on November 24, 2011, 05:02:20 PM
Tried her online and did really well with her, I didn't really hit practice beforehand either. She was so effective right out the gate I kinda just kept picking her that day.

Her normals and specials are all very solid. Her air fireballs are very nicely abusable. Her EX DP has a real funky, and rather long, arc to it, more for combos and get-of-mes than anti-airs it seems. Haven't tried her demon flip shenanigans yet but I will get to it (too many fun characters, not enough time).

Her bitch slap into supercancel is so dirty.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Ufgt on November 28, 2011, 05:42:49 PM
I have a really tough time opening people up. What are some good crossover setups? I mainly use air C as my cross up, but it seems to whiff lots. I'm sure I'm doing it wrong.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: jay on November 29, 2011, 01:42:31 AM
I use Rufus, Akuma and the twins in SSF4AE, so I was immediately drawn to Yuri. Her divekicks can start pretty low to the ground, so you can start some nasty pressure.

Right now my team consists of Yuri, Joe, and I am working with Terry and Maxima.  Where would be the best spot to put her in team order?

Right now I have her first to build meter. I rely on mixups and dive kick pressure for damage and give all of my meter to Joe or Maxima.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: BioBooster on November 29, 2011, 02:58:10 AM
Joe is also good without meter so sounds like you have some flexibility there. Maxima rips people apart with healthy meter. Personally, I would do Joe/Yuri/Maxima (but that's me) - yuri is pretty deadly with a little bit of meter.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: desmond_kof on November 29, 2011, 03:02:11 AM
Quote from: Ufgt on November 28, 2011, 05:42:49 PM
I have a really tough time opening people up. What are some good crossover setups? I mainly use air C as my cross up, but it seems to whiff lots. I'm sure I'm doing it wrong.

Tried J.D?
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: milesw on November 29, 2011, 03:07:35 AM
dont forget she has a command throw!!!!!

if ur st.b gets blocked cancel it into D hyakuretsu binta or demon flip.

I think she has one of the best ways of opening people up
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Minerva_SC on November 30, 2011, 12:11:53 AM
Quote from: t3h mAsTarOth...! on November 03, 2011, 01:37:46 AM
so NEW b&b from the video... hop C/D, s.C, EX qcb+P, dp+C, dp+C, DC, dp+D~C, cr.C, dp+D~A+C... about 45% for 1 meter and 1 DC... this is CRAZY damage...

what's even more crazy is she is able to do the SAME combo *from EX qcb+P onward* after her hcb+K *ANY VERSION*... if this is possible mid-screen then Yuri is gonna be TOO insane...

also to note one more thing... she can now do cr.D, dp+D~A+C everytime... about 20-25% from a sweep... makes her sweep game possibly THE strongest in the game... as you can just mix-up a qcf+A/C or dp+B/D every time after doing cr.D...

what video did you see this from? I can't seem to hit that dp+c, dp+c
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Sharnt on November 30, 2011, 12:40:24 AM
j.C,s.C,qcb.AC,qcb.C,qcf.C,dp.C is possible on corner for 420 dmg (one of my favorite combo, easy, deals a lot, cost roughly nothing).
But i don't think it's working midscreen. Or only on crossup or really close range, to enable the qcb.AC to connect after a d.C.

I have seen some videos with double dp midscreen btw on console version, though i didn't have it yet i can't test it :/
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Minerva_SC on November 30, 2011, 01:13:30 AM
Quote from: Sharnt on November 30, 2011, 12:40:24 AM
j.C,s.C,qcb.AC,qcb.C,qcf.C,dp.C is possible on corner for 420 dmg (one of my favorite combo, easy, deals a lot, cost roughly nothing).
But i don't think it's working midscreen. Or only on crossup or really close range, to enable the qcb.AC to connect after a d.C.

I have seen some videos with double dp midscreen btw on console version, though i didn't have it yet i can't test it :/

yeah that's part of one of her trials, I assume thats her go to bnb in the corner.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: milesw on November 30, 2011, 05:42:42 AM
Quote from: Minerva_SC on November 30, 2011, 12:11:53 AM
Quote from: t3h mAsTarOth...! on November 03, 2011, 01:37:46 AM
so NEW b&b from the video... hop C/D, s.C, EX qcb+P, dp+C, dp+C, DC, dp+D~C, cr.C, dp+D~A+C... about 45% for 1 meter and 1 DC... this is CRAZY damage...

what's even more crazy is she is able to do the SAME combo *from EX qcb+P onward* after her hcb+K *ANY VERSION*... if this is possible mid-screen then Yuri is gonna be TOO insane...

also to note one more thing... she can now do cr.D, dp+D~A+C everytime... about 20-25% from a sweep... makes her sweep game possibly THE strongest in the game... as you can just mix-up a qcf+A/C or dp+B/D every time after doing cr.D...

what video did you see this from? I can't seem to hit that dp+c, dp+c
most likely a typo she cant do that
Its probably dp.C> qcf.C>dp.A >HDC>....
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Ufgt on November 30, 2011, 08:44:05 AM
What's the more damaging HD loop in the corner? I'm currently using [dp+a HDC qcb+c, qcf+a] xN, but I have seem others use [dp+a HDC qcf+a] xN.

The first one is super easy for me.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Sharnt on November 30, 2011, 07:22:00 PM
I'm doing dp.A,qcb.C,qcf.A too, but you can do [dp.A,qcb.C,qcf. ;a,dp.A,qcb.C,qcf. ;c] etc...

And as far as i know it's the best solution.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Ufgt on November 30, 2011, 07:29:09 PM
Didn't know you could alternate between qcf+a and qcf+c. Will give it a try today.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Sharnt on November 30, 2011, 08:15:48 PM
You didn't realize your opponent is juggling higher after one loop than the precedent?
I tried to do dp.C at first but it doesn't work, so i asked some ppl and they answered me this.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Ufgt on November 30, 2011, 08:20:11 PM
No, I noticed that, just never thought to use qcf+c. /shrug. I actually sometimes go [dp+a HDC qcb+c qcb+a] xN so I can land a 1 stock super at the end. I noticed that if I am not right against the corner, the 1 stock super won't hit but a 2 stock super will, so I try to move myself as close as possible. lol.
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Sharnt on December 01, 2011, 03:32:33 PM
Quote from: Sharnt on November 30, 2011, 12:40:24 AM
j.C,s.C,qcb.AC,qcb.C,qcf.C,dp.C is possible on corner for 420 dmg (one of my favorite combo, easy, deals a lot, cost roughly nothing).

HAHAHAHAHA how naive i was, j.C,s.C,qcb.AC,qcb.C,qcf.C,d.C,dp.D~AC <3 ~470dmg 1 ex corner combo
j.C,d.C,qcb.AC,dp.D~C,d.C,dp.D~AC 425Dmg works midscreen.

hcb.B,qcb.C,qcf.C,d.C,dp.D~AC 314dmg 
hcb.B,dp.D~C,d.C,dp.D~AC 268 dmg

d.B,d.B,s.B,dp.C,(DC)qcb.C,qcf.A,d.C,dp.D~AC 350 dmg
d.B,d.B,s.B,dp.C,(DC)dp.D~C,d.C,dp.D~AC 318 dmg

j.CD,dp.D~AC 175 dmg

d.B,s.B,hcb.B 158Dmg - Hardknockdown contrary to dp.C

Free juggle is just SO AWESOME
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: milesw on December 01, 2011, 04:22:05 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=kLFHog8DapY#t=65s (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=kLFHog8DapY#t=65s)

Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Sharnt on December 04, 2011, 01:12:10 AM
After hours of testing i can't find a way to do a safe jump after a demon flip throw in corner. Anyone succeed?
Title: Re: Yuri Sakazaki
Post by: Rex Dart on December 11, 2011, 04:24:54 AM
Quote from: milesw on December 01, 2011, 04:22:05 PM


Yuri's second combo is cl. C, qcb+AC, dp+C, dp+A.

I'm pretty sure that's what people were mistaking for dp+C x 2.