;a = Light Punch
;b = Light Kick
;c = Strong Punch
;d = Strong Kick
* = EX version possible
Sakkyaku Nage - ;bk / ;fd+ ;c / ;d
Command Moves
Nerichagi - ;fd + ;b
Yopuchagi - ;fd ;fd + ;a
Special Moves
Hangetsuzan - ;qcb + ;b / ;d *
Kuchugetsuzan - ;qcb + ;b / ;d (in air) *
Hishokyaku - ;qcf + ;b / ;d (in air) *
Hienzan - (charge) ;dn ;up + ;b / ;d
∟ ;dn + ;d (for knockdown in D variant)
Desperation Moves
Hououkyaku - ;qcb ;hcf + ;b / ;d (ground or air) * [only ground version has ex]
Hououhitenkyaku - ;qcf ;qcf + ;b / ;d
Rei Shiki Hououkyaku - ;qcb ;hcf + ;a ;c
Kim's Wiki entry (http://dreamcancel.com/wiki/index.php?title=Kim_Kaphwan_(XIII)).
Console changes:
*Recovery on EX Hishoukyaku improved. Follow-ups possible.
*ff.A has been improved to hit crouching opponents who are in hit stun.
-Recovery on hangetsuzan lengthened
*Air hangetsuzan hits crouching opponents who are in hit stun. However, upwards hitbox has been reduced.
*EX hangetsuzan has better recovery when blocked
-Properties of fbx2.K have changed. Both versions below have extended recovery on a whiff
Weak ver: Invincible, blows back opponent horizontally
Strong ver: No invincibility, launches straight up
-Weak Hienzan has less invincible frames. Also note well that invincibility is upper body only.
*EX Air phoenix kick added. There are a few frames of invincibility on the initial attack frames.
Hangetsuzan isn’t safe on guard so be careful. On the other hand is ff.A can hit crouching opponents in hit stun and EX hangetsuzan can be followed by ff.A in the middle of the screen so regardless of the opponent’s status or distance there will always be combo options available to Kim. So a little bit of a change, let’s use various moves to rush the opponent down without giving them a break!
EDIT: Moved to the top, thanks and the DM properties has been edited.
it should also be noted that Hou'ou Kyaku only has an EX on the ground
I have watched bao's kim but still I dont understand what combos can kim start from a c.B ?_?
cB, cA, hienzan. either end it, or go into dc cancels and pretty much anything is possible. what does suck is his ranbu ex version only working on ground (i know, would have been 2 powerful as an aa killer with that invinc on it). also too bad his neomax is also only ground only, but its cool. i dont think it had any priority whatsoever?
so hienzan does more damage than Hangetsuzan even without dc into anything?
im not even sure hangetsuzan can combo from lights. my old standard combo from lows in older kofs like 97,98 was cB, cB, cA, d-u+C. but he lost that move. i dont remember him beig able to do han from lights, not sure though. since i dont remember it, i doubt it. cause i remember using the other one i mentioned as a bnb, same for his sC (1hit), fA into dm/sdm. sC into han or b-f+C. i dont even know how his close standing C works in 13. the old one it was possible to do a cB, sC (1 hit), add any shit you want.
I can attest that Hangetsuzan can only combo from lights if you use the EX version, otherwise even the B version is too slow. Otherwise without meter the only thing that can combo from lights is Hienzan like mentioned earlier.
I actually haven't tried to combo cr.B, st.C, I'll have to try it next time but I doubt it will work. I think his close C is different now but don't take my word for it though I'm not big on older KOFs.
I see on the japanese BBS that 2B -> 2A -> 66A -> Kuchugetsuzan / Hishokyaku (corner only) / air Hououkyaku should works.
Seems odd to me that 66A is linkable after 2A. If only i could give it a try...
i dount it, move seemed too slow. could work though, dont know. im already happy links are back in. i saw kyo doing doing dB, sC. maybe ryo can do his dB, dC, link as well. dont know about kim, you guys said his sC changed a lot.
if he can't get either s.C or ff.A from cr.B, then his low options are gonna be pretty weak but not horrible... at least if he has meter he could combo into them... but access to ff.A seems nice as it would give him a solid KD without meter... does he still have his old jump A or D for cross-up?
and imo he really doesn't need mid-air EX DM... because he has mid-air EX Kuchugetsuzan... which links into his regular DM... although i don't think he is gonna have that good of a Max Mode combo without spending a lot of meter...
His jump A and D are still pretty good for crossing up, especially Jump A since it can be somewhat ambiguous at times.
As for Max Mode, there is a combo I've been trying to do lately. I saw it in one of the japanese vids but he messed up and couldn't complete it. It would probably end up looking something like this.
s.C, BC cancel, s.C, qcb + D, HDC d,u+D, HDC EX qcb + K, d,u+K (1 hit) HDC qcf + B (whiff), d,u+K (1 hit), HDC qcf + B (whiff), EX Hououkyaku
Although for three stock I think the damage on this would be pretty low compared to some other characters.
I think you could do something like this midscreen so long as you have enough meter to keep looping Hienzan into EX Kuchugetsuzan. I haven't had a chance to try since I always mess up my BC cancels and haven't had the cabnet to myself to try in training mode yet.
hmm u might be onto something good... D Hienzan > EX Kuchugetsuzan loop sounds pretty nice... with 3 stocks won't looping that 3 times and just finishing with a D Hienzan do more than just an EX DM? well i don't how, but why don't u try this... *i think it will work in the corner for sure*
s.C, BC, s.C xx qcb.D xx (d~u.B xx qcf.B) x...4/5 if that loop works then Kim would be able to a lot of those loops without spending any meter...
Quote from: nilcam on July 27, 2010, 03:53:44 AM
;a = Low Punch low can link into such and such.
;b = Low Kick
;c = High Punch standing can be linked in to from crouching etc.
;d = High Kick
* = EX version possible
Sakkyaku Nage - ;bk / ;fd+ ;c / ;d
Command Moves
Nerichagi - ;fd + ;b
Yopuchagi - ;fd ;fd + ;a combos from lights.
Special Moves
Hangetsuzan - ;qcb + ;b / ;d *
Kuchugetsuzan - ;qcb + ;b / ;d (in air) *
Hishokyaku - ;qcf + ;b / ;d (in air) *
Hienzan - (charge) ;dn ;up + ;b / ;d hard version doesnt hit crouching opponents during combos
∟ ;dn + ;d (for knockdown in D variant)
Desperation Moves
Hououkyaku - ;qcb ;hcf + ;b / ;d (ground or air) * [only ground version has ex]
Hououhitenkyaku - ;qcf ;qcf + ;b / ;d
Rei Shiki Hououkyaku - ;qcb ;hcf + ;a ;c
something like this but more nicely and with correct info (i just made this up, dont know what connects for sure). info on jumping normals and everything ofcourse. maybe this kinda info is in the mook, who knows.
Just came back from the arcade and crouching B, stand C doesn't link. However crouch B, crouch A, f,f+A does work which opens all kinds of doors for combos you can do off of a low. Although I have the hardest time doing f,f+A right after crouching A with any consistency (But that's probably due to my horrible inputs). Just make sure to not do the combo on crouching opponents because the f,f+A will whiff.
Good to hear the link works. Japanese BBS FTW.
Here are some Kim combos from the BBS :
On standing opponent :
Crouch ;b → Crouch ;a → ;fd ;fd+ ;a → Kuchugetsuzan or Hishokyaku (corner only) or [EX Kuchugetsuza → Strong Hienzan]
On crouching opponent :
Crouch ;b → Crouch ;a → Weak Hienzan → DC Hishokyaku (land) → ;fd ;fd+ ;a → Hououkyaku or Kuchugetsuzan or [EX Kuchugetsuzan → Strong Hienzan or Hououkyaku]
Midlle of the screen with one gauge :
Crouch ;b → Crouch ;a → Weak Hienzan → DC EX Kuchugetsuzan → Strong Hangetsuzan
Crouch ;b → Crouch ;a → Weak Hienzan → DC EX Kuchugetsuzan → ;fd ;fd+ ;a → Weak Kuchugetsuzan
There's some HD combos as well, i will try to transcribe them here later.
ty 4 the info SHwoking^^
the one without dm was nice as hell, there might be even time left on the hd meter to ad another hangetsuzan into hienzan into hangetsuzan into hienzan into air ex move (dont know name) for even more damage, then follow up with exdm or nm.
edit: soo many people interrested in kim? i am, didnt expect this many people though. got more posts than kyo and all them. robert still got zero?
mr kof plays bob, no point discussing XD
just to be sure, after his ff+A you can do the qcb move, but only the light version (and ex) combos? also, you can do his qcf+K as well, either version and it still combos. also ex probably.
- st. C, qcb+K, (DC) d~u+K, (DC) qcb+K
HD Combo
- JC, st. C, [HD] st. C, qcb+BD, d~u+B, (HDC) qcb+BD, (d~u+B, [HDC] qcb+D)x2, d~u+B, (MC) qcb hcf+AC
┗the shortcut for weak hienzan to Max Cancel is rtk+B db/f+AC (reverse tiger knee B, then down back to forward AC)
Quote from: krazykone123 on September 03, 2010, 01:37:53 PM
- st. C, qcb+K, (DC) d~u+K, (DC) qcb+K
In one vid a guy did an EX qcb+K DC instead and the opponent ended up in a juggle state where Kim lands on the ground first for more juggling oppurtunities (like another dp etc).
I'm seeing a lot of air-to-air and air-to-ground superiority in Kim's future, since his air EX moves are supposed to have invincibility and all lead to further comboing.
kim = the shit. cant wait to play him and hoe among others (since the vids only show k & kula with some any sprinkled around, and lizzy but fuck her especially).
i saw one of the vids where in the corner after qcb + B, you can juggle with charge d, u + K if you are quick enough
Kim in XIII is very badass. He's faster than he was in XII and the cancel system will likely help him a lot. Losing the clash system does hurt him a bit but the added speed and ability to drive cancel should more than make up for that. I really enjoyed playing him.
well my q is the same as i asked before. last time i saw the kim vid and the dude kept doing hienzan into airdive move that missed. cant kim do hangetsuzan into hienzan and repeat these 2 moves. in the combo do his QCF*2 dm and hyis air QCB+BDS move and finish it with his ex dm or nm. he was already doing like 90% while he only hit the op with his hienzan and kept missing his airdive.
ok for the people playing this for me, anybody wanna do me the favor and try a few thing with kim in training mode:
id like to see some combos without the use of hd mode, and prefferably without the use of drive cancels so that it would be possible to do nm combos offa ex moves or go for exdm combos.
before asking all these combos should be offa standing C or crouching B x2, standing B. add that the opponent is in or very near the corner.
first question: after the above, doing kims ff+A move, than QCB+BD, is it possible to do the ground QCB+D prefferably and hit them high enough for all 3 or 2 hits to connect AND do another ff+A after it?
if this is possible, this means that its theoratically possible to do the above mentioned part twice into another ff+A, air QCB+BD. now depening on the bars, doing a QCB+D from the ground again, juggling with d-u+B, cancelled into either exdm or nm.
this way you wouldnt have to use the drive bar and could potentially still do a very hard hitting nm combo or ex dm combo. mainly because cancelling into nm out of his dm's doesnt do enough damage because the last hit/s of the dm cost the most.
if not going for the nm but for the ex dm you could potentially do drive cancels after the combo to cancel his ground QCB+K into d-u+D and drive cancel that into air QCB+BD and into exdm (you could potentially juggle with another ground QCB+D before this probably.
i know this seems like a lot. but it should be possible with 1 training session. id really like to know if the QCB+D ground version if done high enough can be juggled after with ff+A. thanx for whoever wants to try. if this doesnt work, what about the QCB+B version?
I tested:
f,f+A, (air) qcb+BD, qcb+B
f,f+A, (air) qcb+BD, qcb+D
Both in the corner and at mid-screen, and couldn't get the last move to connect at all. I don't think the aerial qcb+BD juggles the opponent high enough for the first hit of the (ground) qcb+K to hit.
Quote from: Rex Dart on October 11, 2010, 11:27:44 AM
I tested:
f,f+A, (air) qcb+BD, qcb+B
f,f+A, (air) qcb+BD, qcb+D
Both in the corner and at mid-screen, and couldn't get the last move to connect at all. I don't think the aerial qcb+BD juggles the opponent high enough for the first hit of the (ground) qcb+K to hit.
By extension you prolly could do f x2+A, (air) qcb+BD, f x2+A, DM or just skip the f x2+A and go for the DM. Pure speculation, someone needs to test it.
thanx a lot for testing it out for me. im pretty sure ive already seen his ff+A, ex QCB+BD, ff+A combo in some vids already. the player was using that combo to get the opponent into the corner. anyway its a shame the hangetsuzan isnt fast enough to juggle after the air QCB+BD.
im gonna hit you guys with another question. after his ff+A move, QCB combos, but does QCF also combo? and if it does, is it dc able? something like ff+A, QCF+B or D (with ex BD you be able to juggle in the corner i believe, this was also possible with the way this move worked before in older kofs). also does his ff+A count as an air move? (if it does, ex dm and nm shouldnt be possible off it, and he does air moves after it, so im assuming its an airmove).
this does make kim a lil limited in his combos, which is a shame but not all that bad imo.
so the easiest combos that should normally be possible for kim:
ff+A, QCB+BD, ff+A, QCB+BD, d-u+B cancel into NM.
ff+A, QCB+BD, ff+A, QCB+BD, d-u+D, (dc, is this also possible AFTER his hienzan D version finisher?)) QCB+BD, with this combo, you should be high enough for the hangetsuzan to connect, so a B or prefferably D version QCB from ground. d-u+B (dc) EX dm.
if his air QCF+ B or D can be dc into air QCB+BD that adds even more possibileties. but it might be too much for you guys to remember. if you guys can tell me if it works or not ill know enough for now.
anyway big thanx for rex. thanx in advance for anybody willing to try this what ive posted now, thanx.
I think I tried using qcf+K once after f,f+A but didn't connect. It might just be because I wasn't fast enough though. On the other hand, I think it would probably be possible for it to work in the corner.
Also, technically yeah. f,f+A should probably count as an aerial move as the only moves you're able to connect afterwards are aerial specials. Considering he has three available aerial moves, that shouldn't really be a problem.
I don't think this limits Kim's combos though. If anything, f,f+A actually adds to his combos. Back in the day, the only reliable combo I could use was d+B, d+A, u+P/K. Nowadays, you could do d+B (2x), s. B, f,f+A > aerial.
Apparently, Elisabeth can command grab Kim out of his ground Hangetsuzan. Happened to me twice. Dunno if it works with other command grabs though.
Also, while EX Ground Hangetsuzan passes through projectiles, Kim's own Hienzan outprioritizes it.
Man, I had lots of bad luck with Kim yesterday...
Well if its a one
Quote from: Aenthin on December 04, 2010, 02:50:19 AM
Apparently, Elisabeth can command grab Kim out of his ground Hangetsuzan. Happened to me twice. Dunno if it works with other command grabs though.
Also, while EX Ground Hangetsuzan passes through projectiles, Kim's own Hienzan outprioritizes it.
Man, I had lots of bad luck with Kim yesterday...
well if its a frame grab its very possible, I've punished it with kyo's ex super and that's one frame
Quote from: Aenthin on December 04, 2010, 02:50:19 AM
Apparently, Elisabeth can command grab Kim out of his ground Hangetsuzan. Happened to me twice. Dunno if it works with other command grabs though.
Also, while EX Ground Hangetsuzan passes through projectiles, Kim's own Hienzan outprioritizes it.
Man, I had lots of bad luck with Kim yesterday...
Do you mean after they block? If so you probably need to work on the spacing you're doing it from.
I do know that during the middle of the move it avoids low attacks like d.B's
Quote from: Ash on December 04, 2010, 03:31:52 AM
Do you mean after they block?
No. It's during the move.
Quote from: metaphysics on December 04, 2010, 03:05:02 AM
well if its a frame grab its very possible, I've punished it with kyo's ex super and that's one frame
Probably. It's Elisabeth's Mistral though. Probably useful to note that maybe even Super Argentine Backbreaker can do this too.
The thing is that, despite how ground Hangetsuzan looks, it still considers Kim to be on the ground.
Quote from: Aenthin on December 04, 2010, 03:39:07 AM
No. It's during the move.
Probably. It's Elisabeth's Mistral though. Probably useful to note that maybe even Super Argentine Backbreaker can do this too.
The thing is that, despite how ground Hangetsuzan looks, it still considers Kim to be on the ground.
Hmm useful information as Kim is a biatch to fight if you don't know his recovery on his specials. As for the move being a ground move, that's exactly how Chin's df+D overhead is like as well (shhhh...) =)
any new info or cobos you ai guys wanna share? since mr kof also started maining kim, who knows, we might find something new and useful.
was watching those ustream vids (mainly ff to skipp the less interresting chars) and somethign about kim confirmed.
when comboing into his ;fd ;fd ;a move, you can cancel and combo into his ;dn ;df ;fd ;b or ;d move om the corner, whats more after the last hit of his ;dn ;df ;fd ;b or ;d you can add another air ;d after it. this probably means you can dc cancel the ;dn ;df ;fd ;b or ;d into ex ;dn ;df ;fd ;b ;d or ;dn ;db ;bk ;b ;d for some crazy combos, or better yet do the air ;dn ;df ;fd ;b or ;d, aqdd the last air ;d (which should reset them) and combo on into his air ;dn ;db ;bk ;b ;d or ;dn ;df ;fd ;b ;d if its possible to hit this. could be especially useful when in hd mode, this way you get to add the extra damage from the air ;dn ;df ;fd ;b or ;d before using the ;dn ;db ;bk ;b ;d (which does cost more because of hd cancelling, but the added damage could be more useful than juggling his ground ;dn ;db ;bk ;d move into his dp.
really nice to see it being used finally, a home port is needed asap.
edit: also fucking loving those nm punishes and combos into them.
Can someone list his damaging bread and butter combos for versus? Is there any KO combo for Kim as well?
Quote from: ken_garou on December 17, 2010, 09:28:49 AM
Can someone list his damaging bread and butter combos for versus? Is there any KO combo for Kim as well?
I don't think Kim has any 100%s yet. His damaging DMs are all ranbus, so they suffer from damage scaling in a big way.
As for bnbs, Kim has so many options it's ridiculous. Here are the two starters I use a lot.
From weak hits:cr. ;b x 1~2 -> [cr. ;a OR st. ;b] -> ;fd ;fd ;a -> follow-up
Follow-ups include: (air) ;dn ;db ;bk + ;b (meterless), (air) ;dn ;df ;fd + ;b / ;d (corner), or air Hou'Kyaku ( ;dn ;db ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd + ;b / ;d). Or EX versions for added craziness.
From strong hits: j. X -> [st. ;c OR st. ;d OR cr. ;c] -> ;dn ;db ;bk + ;d -> Drive-/ Super-Cancel follow-up
Follow-ups: ;dn _ ;up + ;d, ;dn + ;d (meterless), ;dn _ ;up + ;d -> Drive Cancel (air) ;dn ;db ;bk + ;b ;d -> juggle follow-up (50% more drive, one more meter); ;dn ;df ;fd x2 + ;b / ;d -> ;fd ;fd + ;a -> follow-up (see above)
Unfortunately, I don't know exact damage numbers. Kim really does need meter/bar to do the big damage, though. He's similar to Kyo in that way. For pressuring a defensive opponent when I have no meter, I tend to abuse ;dn ;db ;bk + ;b, which is really hard to punish without an EX.
EDIT: I should have mentioned that ;fd ;fd + ;a will miss crouching opponents.
;dn ;df ;fd x2 ;k to ;dn ;db ;bk ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd ;k.
This is a simple combo I always do in the previous KOF games (the ones that allow me to do this combo, of course). It is quick and simple, generally does good damage and is a good crowdpleaser. Is this a good combo to use in this game?
It still works. Effectiveness wise, I dunno, but it still works. It's just that you could add another ;fd ;fd ;a in between. xD
Quote from: Aenthin on March 19, 2011, 07:11:41 PM
It still works. Effectiveness wise, I dunno, but it still works. It's just that you could add another ;fd ;fd ;a in between. xD
What's that do again?
Quote from: marchefelix on April 04, 2011, 07:38:06 AM
Quote from: Aenthin on March 19, 2011, 07:11:41 PM
It still works. Effectiveness wise, I dunno, but it still works. It's just that you could add another ;fd ;fd ;a in between. xD
What's that do again?
It's the new(?) command attack that makes him fly horizontally across the screen.
Pretty much. It can catch people in the air and you could use Houou Kyaku or Hangetsu Zan after. Not using it makes Houou Kyaku suffer less from damage scaling though.
Quote from: Aenthin on March 19, 2011, 07:11:41 PM
It still works. Effectiveness wise, I dunno, but it still works. It's just that you could add another ;fd ;fd ;a in between. xD
wouldnt that mean youd have to dc cancel that move into dm? i think it does.
also from the vids it seemed like kim can combo into that ;fd ;fd ;a move after a ex ;dn ;db ;bk ;b ;d, meaning you could potentially do ex ;dn ;db ;bk ;b ;d, ;fd ;fd ;a, ;dn ;db ;bk ;b ;d, neomax or dm or ex dm. doing the combo this way you can avoid using your dc gauge and combo into nm if you wanted to. also nm after hitting them with just the ex ;dn ;db ;bk ;b ;d should do some mean damage as well. also who knows whats possible in the corner, im really liking this version of kim.
Quote from: MUSOLINI on April 23, 2011, 07:05:56 AM
wouldnt that mean youd have to dc cancel that move into dm? i think it does.
;fd ;fd ;a is a command normal, so it never costs anything to cancel it.
wow wtf, your right i just watched it. but it is an air normal that can only be done from the ground (right?). so this means you cant cancel it into the nm, or exdm, not even to his ;dn ;df ;fd x2 ;b or ;d dm. only able to cancel it for free into ;dn ;db ;bk or ;dn ;df ;fd kick or ranbu dm.
also after a ex ;dn ;db ;bk ;b ;d outta the air (after ;fd ;fd ;a) its not possible to juggle with ;dn ;db ;bk ;b or ;d from the ground (talking bout corner). shame really.
It's a ground normal that would make Kim go airborne, yes, so only aerial moves allowed.
If you're at the corner, Kim jumps back if he hits the wall. Also, after hitting f,f+A, you're considered being in a normal backwards jump, which means you can use air normals afterwards or delay your specials.
Idk if anyone mention the following but:
1. Kim's qcb+B can link into d~u+B/D in corner without drive cancel.
2. cr. A links into cl. D
Quote from: MUSOLINI on April 23, 2011, 05:40:15 PM
wow wtf, your right i just watched it. but it is an air normal that can only be done from the ground (right?). so this means you cant cancel it into the nm, or exdm, not even to his ;dn ;df ;fd x2 ;b or ;d dm. only able to cancel it for free into ;dn ;db ;bk or ;dn ;df ;fd kick or ranbu dm.
also after a ex ;dn ;db ;bk ;b ;d outta the air (after ;fd ;fd ;a) its not possible to juggle with ;dn ;db ;bk ;b or ;d from the ground (talking bout corner). shame really.
- (Corner) cr. B, cr. B, s. B, qcb BD, 66A, qcb D (313 dmg) and seems the better option for one bar against a crouch opponent on a cr. B.
Very fun fact : After a 66A in corner on a crouching opponent kim does a jump back ward, but you're in air so you can qcf/qcb + B/D :3
I tried to do :
cr.B,cr.B,d~u.B,(DC)qcf.B,ff.A,qcb.BD,ff.A,qcb.D (348 Dmg)
It works near corner, but mid screen it whiff, anyone sucess to connect the ff.A after the qcf.B mid screen? The landing seems to long after the qcf.B whiffed.
But d~u.B,(DC)qcf.B,ff.A works mid screen, the cr.B make it whiff and i don't know if it's me or if it's really impossible.
If it doesn't
cr.B,cr.B,d~u.B,(DC)qcb.BD,ff.A,qcb.D (323Dmg) is the better option, because it travels the opponent the whole screen, works else on crouching and standing opponent, does good damages.
The cr.B,cr.B,d~u.B,(DC)qcb.BD,ff.A,qcb.D
Else if i think :
cr.B,cr.B,d~u.B,(DC)qcf.BD,d~u.D,d.D (353Dmg)
It is the best option near corner for one drive and one ex Bar. Anyone found a better one? Because it seems pretty low for all of that gauge in corner.
- (Corner) s.C,qcb.B,d~u.D,(DC)qcb.BD,d~u.D,d.D (382 Dmg)
The Ex qcb.BD launch very high but i don't found anything better than d~u.D,d.D (qcb.B has a too long start up)
New version of my video :
KOF XIII Kim Kaphwan Combo Video Part 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDJKLL8v-ds#ws)
Lots of changes
nice video... i'm liking kim more and more by the day... i'm thinking in the corner it'll reach 500+ if you add a j.C, far s.D, *link* s.C, qcb.B, d~u.B, *DC* qcf.B, ff.A, qcb.BD, d~u.D, d.D...
most of the combos ive been trying on the crappy version are barhoggers.
hes got some nice variations in the corner through his upkick super, ex hangetsuzan and ;fd ;fd ;a move.
jumps ;d, ;d, ;dn ;df ;fd x2 ;d, ;fd ;fd ;a, ;dn ;db ;bk ;b ;d, ;dn ;up ;b, (dc) ;dn ;db ;bk ;d, ;dn ;up ;d, (dc) ;dn ;db ;bk ;b ;d, ;dn ;db ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd ;b ;d.
problem with most of his combos is they eat a lot of bar for the damage they do. in hd he can kill you with this amount of hd and dm bars. but this looks flashier imo and he can get real flashy without hd imo. getting his far ;c (or was it ;d) in a match after a succesful jump in might be hard though.
Quote from: MUSOLINI on July 24, 2011, 08:06:43 AM
most of the combos ive been trying on the crappy version are barhoggers.
problem with most of his combos is they eat a lot of bar for the damage they do.
What's why i'm working on optimized combos. But if it's quite easy with just one bar/drive to found the better one, with two ex one drive it becomes crazy and so on ...
This character as too many tools for combo i must work hard on him to found it.
And i'm saying optimized combo, i'm still not 100% sure they are.
Quote from: Sharnt on July 24, 2011, 11:42:13 AM
And i'm saying optimized combo, i'm still not 100% sure they are.
And the proofs are here :
- (Corner) s.C,qcf*2.B,qcb.D,d~u.D,d.D (361Dmg)
(I'm finally sucessful at doing it with a 3hits qcb.D i thought it wont pass)
i'm glad that Kim doesn't have his rekkas anymore... while his old style is still awesome and kim in 2K2 is amazing... XIII Kim and his new way of gameplay is very interesting... my personal favorite combo with Kim right now is...
j.D, s.D, qcb.D, DC, qcfx2.B, ff.A, qcb.BD, ff.A, qcb.D...
Quote from: t3h mAsTarOth...! on July 25, 2011, 05:30:41 AM
i'm glad that Kim doesn't have his rekkas anymore... while his old style is still awesome and kim in 2K2 is amazing... XIII Kim and his new way of gameplay is very interesting... my personal favorite combo with Kim right now is...
j.D, s.D, qcb.D, DC, qcfx2.B, ff.A, qcb.BD, ff.A, qcb.D...
j.D, s.D, qcb.D, DC, qcfx2.B, qcb+B, ff.A, qcb.BD, ff.A, qcb.D.
kim can even jump in attack, hard attack ;dn ;df ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd ;d, ;dn ;db ;bk ;d, ;fd ;fd ;a in corner. meaning he can do all this without using any dc at all, he does use lots of bar though. since i cant play the normal version its hard for me (crappy controlls and framerate changes during combos are HARD). it seems after the launch super if you hit hangetsuzan twice your ;fd ;fd ;a into ex ;dn ;db ;bk ;b ;d the last move will hit 4 times! but if the hangetsuzan hits 3 times the last move im talking about hits 3 times.
jump in attack, hard attack, ;dn ;df ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd ;d, ;dn ;db ;bk ;d, ;fd ;fd ;a, ;dn ;db ;bk ;b ;d, ;dn ;up ;b (DC), ;dn ;db ;bk ;d, ;dn ;up ;d (DC), ;dn ;db ;bk ;b ;d after this you can finish it any way you want. what im curious about is is it possible to catch them with another ;fd ;fd ;a after this (it should be imo, but timing!!!)? like i said, the combos are easy but timing is terrible when there is no stable framerate.
Quote from: AmedoS310 on July 25, 2011, 06:36:35 AM
Quote from: t3h mAsTarOth...! on July 25, 2011, 05:30:41 AM
i'm glad that Kim doesn't have his rekkas anymore... while his old style is still awesome and kim in 2K2 is amazing... XIII Kim and his new way of gameplay is very interesting... my personal favorite combo with Kim right now is...
j.D,s.D, qcb.D, DC, qcfx2.B, ff.A, qcb.BD, ff.A, qcb.D...
j.D,s.D, qcb.D, DC, qcfx2.B, qcb+D (2Hits), ff.A, qcb.BD, ff.A, qcb.D.
You can't link the second ff.A at the very full screen range but the combo travels too much if you're just at 2/3 of the screen you're close enough to combo.
To do the qcb.D 2 hit the timing is a bit tight, on my screen i must the D button when the char is floating near the bottom of his picture (The hud picture at the right of the lifebar).
Mine does 479, your 481 /sadface, the number of hits is high enough to make one more hit lowering the whole combo.
s.D, qcb.D, DC, qcfx2.B, qcb+D (2Hits) (316Dmg)
s.D, qcb.D, DC, qcfx2.B, qcb+B (303Dmg)
- (Corner - 2 Ex) s.C,qcf qcf.B,qcb.D (2Hits),ff.A,qcb.BD (4Hits),d~u.D,d.D (471Dmg)
- (Corner - 2 Ex) d.B,d.B,qcf qcf.B,qcb.D (2Hits),ff.A,qcb.BD (4Hits),d~u.D,d.D (451Dmg)
I'm going to suicide myself, i made a video 2 days after a found a way to do better combo :
- (Corner - 1 Ex - 1 DC) s.C,qcf.B,d~u.B,(SC)qcf qcf.B,qcb.D,d~u.D,d.D (445Dmg)
I thought it was impossible to do the sc cancel and i'm nearly sure it's impossible to do d~u.B,(DC),qcf.B,qcf qcf.B
- d.B,d.B,qcf qcf.B,qcb.D (2Hit),ff.A,qcb.D (303Dmg)
kimvideo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCfXjUVuK7c#ws)
kimvideo2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PQL2PWLOgI#ws)
kimvideo3 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BG7FtcwF2R4#ws)
767 damage in corner.
jump in ;d, ;c, ;dn ;df ;fd x2 ;d, ;dn ;db ;bk ;d (2 hits), ;fd ;fd ;a, ;dn ;db ;bk ;b ;d, ;dn ;up ;b (dc), ;dn ;db ;bk ;d, ;dn ;up ;d (dc) ;dn ;db ;bk ;b ;d, ;dn ;db ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd ;b ;d.
if you want you can use dm instead for 1 bar less, or use ;dn ;up ;d and finisher for no meter ending.
@MUSOLINI - You are spending 4 bars and 100% HD gauge to do that combo... Rather than doing that, you might as well enter HD mode and you'll probably end up doing more damage with your combo... Although one good thing about not entering HD mode is you are most likely able to build up 1 extra meter during the combo... But his NeoMax is the least scaled out of all of the ones I've seen so far... So entering HD mode and finishing the combo with it is probably the best idea if you are going to burn all your meter...
indeed, this wouldf be more logical and conservetive:
jump in ;d, ;c, ;dn ;df ;fd x2 ;d, ;dn ;db ;bk ;d (2 hits), ;fd ;fd ;a, ;dn ;db ;bk ;b ;d, ;dn ;up ;b (dc), ;dn ;db ;bk ;d, ;dn ;up ;d and finisher. this one does good damage for 2 bars and half dc bar. 547 damage seem to be my best one so far using 2 super bars and 1 dc bar.
funny thing is with the combo i mentioned earlier you can actually do more damage before you go into using the dc bar if you go straight into NM, does like 800 or even more. i do think this looks flashier than the hd combos but you deliver 20% or so damage by not going hd mode.
QuoteHishokyaku - + ;b/ ;d (in air) *
This move has a follow-up.
Do a ;d at the end of the move will add 4 damage and reset the ennemy so he's standing on his leg instead of be knockeddown. It can also punish a punishment if you're doing the move in guard.
Seems to connect only on corner on every character.
Then i asked a friend of mine he says it's like this since fatalfuryspecial =_=
Avoid double posting -Kane317Theorically it's a 100% stun combo (80% Drive 4.3 Ex)
J.C,far.D,cl.C,qcb.B,d~u.B,(SC)qcfqcf.B,qcb.D,d~u.B,(SC)qcfqcf.B,qcb.D,[ff.A,qcb.BD]*4,ff.A,qcf.D,(DC)qcb.BD,d~u.D,d.D (Stun)
[qcb.B (whiff)]*2
I'm trying to do a video for fun.
I don't remember seeing him with a stun combo, add him to this growing list; good find.
Quote from: Kane317 on August 16, 2011, 11:10:18 PM
I don't remember seeing him with a stun combo, add him to this growing list; good find.
Not really it's more a funny one, it's too hard to do it because of the j.C,far.D,cl.C, range is really tight. Good only for videos.
It's a corner combo obviously i forget to say it.
the stun combo also is only possible with kim as final character. he can kill opponent though.
Stun combo from midscreen :O Kim Stun Combo - AMERICAN VERSION!!!!!!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QV0dHP4YGvQ#ws)
maybe its just me but i think he needs his rekkas back ( ;dn ;db ;bk ;a or ;c 3x) i think its a better way to apply prussure then ;dn ;db ;bk ;k
Please edit your posts in future instead -Kane317
I was looking for new ways to combo, and with some help from japan players (no srly if you don't have seen it take a look : KOF XIII KCE公開動画 その320 Conclusion2011 vol 1(Kim&Psycho) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFhZBjukYL0#)) because i thought qcf.BD won't combo after ff.A (you must delay the qcf.BD).
The regular easy combo : Corner cr.B,cr.B,s.B,qcb.BD,ff.A,qcb.BD,d~u.D,d.D
The more difficult and optimized one (especially in terms of gauge and stun, damage increase is risible, look at the pictures) : Corner cr.B,cr.B,s.B,qcb.BD,ff.A,qcf.BD(3hits),qcb.D(3hits),d~u.D,d.D
From people playing the console version ff.A seems to hit crouching opponents 0_o"
Sorry for multipost :
(Console version obly)
Is possible in corner :
cr B, cr B, st B, ff A, air qcf BD, C [MAX MODE]
Midscreen :
though : qcf.BD,s.C just frame link (s.B 2frame link)
Quote from: Sharnt on October 31, 2011, 01:25:52 PM
From people playing the console version ff.A seems to hit crouching opponents 0_o"
Wow, that is crazy. I didn't think he needed that buff at all. All I wanted was the EX version of his air DM.
Speaking of his EX air DM, does anyone think it will change his optimal combos at all?
Quote from: Rex Dart on November 01, 2011, 01:34:06 AM
Quote from: Sharnt on October 31, 2011, 01:25:52 PM
From people playing the console version ff.A seems to hit crouching opponents 0_o"
Wow, that is crazy. I didn't think he needed that buff at all. All I wanted was the EX version of his air DM.
Speaking of his EX air DM, does anyone think it will change his optimal combos at all?
Nop, i think qcf.BD will take place of any SDM move.
Ok first page updated with the console changes.
*Recovery on EX Hishoukyaku improved. Follow-ups possible.
*ff.A has been improved to hit crouching opponents who are in hit stun.
-Recovery on hangetsuzan lengthened
*Air hangetsuzan hits crouching opponents who are in hit stun. However, upwards hitbox has been reduced.
*EX hangetsuzan has better recovery when blocked
-Properties of fbx2.K have changed. Both versions below have extended recovery on a whiff
Weak ver: Invincible, blows back opponent horizontally
Strong ver: No invincibility, launches straight up
-Weak Hienzan has less invincible frames. Also note well that invincibility is upper body only.
*EX Air phoenix kick added. There are a few frames of invincibility on the initial attack frames.
Hangetsuzan isn’t safe on guard so be careful. On the other hand is ff.A can hit crouching opponents in hit stun and EX hangetsuzan can be followed by ff.A in the middle of the screen so regardless of the opponent’s status or distance there will always be combo options available to Kim. So a little bit of a change, let’s use various moves to rush the opponent down without giving them a break!
Really like how unique Kim's combos feel now, unlike those lame rekkas of years before.
The timing on following up after his ff+A is quite a bit faster than I thought, gotta practice. Do you have to follow it up the moment it hits or can you input stuff after Kim hits and is jumping back?
His specials allow for good hitconfirms into DC and supers. Like his DP+HK gives you 3 hits to cancel on, his HCB+HK also gives you a while to cancel. Basicially most of his moves are multi-hit so confirming into specials and dc cancels feels easy. The fact that you are cancelling one multi hit move into another helps things further.
The buffer allows you to buff the move right after the A input at close range. For long range combo you must delay it a bit.
DP ? HCB ? Kim doesn't have moves like that, do you mean qcb. and d~u. moves ?
Quote from: Sharnt on November 24, 2011, 07:07:39 PM
The buffer allows you to buff the move right after the A input at close range. For long range combo you must delay it a bit.
DP ? HCB ? Kim doesn't have moves like that, do you mean qcb. and d~u. moves ?
Ah, thanks.
Yeah, thats what I meant.
Is Kim good as a 1st character or does he absolutely need meter to stand a chance?
He doesn't absolutely need it to stand a chance but he is much more dangerous with it.
I usually have him on 1st or 2nd position.
What's the consensus on Kim as an anchor? Is that his absolute best position?
I honestly think Kim works well in any position. He has decent meterless combos, great pokes and very safe moves. I usually put him second, just because his longer combos are really fun and my anchor usually needs the meter more, but he's pretty versatile.
Quote from: Rex Dart on November 28, 2011, 09:33:12 PM
I honestly think Kim works well in any position. He has decent meterless combos, great pokes and very safe moves. I usually put him second, just because his longer combos are really fun and my anchor usually needs the meter more, but he's pretty versatile.
Thanks for the advice. I'm thinking of putting him at the end of my Kensou / Maxima team.
I have a few more questions regarding this awesome character, if anyone can help me out:
- Are any of his special moves safe on block?
- What is Kim's general gameplan/goal?
- Which of Kim's normals are best suited for general AA and air-to-air?
- Does he have HD combos that don't burn insane amounts of meter? (Unlike his ;fd ;fd + ;a xx ;dn ;db ;bk ;b ;d x 2-4 combo)
For the safe moves it was qcb.B on arcade.
Kim as for main goal to make his opponent fall and then mix him to launch an awesome damaging combo.
His main force is his air qcb.K or his throw which are HARDKNOCKDOWN and then mix him to launch a heavy damaging combo.
After a throw you can safe jump with a hyper jump A (may be C and D to but i didn't have the tools on arcade to be sure). You can safe jump cross up or not on some ways after an air qcb.K. His f.B his maxcancelable. I'll post safe jumps setups once i have the console version in hands.
Oh and the air qcb.D was overhead in the arcade dunno in console.
For AA s.D i guess, be careful if you're too far it's far D which is quite crap for this. Anyway his hienzan is godlike. For short hop a s.A is good.
To air to air jump.CD which is really good, don't forget to combo after a counter one with ff.A (or qcb.D in corner if your opponent is high enough).
Simplest Hd combo :
Kim neomax is AWESOME, 250 non reduced damage on the last hit. I think it doesn't really worth a HD combo if you can't end it with the nm.
(BC)s.C,qcb.D,(HD)d~u.B,(HD)qcb.D(2 hits),qcf hcb.AC
(BC)s.C,qcb.B,[d~u.B,(HD)qcb.D(1 hits)]*4,d~u.B,qcf hcb.AC
New Kim bnb crouching or not opponent <3 :
1 Ex :
I think it's better to keep Drives for HD only since Kim has so awesome Ex only combos now.
Nevertheless one is, think because i don't have the console version yet, still useful :
(corner) (1 ex,50 dc)s.c,qcb.B,d~u.B,(SC)qcf qcf.D,qcb.D,d~u.D~d.D(445)
I'll update later.
Quote from: Raynex on November 29, 2011, 05:15:52 AM
- Are any of his special moves safe on block?
- What is Kim's general gameplan/goal?
- Which of Kim's normals are best suited for general AA and air-to-air?
- Does he have HD combos that don't burn insane amounts of meter? (Unlike his ;fd ;fd + ;a xx ;dn ;db ;bk ;b ;d x 2-4 combo)
His moves aren't too safe I think. The Hienzan is of course not safe at all. Qcb+D is definitely not safe if blocked, haven't been using qcb+B much so can't confirm yet but according to the change log these moves in general are less safe from the arcade version iirc. Using his ff+A in combos finished with air qcb+k or qcf+K (make sure to add another K after qcf+K finishes, he does a jD right after) would be a safer option I think.
His normals aren't very good as AAs but that doesn't matter because of Hienzan, it charges fast and is all you need really. You can also use the qcf qcf+K supers as well for AA, one of them (can't remember which, B or D) has invinicbility.
Learn to love his j.A, your opponents will hate you so much. Simply excellnet for cross up, abuse on their wakeup.
His ff+A is fast as hell, great for moving across the screen in a flash.
You can link a whole lot of stuff off his far standing sD, after the second hit you can even link a close sC. Great for HD confirm as well. Not sure but it may have some lower body invulnerability, could have sworn a Kim player went over my low attacks.
For air to air I find j.CD and jB to be most useful (j.B has a nice upwards angle to it).
The drive cancel combo I use is:
(jump in optional) sC, qcb+D [DC] D Hienzan [DC] EX air qcb+K, juggle with super or ex super. If you want you can omit the air qcb+BD and cancel straight into the super. You can also just end it after the Hienzan and do good damage for the cost of just one drive bar.
For HD I use the same combo as the drive cancel one above but start it with sC, HD, sC and then end it with a Neomax. I like this because its simple and works both midscreen and in the corner and uses HD and 3 bars (I use Kim 1st or 2nd).
cB, cB, sB, ff+A > finisher, is his main BB imo.
Sick! I appreciate all the detail you guys put into your posts. I'm going to be playing for a few hours today so I'll try to implement some of this stuff. Thanks :)
Safe jumps :
After air qcb.B :
d.B,d.B,s.B,ff.A,qcb.B (By example)
Hop.A (Delay few frames after the knockdown)
After Throw
Hyper Jump.A (Delay a little after the throw)
Hop.A (Delay a bit more than before)
If they are timed well you'll beat everything except 2 or lower frame invincible start up moves.