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Topics - NeoPascal

Pages: [1]
Meet & Greet / From the south-er bay, norcal
« on: December 08, 2011, 01:52:14 AM »
Hey everyone,
I've been a long time lurker on these forums and decided I would sign up since most of the people I've met recently in the norcal KoF scene seem to be some genuinely nice people. I've played SNK games for a long time, since FF Special, and even played the original Art of Fightings. Ever since I was 3 I have been drawn to video games, and played mostly fighters. I am from the south bay, Morgan Hill/Gilroy area. I currently run biweekly sessions for the gillas because it's too expensive for us to carpool all over norcal constantly. My favorite KoF is either 98 regular, or 2k2 UM. I like to meet new people and play these games as often as I can.


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