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Topics - FFC Kanpai

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Some normal canceling to win footsie game
« on: November 22, 2015, 11:28:27 PM »
I play the game for a certain time now and like you all, and do i fall on the fact that canceling certain normals on whiff in battle into certain special allows you to gain good space war.

I know all of you know that possibility for his main team so i put it on video for some characters and which normal to use if some wanna train it or add it to their plan game.

I'm still editing the playlist but let me know if there is some to add or if there is a thread already existing about that topic ( i'm sure of that ).

EDIT : I have seen it's called whiff cancelling

so sorry for the convenience, by the way i have put which normals can be whif canceled in a playlist on my channel so don't hesitate to have a look for your character if you are novice.

Meet & Greet / New to the forum
« on: November 22, 2015, 11:12:59 PM »
Hi all :)

I'm 34 years olds and from a team of french fighting games named FFC and people call me Kanpai hahah ;)

I like to play KoF XIII and improve a little.

So don't hesitate to add me, i can play in fightcade too :)

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