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Messages - Shin

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No, definitely not, I was like wth, myself ^^''

I also think I've heard so many "3S looks better than XIII!" comments

WTF I don't even... xD
I don't think the game is all or nothing though, it's a really technical game, but the parry system adds a L-O-T in term of mindgame and what you can do, would you can trap and what you can come back from ^^ (but yeah ken and chun-li event at low level play are incredibly broken :( ) (it took me a long time to get used to the wacky characters, weird graphical universe and music so I guess I see what you mean)

MetalThrashingMadman>haha, bad or good timing I guess; I know I own both the pal and the jp version (thank god they're cheaper than the us version too)

About XIII, I'd say it's really like a dream come true, the way it looks is a completely different league (even compared to BlazBlue imho(which I like ok)).

But I gonna say that "graphical" magic touch came with XII, and left as quicly as it came as for the 1st time since 94' I skipped a KOF entirely (I tought to myself WTF is this game after playing for half an hour, where are the moves, at all? why would I play this when I have 02UM and XI seriously lol)

Edit:hey I'm on a KOF Board, so I might as well use my usual display picture ^^

haha, I'm so pumped for Guardian Heroes ^^

about 3s, well I can understand if your not that into the game to beging with, as for me I've been playing that game for fun quite regularly ever since the dreamcast version, it's prolly my favorite fighting game and the game I want to play the most on a daily basis with XIII, so I'm really hyped about it ^^ (especially since microsoft removed xbox1 live support last year, so no more 3s(SFAnniversarry Collection) online support on 360)

As for XIII, I played the arcade version for a bit it Paris (there's like 4cabs in Republique/Nation), sadly I live FAR from Paris, so I can't wait to be able to play the 360 version at home with my friends :D

Thanks !
I registred last year when I had the feeling DC would be the place to be for XIII, guess I was right given your new relations with Atlus USA^^ (Frionel, would by himself, be that for Risingstar Games, I guess)

Am I right in thinking that Orochinagi is the brit community for KOF? (I have no idea really)

anyways, yeah Gamescom started just a couple a year ago (3 I think), apparently it's a lot more consumer oriented than E3, and wider content-vise (not just games, I think; Kotaku said it's like the woodstock of videogames for ppl or something).

I think a lot of companies are starting to realised more and more each year that it's their biggest (maybe one and only) venue opportunity in Europe, to, like, show stuff they teased at E3, announce when stuff is coming out in europe published by whom, what editions (content-wise) and at what price etc (not only games but hardware too, this year : vita, ps3 price drop etc)

And also that we are a very strong gaming community in Europe (I've been importing games for a bit more than 15years so I know how Europe was considered by companies in the us or japan game-wise xD) but we are harder to "get" compared to japan or north america since we all live in different countries and speak different languages and have (very) different cultures (and for the most of us we don't speak anything else than our mother tongue nor really care about other countries even if we share borders ... I know it might come to you as a shock but it's the sad truth :\ ) so the vast majority of us gamers need some coverage by the french/german/italian/spanish(etc) press in order to have some gaming exposure ^^

it's also a way for the publisher to have a big venu between E3 and TGS, but yeah, pretty much NO new games are shown or anything, just E3 stuff with more content and localised content.

also capcom is using it as one of their monthly place to tease their yearly rebalanced fighting games :p

I used to live in germany for a few years back (for a few years), and will live 5Km from the border german next year, so if I'm free, I really want to go to Gamescom, since I love Köln too ^^

thanks for watching the stream :D (there's some french chicks there too :D)

SAB-CA>hi again :D
a demo ? do tell more !
or you mean the console location test starting over selected locations in japan? (you got my hopes up for a xbl/psn demo like jp KOFXII did for just a sec :p)

DarKaoZ>yup, I stoked about this too ! :D

Yamazaki/Mary/Vanessa.... *laughs*

I like your thinking :)

aside from that, you're welcome ^^

for the EX I'd say MotW/XI Terry and 2000/2001 Kyo Kusanagi airlines xD

Guys, there's a french ELive feed about KOFXIII, live from RisingStar Games booth at GamesCom in Köln, Germany.

register and come by tommorow during the daytime (GMT+1, German time) to ask questions (IN ENGLISH or i'll help you guys and translate for you in french) learn about the game, there wiil be at least 2hours dedicated to the game only.

Frionel will be hosting the feed (he's no a scrub, he's very knowledgeable about fighting games, fighting game history and especially KOF, he's like among the top 3 best KOF player in Europe, I think)
(you cas ask them which characters to pick and what to try, they did that for UMVC3 and SxT also (I was able to squeze in a few questions about the PAL version of DoDonPachi Daifukkatsu :D))
It's rare to be able to so live coverage for a game with players that know the game so well. (scrubs showing a new game is meh, imho)

He's supposed to meet up tommorow with RSG and SNKP to clear out some new exclusive info he can share with us.

so far, today, we learn and saw a lot of stuff :
-RSG screwed up in their trailer by saying "5 new characters that have never been in KOF before" (it's 5more chraracters that the arcade version, ON DISC)
- there will be 3DLC characters (we know only Iori 98' so far) (I heard somewhere else those DLC characters are supposed to be overpowered(at least a bit :p) ALT versions of chraracters already in the game (like Iori))
-ON DISC, 5characters more than the arcade version, so far we know Billy and Saiki.

PAL Gamebox cover is not final but they'll take whatever the jp approach is. (so probably the same "PS3" cover for both version)

Risingstar Games are working on a cool collector's edition, so keep your eyes peeled :D

Frionel mentioned and showed A LOT of the game rebalancing. (I remember Benimaru's A fireball allows to follow up like CRAZY, less meter builing and canceling with Liz' etc)

you can choose Type A or B for the music (B is unused songs in the arcade version and new stuff, there will be DLC there too, a bit like XII I guess)

Characters have a LOT of new voice work

you can watch story scenes and text in a different mode

you can do a L-O-T of very precise tweaks in training mode (don't remember the specifics right now, sorry)

After a match you can quick reselect the same team, and change the order.

Replay mode confirmed

more stuff I prolly forgot... (sorry ^^'')

also a lot of other stuff that were already known. (chalenge modes (combos, and in-game challenges) tutorials etc)

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