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Messages - PurpGuy

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Pro-Gear / Re: PurpGuy's Mad Catz SE KoF XIII Panels
« on: September 26, 2011, 08:07:13 AM »
Since we don't appear to be getting Blue Mary in KoF XIII, here's a Fatal Fury design I threw together for all of us Mary fans:

Blue Mary Preview V4 - Blue Mary Print V4

I replaced the Atlus logo with a hazy Dream Cancel.

With Iori getting his powers back, and Kyo having an uninjured version thanks to Ash no longer existing, it would make sense for Chizuru to get her power back too.

With one more character left on the disc, maybe they really are waiting to surprise us with another from-scratch character.

The blob on the right looks like baggy pants and an oversized hip belt from top right hip to lower left knee

Pro-Gear / Re: Arcade Sticks for PC (GGPO, SC, AL)
« on: August 05, 2011, 06:29:06 PM »
I have Windows Vista and have had no problems using a 360 Mad Catz stick on it.  Plugs right into the USB port.

Mai Shiranui / Re: Mai Shiranui
« on: August 03, 2011, 05:31:28 PM »
Mai is going to be my first.  Seconds and Thirds are still up in the air.  It's good to have her back!

Mai Shiranui / Re: Mai Shiranui
« on: August 01, 2011, 05:36:31 PM »
It took me a second to figure it but you were pretty clear.  That's a great trick!  I never would have thought of it.

Training Room / Re: Balance?
« on: July 31, 2011, 04:28:49 PM »
Another example being the Street Fighter 4 series. The initial release of Street Fighter 4 introduced an entirely new game, which of course could not come without any potential balance issues. Some issues included the tools which were universal to all characters being very poor to some, many characters doing much more damage and stun for significantly less effort, and unfair and definitive advantages in terms of matchups. Capcom then releases Super Street Fighter 4 which added 10 more characters, and balanced the cast greatly. By the end of its lifetime, Super Street Fighter 4 was considered a very balanced game. Capcom then releases Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition, which contrasts Capcom's efforts in balance in the previous release. Some characters received unnecessary or excessive buffs, 2 new characters who possess incredibly strong tools were added, and some characters who needed small buffs to be stronger were either ignored or received buffs which did not benefit the character strongly in terms of matchups and competitive play. Due to such, many players have cried to Capcom for nerfs in a patch or update, as these players feel such strengths these characters possess are difficult to overcome. Capcom, being a company which directly listens to its fanbase, will most likely do something to address the balance issues of Arcade Edition.

Like release Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition: Console Edition at full retail

lol potshot aside, I agree with your post actually.  I couldn't care less for tier lists, I play the characters I want to play, learn everything I can about them, study their moves and come up with possible tricks/traps/strategies, and just have fun.  And playing a lesser played character, sometimes people won't know how to deal with them effectively since they're not used to playing against that character as much.

I would rather have online training mode more than spectator, shit I dont waste 15 minutes watching other people play when I could be playing, on the plus side online training mode can hold 2 players while waiting in the lobby with 5 other players, its that simple too hope snkp includes this option

Online Training Mode would be a lot better imo


"And Andy Bogar-oh, shit!"

lol I thought the exact same thing the first time I watched it.

So much stuff, I'm probably never gonna play another fighter again

I actually prefer the Rising Star box art. Atlus one is too crowded with disproportionate character portraits.  They both are, actually, but Atlus one is worse.

Rising Star art +1

Still, I hope than XIII had color edit, one problem with ngbc is that if you change one color, you can totally screw the sprite, but it seems than in XIII there is a big use of colors, at least that's what I saw with all the color edits that SNK did

That was sometimes an issue in CvS2.  Certain colors were pretty much unchangeable since they screwed up the character's outline, or other unrelated areas.  With the new KoF sprites, though, I think the colors are designed specifically for easy palette swaps.  There was even an article a long time ago about how they can change a character's entire outfit simply by swapping palettes, which used Yuri's leggings as an example.  Raiden's bare chest would be another.

All things considered, a simple interface like CvS2's shouldn't be too difficult, I'd reckon.  As long as your custom palettes display on the other guy's screen, or else that kinda takes the fun out of it.

CvS2 Color Edit I made an all-orange Guile and named him Colonel Mustard.

Color Edit in XIII would be fun

Hopefully it won't end up getting that many sales, it seems like people are getting more pissed than usual at capcom's "rerelease almost the exact same game every year until it stops making money" business strategy this time around.

I'm glad I jumped off the Capcom bandwagon at SFIV.  I'll take DLC over another $50 disc any day.

This has been on my mind for a long time. I've been wondering how would you guys feels about people macroing buttons?

If you're talking about people using extra buttons for like C+D and stuff, I personally don't use those but if it helps more people get into the game I say they can go right ahead.

Now if you're talking about buttons that execute an entire combo, that's taking it too far.

If the console gets Blue Mary then you can bet I'll be dropping Maxima for her.

I like making teams that make some sort of sense.  If Blue Mary gets added then I'd have a team of Kim, Terry, Mary, with another team of Mai, Andy, Billy.  What would Billy be doing with Mai and Andy?  I'll make something up.  At least they already know each other.

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