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Messages - The K1 Effect

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Leona Heidern / Re: Leona Heidern (Console)
« on: August 29, 2013, 08:47:19 AM »
does anyone know of any safejump setups / or practical meaty earring setups?

Kula Diamond / Re: Kula Diamond (Console)
« on: April 02, 2013, 12:08:07 AM »
Brand new KoF players here, and Im very interested in Kula. Could someone post some high level Kula videos that I could learn from? I would appreciate it

Leona Heidern / Re: Leona Heidern (Console)
« on: March 30, 2013, 06:04:13 AM »
Wow...thank you guys....Ill be sure to study these in depth

Leona Heidern / Re: Leona Heidern (Console)
« on: March 29, 2013, 11:32:17 PM »
Thanks for the info guys. What should I be using for my pressure / confirm strings / blockstrings? Could someone give me a basic generic pressure string flowchart so I could get an idea?

Also, who are good Leona players to watch on youtube? Anyone in particular?

Leona Heidern / Re: Leona Heidern (Console)
« on: March 29, 2013, 04:37:01 AM »
Hey everyone. Im brand new to the KoF series and Im trying to learn Leona. Ive got a lot of fighting game knowledge, just not KoF specific. My fundamentals and execution are pretty good usually. I posted this in the general discussion but figured I would just repost here since its more Leona specific:

" I checked the Leona video thread already but theres only 1 video.....and its of a guard crush. The thing I think im having the hardest time with is knowing what buttons to use, when, and why. I understand this is a fast paced game and all, but it just seems foreign to me right now because it seems like a shit ton of this game is confirming your normals / keeping pressure up by doing a 2 or 3 hit guard string then hopping to keep pressure applied......I really dont understand how Im supposed to be able to do all that while maintaining a charge. It just seems strange to me. Also, other than Leonas cr.B and s.B, I dont know what I should really be using. Her overhead is -7 on block when not cancelled into so its pretty unsafe.....when cancelled into its -4 so its still punishable. I always find myself trying to frametrap with cr.B >, but I dont know if thats legit or not. According to the frame data her is only -2 which (as far as I know) is safe on block. I just dont really know what I should be doing with her I guess. "

If anyone could give me any insight into how to play the game in general, but more specifically Leona, I would be really appreciative.

General Discussion / Re: Looking for a Mentor
« on: March 29, 2013, 04:33:25 AM »
Thanks for the responses guys. Much appreciated.

General Discussion / Re: Looking for a Mentor
« on: March 29, 2013, 03:41:16 AM »
I checked the Leona video thread already but theres only 1 video.....and its of a guard crush. The thing I think im having the hardest time with is knowing what buttons to use, when, and why. I understand this is a fast paced game and all, but it just seems foreign to me right now because it seems like a shit ton of this game is confirming your normals / keeping pressure up by doing a 2 or 3 hit guard string then hopping to keep pressure applied......I really dont understand how Im supposed to be able to do all that while maintaining a charge. It just seems strange to me. Also, other than Leonas cr.B and s.B, I dont know what I should really be using. Her overhead is -7 on block when not cancelled into so its pretty unsafe.....when cancelled into its -4 so its still punishable. I always find myself trying to frametrap with cr.B >, but I dont know if thats legit or not. According to the frame data her is only -2 which (as far as I know) is safe on block. I just dont really know what I should be doing with her I guess. I feel even more lost with Kula and Kensou lol

Also, what the hell are CD (blowback) used for ? Is it just supposed to be another move in my repertoire, or does it have different properties than most normals? or is it used for something specific? As far as I can tell, all CD's are special cancellable so thats nice. ( Elisabeth's seems really useful as a poke since I can make myself safe on block with her command dash )


General Discussion / Re: Looking for a Mentor
« on: March 29, 2013, 03:00:22 AM »
^^ Already answered. Im living in SoCal right now, but only for another month and a half. I dont know anyone who plays KoF in person, but I know they play at TRB.

Could anyone help detail what Leona / Kula / Kensou should be doing in the neutral / how they keep pressure applied / good buttons to use / anything?

Would be super helpful <3

General Discussion / Re: Looking for a Mentor
« on: March 28, 2013, 10:30:51 PM »
SoCal, Burbank specifically, but im moving back to Austin (TX) in mid May.

General Discussion / Looking for a Mentor
« on: March 28, 2013, 12:04:38 PM »
I dont think this is the right place for this, but I figured it would be seen here (I looked at the dates in the "training thread" and most are over a year old). Im a new player to the KoF series. Ive played a few before, but just for fun. Ive played competitive SF and Marvel for near 10 years now and im looking to get into KoF. I just bought the game two days ago, so im trying to learn everything about this game, its just a lot.

If anyone could mentor / coach me, I would be super appreciative. Ive got good fundementals and good execution, I just need to learn the specifics of this game like HD combos, meter usage and management, which characters fall into which archetypes, and how to apply and keep pressure with my chosen characters.

I want to use Leona no matter what. Aside from her, I really like Kula a lot. I also like Kensou, Ash, Joe, K', Saiki and Terry.

If it helps, I like playing "balanced" characters. (Morrigan in MvC3 / VSav, Juri, Ryu, Sagat and Viper in AE, etc). I like being able to fish for a hit relatively safely, then score a knockdown and setup pressure. That being said, I also like to zone (....Morrigan in MvC3......Juri and Sagat in AE......etc.)

So....yeah. thats me I guess.

Halp please?

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