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Messages - Strudelicious

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Meet & Greet / New to FG and getting bodied in China.
« on: August 15, 2013, 07:41:13 PM »
Hey Dreamcancel! So I'm pretty much new to FG's in general. I played SSFIV:AE VERY casually in the boonies of the US. After coming to China I had illusions of my skill completely shattered when I played the local community at an arcade. I then picked up KOF XIII simply because KOF has a much higher following here in China and realized how much MORE of a bad idea that was when even single player started giving me insane amounts of difficulty. Understand that I am a person who never really did the Trial modes or the challenges of fighting games...

In my bout of depression at getting destroyed by 40 year old men I started going online and watching nonstop Juicebox videos to really try to understand the game's mechanics and reading game theory literature. So what I have gleaned so far is that KOF is about:
1. Yomi, controlling space and creating opportunity while knowing your opponents choices and probable reactions
2. EXECUTION, combos are long. If I don't learn to execute ON POINT I will not be able to really keep up with the competition no matter how good my Yomi is since 1 opening can eventually lead to an entire life bar disappearing.

So far I have not even found characters that really resonate with me. I believe that I want Takuma to be an integral part of my game simply because of his high damage output, his low requirement on bar, and his simplicity of combos. Since KOF is a 3v3 game, I'm having trouble deciding my team order and the other 2 members of my team. So far I have had the most success with Andy's combo execution (which isn't saying much AT ALL) and have a liking towards Kensou's style but worry about the possible low damage output, high execution demands. Duo Lon looks amazing too, but to a beginning player with low skill level like me I do not know if that route is wise either. I really would appreciate comments on a training regimen (I have an hour to 2 every day to devote to this game) and some possible discussion on team configurations.

If this is the wrong section I apologize.

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