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Messages - Sir_Selah

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Training Room / Who's good at building meter without using it?
« on: October 30, 2011, 08:20:33 PM »
Other than K' of course (since 95 percent of matches I've watched so far have at least one K' on point ha ha).

I'm open to suggestions here from the entire cast. Although I may play it safe and play the classic Art of Fighting team for awhile whilst I learn the basics I'm looking to eventually expand into knowing at least a little bit of the entire roster.

Social Club / Re: Godhand
« on: October 30, 2011, 07:50:45 PM »
Best review of anything ever:

Online Matchmaking / Re: Building a better online player listing
« on: October 30, 2011, 07:19:24 PM »
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Games played:

KOF '95
KOF XIII (When it comes out)

PSN/ Sir_Selah

Meet & Greet / Re: Longtime reader, first time poster
« on: October 30, 2011, 06:58:08 PM »

I'm officially already jealous of your merch collection ha ha.

Meet & Greet / Re: New player from Jersey!
« on: October 30, 2011, 04:24:32 AM »
New Jersey eh? That's technically closer to my neck of the woods than most.

But seriously, welcome!

Ever watch the Holy Grail? Overused movie reference I know, but still. That bunny was something else.

On second thought it might be easier just to set up a lobby on the 21st instead of the whole tournament thing, especially if there's a lack of interest.

Meet & Greet / Re: hello, nobody important. (Minneapolis, MN)
« on: October 27, 2011, 05:32:05 PM »

Don't sell yourself short, I'm sure you have plenty of interesting opinions to contribute. :D

I like how instead of nerfing Raiden they tried to nerf Super Drop Kick but buffed others skills. This way people who really want to play with Raiden can explore and use all of his skills, and people who selected Raiden for his Drop kick spamming probably won't anymore.


I was so pumped I had to explain why this was awesome to the first person I saw, which happened to be my girlfriend who's only excited because I'm excited ha ha.

Offline Matchmaking / Re: Nova Scotia represent!
« on: October 27, 2011, 04:54:08 PM »
True enough! I know of some casual fans but I've also accepted the fact that if I ever want to compete at a higher level that'll mean some serious travel.

Thanks y'all!

I've always been interested in visiting/possibly living in Toronto at some point. But everyone tells me I'd be better off aspiring to live in a different city instead. >_>

Oh man, playing someone from SoCal in XII was like playing a JRPG. Hopefully XIII fixes that one ha ha.

I only have a PS3. I swore I can't get a 360 because the indie marketplace is too good and I'd buy games like every day for it.


Don't bother, please.

Ha ha, I know it's terrible. Hence the just for fun thing. :)

I sold my copy of Marvel 3 as well. Fun to watch, horrible to play (at least for me).


I've never been to British Columbia but I have a feeling I'll find my way there at some point in life. If for no other reason than the lady friend wants to go there at some point rather badly. Although I'm interested in the gaming scene and love the west coast indie music scene (from what little I know of it so far).

I'll keep tabs on this thread. If anyone has any ideas on how to run this please feel free to let me know. I've never run an online tournament before (but I have run offline tournaments for various games for over a year) so I could use the suggestions. :D

Wouldn't that be a laugh?

If anybody agrees lemme know! If someone wants to run one on the 360 that'd be cool as well.

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