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Messages - Aenthin

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SNK Art & Images / Re: SVC Chaos Text Generator Pic Posts
« on: April 10, 2012, 11:12:26 AM »
See if you can catch both anime references in the first pic (one of them is quite obvious):

Ahahaha! I did the same joke about Light and Iori once. The only flaw in that joke is that both Yagami's have a different kanji for them. Iori might actually be related to Taichi of Digimon 1 though, but only in the Japanese version.

While trying to look for the videos for the console changes again, I found this for Yuri (0:28):

1 stock, 1 drive
s.C xx qcb+AC, dp+C, dp+A [DC] dp+D > P, s.C xx dp+D > AC

Again, not sure about its exact damage but seems to do slightly around 400.

You might find other good combos in the video for this thread but I'm only interested in Yuri at the moment.

Mai Shiranui / Re: Mai Shiranui (Console)
« on: April 09, 2012, 09:28:12 AM »
Agreed with him on this one. She's hard to play effectively (i.e. dishing out the most cost-effective damage output, etc...) although not a difficult character to learn with.

If you insist on playing as Mai first, I would suggest playing with her normal attacks. She has a good number of pokes, both in the air and on the ground and you'll want to learn which normal to use effectively at certain situations. She doesn't have a lot of combos but she at least has good priority over her pokes.

Social Club / Re: I would like a KOF XIII Cameo Thread
« on: April 01, 2012, 07:50:40 AM »
I've noticed that the panda in the China stage is sometimes there, sometimes missing. Makes me think if it's actually Baitang, the Psycho Soldiers' pet panda and Chin's alternate striker in 2000.

Mai Shiranui / Re: Mai Shiranui (Console)
« on: March 17, 2012, 05:04:23 AM »
I just wanna throw out there that too many people are cancelling their cr.C into ryuenbu or kachousen on block too much. Trying to do fancy frame traps and blockstrings.
And they just end up get guard cancel rolled and eating huge damage.
This is why I do cr.C > charge d,u+P instead. Incidentally, has anyone actually cancelled this into d+B to catch people off guard?

Classic King of Fighters / Re: King of Fighters: Maximum Impact Thread
« on: February 28, 2012, 07:48:31 PM »
I remember someone once saying Alba Meira is a really cheap bastard with his three fireballs and whatnot. Then Ash appeared.

Kula Diamond / Re: Kula Diamond (Console)
« on: February 17, 2012, 02:47:15 PM »
Did you guys know about Counter Shell being able to counter Orochinagi, of all things? Start at around 1:30.

General Discussion / Re: Tier lists and Character Discussion Thread
« on: February 16, 2012, 04:20:55 AM »
I don't think Robert's higher than Andy or Kyo. I believe he's just slightly lower. The thing is though, he's probably the only character I know who could adapt to almost every single fighting style there is, be it a rushdown, a zoner or even a grappler (kind of). Also, it's not so much about getting the most damaging combos as much as hitting them consistently, and Robert has an awful lot of ways to get in.

I think that's really the thing about Robert. You have to keep anticipating his every move, else you'll get punished a lot.

Edit: Also, this is best tier list.


I'd dissect this but I'm too lazy at the moment. Lol!

Got one for Benimaru, thanks to this (00:16).

2 Stocks, 1 Drive
j.D, cr.B xx qcf+K > d,u+K [DC 1st hit] qcb+P, qcf2x+AC

Confirm damage please.

General Discussion / Re: The King of Fighters XIII Video Thread
« on: February 12, 2012, 08:56:57 AM »
That is a nice showing of Ash, especially at the end.

Well considering one of their strongest titles (2k2UM) is in NesicaXLive, having XIII in Nesica would still be likely, don't you think?

I think KOFXIII Climax will be released via NesicaXLive, due to SNKP re-releases of KOF'98UM FE and KOF 2002UM for this system.

I think so too, actually, especially since XIII was released a few months (weeks? days?) before NesicaXLive was released. I remember thinking back then what could have been had they waited for Nesica to come out.

Anyone else find it odd how even though SoCal seems to hold Robert in such high regard when talking about tiers they never ever actually use him?

Also, seems Mature is moving up their ranks. She was getting a lot of use in yesterday's tournament, even as anchor. Her EX fireball pretty much completely shuts down fireball games, like that of Saiki. Her links equal tons of damage and she can really lock you down with block strings.

I've been curious about the Robert thing for a long time. He's good, but works best at mid to long range IMO. The mid range attacks can set up the close range, but he always seemed weak up close compared to Takuma, or Ryo. Every time I hear about Robert though, they make him out a all around fighter w/ high priority. I just don't see it.

I think it's exactly because he's an all-around fighter that he seems to pale in comparison with Takuma or Ryo in close range. When you look at it, Robert has pretty much everything in his arsenal: a fireball, an anti-air, a cross up, a name it, he probably has it, except more juggling options.

When he corners an opponent, he turns out to have less juggling options without having to sacrifice meter or drive. The biggest difference is that his db_f+K makes him jump backwards, unlike Takuma's version or Ryo's hcb+K. Ryo can also juggle his opponents a few times with his qcf+A while Takuma can prolong his combos further with his zanretsuken into grab. Even Yuri outjuggles Robert with her qcb+P.

Basically, he's like Mario. He's pretty well-rounded, having almost every single trick you can find, but not really the best in all of them.

Quote from: BioBooster
@Aenthin, Solidshark was saying it's like $10 cheaper at the moment, maybe a golden opp?

Maybe in the US, where I am not. ;P

Oh and here's one from Clark by DandyDLC:

0 Stock, 1 Drive
cr.B,st.B xx charge b,f+A, mash P (1 hit) xx charge b,f+C, charge b,f+C, (delay) charge b,f+A, charge b,f+A, j.D = 350 damage
Anywhere; builds meter

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