PSN: Mikel93
Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma
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Quote from: Evil_Yagami at Cyberfanatix
Somebody is calming that he has a source in Taito Corporation that knows some info about KOF 20th Anniversary, the info is written in Korean, I tried my best to translate them using the Online Translators, I am pretty sure that I have some mistakes, so be careful :Quote-내년 20주년을 맞이 하는 KOF 신작은 내년 10월경 가동을 위해 준비중이며 3~4월경 상세 정보를 공개할 예정.
- Next year is the 20th Anniversary of KOF, a new KOF game is expected to be revealed in March or April next year, also the same source mentioned October, it could be the release date of the game ! The supposed announcement of the game being released in March/April, will be in October!
Quote-드림매치로 이루어질 것이며 타이틀은 연도제나 시리즈 숫자 표기가 아닌 부제 형식으로 갈지도 모른다.The next KOF is going to be a Dream Match, also the game doesn't have a number till now !Quote-참전캐릭터의 수는 50명 이상이 될 예정이며 현재 36명의 라인업이 확정되었고 이미 디자인 및 도트작업에 들어가고 있다.The number of the characters in the new KOF game will be more than 50, includes all the 36 characters from KOF XIII !Quote-그들은 KOF에서 나오지 않았던 깜짝놀랄만한 캐릭터의 컴백을 계획하고 있다.I couldn't understand it ! This part is rather confusing. They said they are making a comeback of surprising characters that were not expected. They also said "new" surprising comeback characters which is very contradicting. UPDATE: According to Madman, they are returning some sensational characters not seen before in the KOF series (other SNK games?).Quote-XIII 에서 사용했던 캐릭터의 도트를 사용하지 않고 1080p의 해상도에 모든것이 3D로 이루어 새롭게 만들어진다.(3D로 작업후 2D를 덮어씌우는 방식이 아님.)The graphics of the new KOF will be in 3D, KOF XIII couldn't offer a real dot characters in 1080P, some parts couldn't understand it ! They send there are different camera angles depending on which "skill" they do. The reason they are doing 3D is because they want to do new character introduction.
이는 다양한 캐릭터 등장씬과 기술에 따라 다양한 카메라 구도와 효과를 사용하기 위함이며 2D형식과 비슷한 속도감과 타격의 게임을 구현하기 위해 노력하고 있다.Quote-시스템은 어느정도 윤곽은 잡혔으나 문제점이 계속 발견되어 계속 수정중에 있다.They are facing some issues with the gameplay system, and still doing configurations and modifications on it !Quote-조금 더 유저들이 친근하게 다가갈 수 있도록 시스템을 XIII보다 더 쉽게 할 것이며 모드콤보를 삭제하고 98정도의 콤보로 회귀하는 방향도 검토중.The system is more user friendly, seems more easier than KOF XIII, and the combo system will be similar to KOF 98 !Quote하지만 전작처럼 타이밍같은 것이 어렵지는 않을 것이다.Like the previous work, the same thing, but the timing will not be difficult.Quote-역대 가장 많은 인원수와 금액으로 개발을 하고 있으며 지금도 인력을 구하고 있다. (어떤 기판을 사용하는지는 공개하지 않고 있다.)Big number of development staffs and some others !
Those info are rumors, so keep in mind it may means nothing !!
Quote from: PEAH8R on July 19, 2013, 09:41:33 PM
is this game 3d?
Quote from: Killey on July 17, 2013, 10:20:59 PM
I'm glad you guys posted up the streamed matches because I ended up missing some of them while recording these matches. I was banking on the archive or youtube vids for those stream matches. lol
Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on May 08, 2013, 04:34:14 AM
Anyone think we should update the first page of this thread with our gametags?
Also, anyone wanna plan a date and time to all play together?