Alright dudes, thanks a lot for your help!
Please go ahead and check out the live brackets.
If you have any concerns with the brackets themselves, go to the bottom left of the page, click on "send feedback," select the box / name of the person under the 'specific' tag (or just send a concern about the whole page) and let us know what you think. Your discussion was very helpful during the process!
oh god is it under two weeks for evo
oh god oh god
Please go ahead and check out the live brackets.
If you have any concerns with the brackets themselves, go to the bottom left of the page, click on "send feedback," select the box / name of the person under the 'specific' tag (or just send a concern about the whole page) and let us know what you think. Your discussion was very helpful during the process!
oh god is it under two weeks for evo
oh god oh god