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Messages - lunarhostility

Ex Iori (Flame) / Re: EX Iori (Flames)
January 06, 2012, 06:49:19 PM
Is this character better 2nd or as an anchor? Trying to figure out where to place him and Andy on my team of K', Andy, and Flames Iori. Thanks!
Training Room / Re: How to compose a team
January 06, 2012, 06:48:17 PM
Raynex, thanks for the response, it's really great hearing constructive feedback from long time members of Dream Cancel. I had a question, though: one of the top players in my scene recommended switching the last two characters because (1) Flames Iori doesn't do enough damage and (2) Andy has really good safe pressure and combo extensions with meter. Care to address these points? Thank you again for the welcome and feedback!
Andy Bogard / Re: Andy Bogard (Console)
January 06, 2012, 06:38:27 PM
Is Andy a good anchor? I'm a total noob to this game, but it seems like he can get some major damage and pressure with his EX moves.
Training Room / Re: How to compose a team
January 04, 2012, 11:29:55 PM
First time KOF player here. Thinking about K', Andy, and Flame Iori, in that order. What do you guys think?
General Discussion / best place to buy the game now?
January 01, 2012, 12:43:50 AM
Hello everyone at Dream Cancel,

I've been an MvC player for quite some time and now want to get KoF because a lot of people in my scene are playing it. My question to you guys, then, is where is the best place to buy the game at the moment? Amazon looks promising because I have Amazon Student which is free 2 day shipping but is there a better deal anyone knows?
