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Messages - Oktoberfest

Steam ID: Gouilaz
Location: Zurich, Switzerland, Europe



OS: Windows 7 64bit
Processor: i5-3230M 3.20 GHz
Video card: Geforce 680 GTX

Switzerland is in the middle of Europe and is known for its great internet connectivity to surrounding countries. I have very good internet connections to German, France and Italian KOF13 on the PS3 Version, so I can cover a lot of europe players from here. Also, I play KOF 13 on PS3 and can directly compare performance quality of netcode to PC port.
Andy Bogard / Re: Andy Bogard (Console)
July 19, 2013, 07:37:07 AM
@knightkinetik: holy moly, thanks A LOT! this will definitively help!!
Andy Bogard / Re: Andy Bogard (Console)
July 08, 2013, 12:29:43 PM
@ Knight Kinetik. Quality is secondary, even vid quality would be much appreciated and it would even contain your clicking button sound for timing. Thanks in advance! :-)
Andy Bogard / Re: Andy Bogard (Console)
July 06, 2013, 04:53:41 PM
@ KnightKinetik.

Thanks a lot for the quick reply. I now consistently can do your advised f,hcf (holding forward at the end) then C, but I just input C once and hold it (leniency seems even better in HD mode, dont know why).
It works, but comes out only at 1st hit of the enemy, otherwise just dp comes out.

However, when switching sides in the combo (enemy afloat in the air), although I do the correct & mirrored input either nothing comes out or just a regular dragon punch. Is there a specific timing or input window to it ? Or does hold C negate the follow up input, maybe?
Eventually someone indeed has/could make a input video or something ? it really drives me nuts (checked all over youtube, this specific combo has no inputs shown, even if Bala uses Andy in a few videos).

(holding the second C)
Andy Bogard / Re: Andy Bogard (Console)
July 05, 2013, 01:39:48 AM
There are many combo videos for Andy, but nearly each of them lacks the input data.
I suppose everybody know the HD combo where andy shift from left to right to left etc canceling the dp into db-f all time and keeping the enemy afloat in the air

(For example in the andy combo video from personaworld:

"Andy fighting Ralf: jp C, D xx fA xx BC, D xx fA xx db-f C xx dp C (1 hit) xx db-f C, dp C (1 hit) xx db-f C, dp C (1 hit) xx db-f C, dp C (1 hit) xx hcf K xx BD, qcb-hcf BD xx qcb-hcf AC")

There must be a shortcut or something ?! It is otherwise extremely difficult to input. Could somebody tell me the easiest way to input this HD combo?
Takuma Sakazaki / Re: Takuma Sakazaki (Console)
July 05, 2013, 01:35:00 AM
RE: 1 frame link Takuma nearly impossible ? (qcf D, cr A viceversa)

Hi. I play kof on a tv with 42 ms input lag, ps3 (tested via lag bodnar test and evaluated as "good", samsung ps60e6500 plasma, pc mode via hdmi).
However, when I put the Dummy on 1 hit guard it is nearly impossible to land above 1-frame links consistently, far less than 10% of tryouts (using for example iori as dummy). is it possible that the timing on the dummy is even more strict that in a regular match ?!
Or is it simply beause of the above input lag of estimated 2 frames of the tv? I am getting desperate. If it is indeed the timing, could somebody make a short slow-motion video where it is shown at which animation frame the exact input must be done? cu
Takuma Sakazaki / Re: Takuma Sakazaki (Console)
January 18, 2013, 06:25:52 PM
Hi, I just watched the Japanese guard crush community videos:
KoF XIII : 常識的に考えて Coordinated Guard Crush [2][/url]

Extremely fascinating.

Is there such a guard crush combo for Takuma available? Any ideas would be very appreciated. Thx.
I can do most combos. But I have no clue how to reliably connect  ;bk ;db (charge) ;fd ;b;bk ;db  (charge);fd ;b (so far no probs) WITH Standing HP (last step is my problem, usually it is followed with  ;bk ;fd ;bk PP and the combo goes on). I only manage to do it with multiple HP inputs, like at least pressing 4x HPs very fast, in most cases in comes out too late or not at all. If I delay, the enemy already hits the floor and I miss, too. Keeping pressing turbo button does not help either.
No idea when watching Vespers or the Hit box video of Takuma either.

Any help appreciated.

Hi.  I will be in Singapore shortly, 1st April to 16th April  .
Regarding fighting games (KOF XIII and SF IV) do you have any Singapore Arcade adresses or Tournaments which are a must to visit?

Any advice appreciated.

Yesterday for the first time I got the option to "upload a match" after a fight (Xbox). Then came the regular question to "save the match". After confirmation where does one find the uploaded online match and under what name do you search it? (Xbox and PS3). Sorry for the noob question, would appreciate an answer.
Takuma Sakazaki / Re: Takuma Sakazaki (Console)
February 07, 2012, 11:49:31 PM
Referring for example to the youtube-video "Takuma DDTC", combo 14, I have great problems to super cancel ;dn ;df ;fd ;d into   ;dn ;df ;fd ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk ;a. (part of the combo chain  ;db ;fd ;d, ;db ;fd ;b, ;dn ;df ;fd ;d, ;dn ;df ;fd ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk ;a). I am aware of Kanes KOF shortcuts but none of them seem to work here.
Neither  ;dn ;df ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd ;d, ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk ;a, nor  ;dn ;df ;fd ;d ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk ;a nor  ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd ;d  ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk ;a. Only randomly there is a Supercancel.

I have no problems whatsoever with Andys Supercancel  ;dn ;db ;bk ;c ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd ;d which is essentially the same sequence, or any other combos of Takuma which finish into his super move  ;dn ;df ;fd ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk ;c or  ;a.
Any help would be appreciated.
Takuma Sakazaki / Re: Takuma Sakazaki (Console)
February 02, 2012, 08:30:45 PM
@ Ufgt: Do you have a list where certain top players (like Xian) are associated with certain KOF characters? This would make searching for certain matches much easier.
@ Diavle: Thanks for the quick reply.
@aethin & nilcam: could anyone please explain the difference in input with Benimaru on 1:10 timestamp?  ;c into ;c+ ;b I think, but two different outcomes. Why does he dash in one version versus hitting twice ?!
ok, i already tried vertical jump and will try again, but a "side" hop that lands deep give me better results. however, if you look at your inputs, do you (intentionally or unintentionally) do some buffering or repeated button input (like   ;d ;c ;c)? Please check and let me know.

@ bigvador: "u have 2 be kinda deep in the jump 2 a jumpin attack 2 anybody": I think we both mean hitting your opponent low, right? As i mentioned unter b)