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Messages - Shiranui_ninja

General Discussion / Re: KOFXIV Announced for 2016
August 23, 2016, 11:31:31 AM
Did anyone here try online? Does it work fine?
General Discussion / Re: KOFXIV Announced for 2016
July 29, 2016, 11:47:06 AM
Quote from: Light13 on July 28, 2016, 09:38:49 PM
Really loving that theme in my top 2 with Neo Esaka. Still mad about K's new theme.
You mean you don't like it? Wow, it's my favourite theme in this game! Funny how different our tastes and opinions can be :D
General Discussion / Re: KOF XIV Demo Impressions
July 22, 2016, 12:17:07 PM
Who'd you play?
Mai. I planned to put on the labs Sylvie or Shun'ei but I don't have the time right now.

How did the game feel/look/play for you?
I think at first sight it looks quite out of date. I remember my partner saw it and said "what is this? Is a Ps4 game?? OMG". But when you start to move your character and play, you suddenly feel like "Home, sweet home". Regular jumps feel slower indeed, walking is slower too I think, but is something you just get use to it quickly, not big drama. You have to force yourself to use rolls, dash/run and mini hop, medium hop or triangular jump more often.
I think that despite graphics are not very "ultimate gen" and animations aren't perfect, the game feels like an old KOF much more than XIII and its 60fps smootheness is just great.

After playing it, which KOF(s) would you strongly compare XIV to?
Obviously there's a lot of stuff coming from XIII. You can't stop thinking about XIII while you play, at least in my case, because Mai is more or less the same with some changes. But gameplay, in fact, feels very different. It makes you to remember old games  like '98 or even XI. But even with that I strongly compare XIV to XIII, yes.

Tell us everything you'd like about the demo.
The removal of Drive Cancels and limiting EX moves to MAX mode mode affects drastically the gameplay and makes the game feels very different from XIII. In XIII you had more long combos, in XIV you have to activate MAX (which is harder) or gameplay becomes very basic and a bit boring. So I would say that while in XIII combos were too crazy and long I think it felt more noobfriendly. In XIV if you really want to have fun and be damaging with a nice combo you have to activate MAX mode and this can be too hard for a noob/beginner. Also I found cancels are very strict, much more than in XIII. At least in Mai's case.
On a side note, I think Shun'ei needs some rebalance.
General Discussion / Re: KOFXIV Announced for 2016
July 21, 2016, 01:35:08 PM
Quote from: Mekikung on July 21, 2016, 09:53:34 AM
Quote from: Shiranui_ninja on July 19, 2016, 12:30:04 PM
I'm really disapointed with Mai.

Is bad, really bad. People say she's better than in XIII. I disagree. She can connect anything. Nor Advanced Cancels, nor Climax Cancels. She suffered a lot the removal of drive cancel system. She can no longer finish her combos with air grab. It wasn't big thing but it was fun to do it. Musasabi charge can not be canceled anymore in the air. Now is only for escape and is very slow. Ryuenbu's hitboxes are even worst than in XIII, Musasabi Mai in air is useless, bad strings... So, yeah basically Mai is useful for spamm Kachosens and punish jumps with Climax. Nothing more. SNK just didn't put any kind of effort in Mai. Only in her breasts jiggling.

dude , Mai can cancel jump a and jump c to Ukihane and then musasabi no mai . (in 13 u can do it with jump b and d they change it to a and c in 13) . and now with her new super Kagero no Mai , u can do great damage while mid screen and last thing some combo finish with air grab look at this


ps. her Musasabi no Mai EX have invicible for projectile

I was unfair with my first impressions about XIV's Mai, is true. But in XIII Mai could cancel Musasabi Charge in Ukihane or normal air hit. I used that for combos after launching a Kachosen. it was like a very large jump. And i loved to finish some basic corner combos with air grab. Now is almost impossible. But is ok. I have been descovering things in training and watching combo videos and she has a lot of stuff. Like Musasabi charge EX, which can combo after EX Kachousen. One of my favourites combos.
Mai Shiranui / Re: Mai Shiranui
July 20, 2016, 07:43:20 PM
Yes, exactly. B>D is better to start, but from what I have seen in combo videos it is better to continue after MAX acticvation with C or with her C+D splat, which can lead into many combo options.
Mai Shiranui / Re: Mai Shiranui
July 20, 2016, 03:50:53 PM
This is a very stample 5 bars combo for Mai. All new Mai players should start from here.

! No longer available

General Discussion / Re: KOFXIV Announced for 2016
July 19, 2016, 07:26:16 PM
Quote from: MetalThrashingMadman on July 19, 2016, 04:39:10 PM
I understand that you are disappointed at how she works now. But isn't day one of the demo a little early to say she is bad? We have afterall seen people do well with her.

Maybe you are right. Is a first impression. Now i have to get used to this new Mai and try to be effective with what she has, but to resume my first impression: Mai was better in XIII and I always thought that in XIII she was pretty bad. Of course, if you are a good KOF player, you can be a pain in the ass with Mai or any other character you play. I guess i just have to stop getting obsessed with combos and play her in a more bitching/zonner way.
General Discussion / Re: KOFXIV Announced for 2016
July 19, 2016, 12:30:04 PM
I'm really disapointed with Mai.

Is bad, really bad. People say she's better than in XIII. I disagree. She can connect anything. Nor Advanced Cancels, nor Climax Cancels. She suffered a lot the removal of drive cancel system. She can no longer finish her combos with air grab. It wasn't big thing but it was fun to do it. Musasabi charge can not be canceled anymore in the air. Now is only for escape and is very slow. Ryuenbu's hitboxes are even worst than in XIII, Musasabi Mai in air is useless, bad strings... So, yeah basically Mai is useful for spamm Kachosens and punish jumps with Climax. Nothing more. SNK just didn't put any kind of effort in Mai. Only in her breasts jiggling.

General Discussion / Re: KOFXIV Announced for 2016
July 18, 2016, 06:34:43 PM
Quote from: steamwolf on July 18, 2016, 05:53:23 PM
Quote from: MetalThrashingMadman on July 18, 2016, 03:33:52 AM
Alright, was not expecting most of those characters for the demo. I mean Kyo, Iori, and Mai seem kind of obvious, but King of Dinosaurs and that guest character from P4: Arena? I'm really fucking stoked for this demo now. Though I do cry for no Terry. He's the one character I play every KOF (Blue Mary would be the other one if she was in every KOF *sigh*).

Wait there's a guest character from P4? Who is it cause I missed that part completely.
I think he refers to Sylvie.

The selection of these 7 playable characters can be understood. 3 classic characters: Kyo and Iori of course, and Mai as iconic poster girl. 4 newcomers to promote them (there are a lot this time). KOD and Sylvie are Oda's and Ogura's favourites. Nelson to appel latin community, which is very big. Shun'ei to appeal asian community which is very big too and also he's a key character in this new chapter.

I agree Terry should be in the demo. I would remove Nelson and put Terry instead.
General Discussion / Re: KOFXIV Announced for 2016
July 18, 2016, 03:21:35 PM
Quote from: shinefist on July 18, 2016, 09:56:25 AM
I hope Antonov and final boss are tournament balanced. That would be great for the games publicity.

Does anybody now when demo's get released on the PSN? Is there a chance of it coming out tonight, morning, afternoon? I'm not sure the way PSN time schedules things.
I think it depends on when PS Store is updated in your country/region. In my case, Tuesdays afternoom around 17h.
General Discussion / Re: KOFXIV Announced for 2016
July 18, 2016, 01:40:16 AM
Awesome story trailer! Also I liked Antonov.

Mai playable on tuesday!! So great news these days... :) HYPE.
General Discussion / Re: KOFXIV Announced for 2016
July 07, 2016, 09:16:03 PM
KOD is the most interesting character in this team to me, but it is nice to see Ramon again.

KOF XIV EVO side tournament is exciting. I hope we will see a full roster build for first time.
General Discussion / Re: KOFXIV Announced for 2016
July 01, 2016, 11:16:02 AM
I don't like Zarina at all. The most interesting character of this team is Bandeiras to me.
General Discussion / Re: KOFXIV Announced for 2016
June 30, 2016, 04:08:19 PM
Quote from: shinefist on June 30, 2016, 02:52:24 PM
Random masks sounds strange.
Not really. Let's say that Mian have around 8 different masks. I think those masks have an order to appear: mask01, mask02, mask03, etc. And at certain moves she changes her mask. So independently which move she does masks change in that order in loop. So we can see one same move with different masks depending in what you do during the match. Let's say the first thing you do with Mian is her Climax. Then you'll see her Climax with mask02. But if before Climax you do a move where she changes her mask and then the Climax, you'll see her Climax with mask03.

If i'm right, then Mian is probably that character impossible to do in 2D Oda refered to. Because do all that mask changing for all possible frames would be insane.