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Messages - Iyokuu

Leona Heidern / Re: Leona Heidern (Console)
April 24, 2012, 04:29:07 PM
From her I don't remember the name, but her DM with her slashing back and forth. It's the most common Max cancel I've seen online. In fact it's the only one. I don't know the timing or how to Max cancel in the first place.
Leona Heidern / Re: Leona Heidern (Console)
April 24, 2012, 03:40:47 AM
How do you Neo MAx cancel with Leona?!
Saiki / Re: Saiki
April 22, 2012, 03:33:46 PM
So I've recently been playing KoF and I'm very interested in Saiki. I'm most definitely thinking about picking him up. I came here to ask what should be my training regime with him. Most damaging BnB's, etc? These forums need to be a lot more active.
I put some time into the lab with each of them the other night, but I can't pick a solid team. I grew a small like for Kula that night too going through her trials. Out of K', Kula, Mai, Leona, Benimaru, Shen, Hwa, and Elisabeth I can't really decide on my first three that will always be there. I like them all and I know tiers don't really matter in this game which is something else I love which means I don't have to worry about who's the "best."

I like Hwa, but it will take some good practice before I can get his BnB's/extended combos down. The same thing with Leona. Her charge moves back to back are what really grind my gears. K' seems to mainly focus around his Fire ring which is lame, but K' himself is just so cool to me. I can almost consistently do his BnB that ends with a slide into shoryuken. And why aren't these forums more active? They seem like it could be a great help.
Hey all,

What characters would you say teach the fundamentals of KoF? Also would learning Leona be worth it? I'm just starting out, but I like her (along with many others). The only thing I don't like about her is her charge aspect and I've been told she was a difficult character to learn along with Hwa. Any help with all of this?
Training Room / Re: How to compose a team
April 11, 2012, 07:22:43 PM
Thanks Shark. I didn't know it was a common team, but I definitely want to use them smart and not in a lazy manner.
Training Room / Re: How to compose a team
April 11, 2012, 01:21:12 AM
So I've been playing around for about an hour or so with K' as point, Mai on second, and Benimaru as my anchor. I didn't like Benimaru or Mai's moves at first, but I'm starting to get used to them. How does this team sound to you guys? Any suggestions?
Training Room / Re: Advice on how to become better?
April 10, 2012, 11:28:28 PM
That's some really nice advice I enjoyed reading. Thanks for that. With that being said, if I'm dabbling with every character then exactly how do I utilize training mode? I mean, just learn every one that interest me BnB's? lol What would you recommend to a beginner at KOF, but don't limit me to just an easy character please.
Training Room / Advice on how to become better?
April 10, 2012, 11:08:45 PM
I've had the game all weekend now, but... I haven't really made any progress. I've just been searching through forums, watching videos, and reading about nearly every character and still haven't decided on a set team. I like K' because he looks super cool, but obviously I like Mai (who doesn't) because she's been my eye candy for years. Other characters interest me, but nothing really clicks with my fingers like Street Fighter did. I've read tiers don't really matter in this game, which is great news and that I should pick characters I like. Shen is combo friendly, right? Which is cool, but I don't like too slow of characters. I also don't like grapplers or big characters.

But my character selection isn't what I really need advice on, it's how to go about tackling KOF. In SF I would just go through training mode, practice some combos, then get online for some match-up practice knowing I wouldn't get destroyed by some top player because I knew how to perform my BnB's. With KOF I'm a bit worried about getting online for that reason. I feel I won't learn anything by getting destroyed. It just feels weird to me compared to SF, but I really wanna make some progress in this game. So can the community here help me understand and tackle KOF?
Mai Shiranui / Re: Mai Shiranui (Console)
April 09, 2012, 08:04:12 PM
All of this is great info, but whats funny is I came to KOF to learn proper fundamentals. I know SF to an extent, but it's applying it under pressure or consecutively in a match.
K' / Re: K’ (Console)
April 09, 2012, 12:16:47 AM
Wow... :D I wasn't expecting anything like this, but this is some great info! Being new and all it's gonna be a month or so before I actually can learn to implement hops and other technical stuff into my combos. I'm in Shoryuken daily with SFxT being out and all, so if this is just as active I'll be here a lurking these forums as well. Thanks again Reiki!
K' / Re: K’ (Console)
April 08, 2012, 10:00:23 PM
Hey all, I'm new to KOF and looking into K' as my first character. Any tips you guys can give to a complete beginner in this game? [Note I came from an SF background, but I'm here to improve my execution skills and learn proper fundamentals of the game.]
Mai Shiranui / Re: Mai Shiranui (Console)
April 08, 2012, 08:43:01 PM
So as a newcomer to KOF I've always had Mai as my candy. Now that I own the game I figured I should learn her as my first character (Since Leona is a charge character and considered one of the harder ones to learn), but a group member of mine told me Mai was also hard to learn/use properly. Is this true and I should pick someone else like Kula, King, or K' or should is there something I should learn basic with Mai and move on from there?