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Topics - BZ Choy

Offline Matchmaking / The Montreal Thread
December 15, 2011, 09:44:42 PM
Hi there! I'm looking for people to play KOF XIII with at Montreal. It doesn't seem like there's a scene yet so might as well build one and have some competition and people learning (like me).

Unfortunately, there is no arcade centre I know that has KOF XIII. We might gather at Foonzo and bring our own setup or we might do it at someone's house. I cannot do it at my house, sorry. If we do it at Foonzo, prepare your wallet though (you have to buy something every now and then to stay).

So yeah, let's get some community rolling.

P.S.: Je parle aussi français, fait que si y'en a qui se sentent plus à l'aise en parlant français, gênez-vous pas.
Meet & Greet / Greetings from Montreal!
December 11, 2011, 12:27:45 AM
Hi there!

I just bought KOF XIII two weeks ago and so far, I like it! Been playing the KOF series and other SNK games like FF and SamSho since a while ago but never beyond casual/newb level. XIII's gonna be my first game I'll take seriously or at least semi-seriously. Right now, I'm messing with Leona, her moveset looks cool.

Is there any Montreal player out there too?