Have any of you got any tips against Andy? I can point out what most of my problems are, most of it involves random crossups to meterless BnB and eating random tackles. The most I can think of is to AA when possible to stop crossups. Are his tackles punishable at all? I think the light ones are safe if spaced right.
But the thing I'd like to know most is how to take advantage of knockdown against Andy. I know Andy has a DP, but what are the best ways to bait it and when do I know I can safely bait it? Also, a good punisher would be great, I'm using Ryo on point, so maximizing one bar of meter midscreen would be the best answer for me.
As for Ryo in general, I find this character to be really fun, I'm surprised more people don't use him. Kohkens feel almost OP if used right.
But the thing I'd like to know most is how to take advantage of knockdown against Andy. I know Andy has a DP, but what are the best ways to bait it and when do I know I can safely bait it? Also, a good punisher would be great, I'm using Ryo on point, so maximizing one bar of meter midscreen would be the best answer for me.
As for Ryo in general, I find this character to be really fun, I'm surprised more people don't use him. Kohkens feel almost OP if used right.