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Messages - JuiceboxAbel

King / Re: King (Console)
May 05, 2013, 12:56:46 AM
No. Every character has their own jump heights and distances (the DLC characters are an exception, they have the same jumps as their non-DLC counterparts).
King / Re: King (Console)
May 03, 2013, 02:13:30 AM
You can only do it by drive canceling a trap shot. This knocks the opponent higher and allows the D tornado to connect.
I would love to help, let me know if you think there's something specific I can do. I'm really good at explaining things in layman's terms.
Made my first video: http://youtu.be/evfTWzbI_JY

How do I embed it in the video thread?
Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on October 31, 2012, 06:06:46 AM
Quote from: JuiceboxAbel on October 31, 2012, 05:00:41 AM
defensive throw OS

Is the OS the one SNKPlaymore showed where you throw people trying to roll out of the corner on their wake or have them hit with a meaty attack?

No, the one already explained in the 20 minute beginner's guide about defending yourself from an empty jump throw (and nothing comes out if you block a jump in).
So I want to start making tutorial videos, and I wanted to start with the "button hold trick".

Does anybody know how long the "hold" lasts? I don't want to default to -a long time-.
I want to cover these topics one video at a time eventually:

button hold
"trip guard"
projectile advantage
defensive throw OS
team composition
the up close game (how to mixup, basically)
character-specific guides
King / Re: King (Console)
August 23, 2012, 03:13:27 AM
Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on August 23, 2012, 02:24:05 AM

This isn't working for me. In training mode I have Mr. Karate on all guard with a recorded qcf+A and I can't punish it on block with King's hcb+D. I tried after a blockstring and raw point blank, in the corner and midscreen.

No, you punish it on whiff, on reaction.

If he does a qcf+A and it whiffs, IMMEDIATELY do D Tornado and you'll hit his recovery. This is of course assuming he's 2/3 screen or closer, but he won't really use qcf+A from further away anyway.

Simply stay around 1/2 screen distance and punish this move repeatedly, and he'll have to come in on you if you have a lead. At that distance if he tries hyperhop anything you can st.C for a trade (or better), throw grounded B or EX fireballs, or try to go on offense with a slide or by running towards him (don't hop him, for the love of god).
Robert Garcia / Re: Robert Garcia (Console)
August 19, 2012, 08:48:55 PM
Robert's HD combo is a little tough, mostly because if you want to do something more complicated than "1,2,3, super, neomax" your stage position becomes very important. With practice, Robert's HD combo will do just under 800 for 2 bars consistently. This guide will help you carry your opponent to the corner off of a regular ground string and end your combo with a neomax.

I used the blue metallic stage with Rose and Adelheid for this because the stage has clearly marked sections. I have defined the following boundaries:

(Assume Robert is facing to the right)

ZONE 1 - From the left corner to the thin, narrow pillar which is immediately to the right of the computer chair. *Note that I AM NOT referring to the thick pillar covered in wires which is to the left of the piano.

ZONE 2 - From the end of ZONE 1 to the center of the 3 red lines on the floor near the center of the stage, left of the piano.

ZONE 3 - From the end of ZONE 2 to the precise center of the stage. (This ZONE is very small.)

ZONE 4 - From the center of the stage all the way to the corner.

As you learn these "areas" of the stage you should find your own way of defining the same areas in the other stages. Try not to use the cameo characters as markers because they will not always be there.
[dc] = drive cancel

ZONE 1 HD Combo:
812 damage, 3 bars

cl.C, f+B, f+A (1 hit) xx HD
cl.C, f+B xx C uppercut, late [dc] to D divekick
A uppercut [dc] A fireball
EX charge kick (both hits must connect)
C uppercut [dc] C fireball
A uppercut [dc] D divekick (misses)
C uppercut [dc] neomax
ZONE 2 HD Combo:
794 damage, 2 bars

cl.C, f+B, f+A (1 hit) xx HD
cl.C, f+B xx C uppercut, late [dc] to D divekick
A uppercut [dc] A fireball
D charge kick
C uppercut [dc] C fireball
C uppercut [dc] neomax
ZONE 3 HD Combo:
790 damage, 2 bars

cl.C, f+B, f+A (1 hit) xx HD
cl.C, f+B xx C uppercut, late [dc] to D divekick
A uppercut [dc] D divekick (misses)
C uppercut [dc] C fireball
A uppercut [dc] D divekick (misses)
C uppercut [dc] C fireball
C uppercut [dc] neomax
ZONE 4 HD Combo:
790 damage, 2 bars

cl.C, f+B, f+A (1 hit) xx HD
cl.C, f+B xx C uppercut, late [dc] to D divekick*
C uppercut [dc] C fireball
A uppercut [dc] D divekick (misses)
C uppercut [dc] C fireball
A uppercut [dc] D divekick (misses)
C uppercut [dc] neomax

*For ZONE 4, the late cancel is not necessary if you started the combo to the right of the 3 red lines on the right of the piano. A slightly earlier cancel to the divekick will still combo at this distance.
Any thoughts or edits you guys would like to make to this?
Yuri Sakazaki / Re: Yuri Sakazaki (Console)
July 30, 2012, 12:43:58 AM
Quote from: Tikok on July 29, 2012, 11:08:45 PM
To avoid that I just don't use shortcuts and do dp P > dp K.

Try this:

6 2 3 P K

Literally, do the motion once and stop at df. Both specials will come out if you did the motion quickly and press the 2nd button fast enough. One of the many reasons I like a square gate with KOF.
King / Re: King (Console)
July 30, 2012, 12:22:47 AM
Quote from: Diavle on June 15, 2012, 05:06:25 PM
Looks like King has been moving up the tier ranks, she's become pretty common in tournament play now with both Romance and Bala putting her on point. She can often be seen doing well in Japanese match vids as well.

Not sure if this has already been mentioned, but she is a solid character against Mr. Karate because she can punish qcf+A on reaction (D tornado kick) limiting him to normals and parries. This doesn't necessarily make it 6-4, but the matchup is definitely NOT in Karate's favor.

In my experience, Kim and Benimaru are the only characters that can consistently beat or trade with her anti air normals, so those are the only matchups I'd venture to call "bad".
Andy Bogard / Re: Andy Bogard (Console)
July 30, 2012, 12:05:06 AM
Hi guys, been playing Andy for a bit and I wanted your input on his HD combos.

I normally play Andy on point, occasionally 2nd. But when I HD I usually only use Neomax at the end, with no other meter spent. This is because of the relatively easy to execute combo that is the same midscreen and in the corner:

whatever into HD
close D, f+A xx C elbow xx [C uppercut xx C elbow (whiffs)] x4
C uppercut xx neomax on 3rd hit

start with cr.B x3: 707
- when starting with cr.B x3, continuing the combo with close C is a bit easier. making this change results in 694 damage instead.
start with j.D, close C (1-hit), f+A: 793 damage

To execute the [C uppercut xx C elbow (whiffs)] part, simply do this motion:

632146 + C (hold the button down)

The HCB~F motion gives a dp, and of course you also just input 1~6. By holding the button this will also activate the elbow. If the elbow does not come out for you, you are starting the joystick motion too early.

For this combo midscreen, you merely need to reverse the direction of your motion (632146 to the right, 412364 to the left). In the corner, you can use the same motion each time.
I only use this HD combo. I could probably stand to learn a 3 or 4 bar variant for a little extra damage, but I'm happy with this one at the moment.

Can anyone here comment? Do you think there is an easier or more useful 2 bar HD combo?
Just wanted to say, I am still committed to the growth and education of the KOF scene.

Just today there was a local tournament for various fighting games in Arizona, and I won KOF but didn't enter anything else. I did my best to try and show off flashy combos in casuals and try to educate the people who said they might try the game.

I think that the main way we can help the scene grow is to give out free copies of the game. Of course not all of us will be capable of such a thing, but it's something I've considered doing with my stream for a long time. I imagine ATLUS would not provide for that and it would come out of my pocket, but it might be something we can try contacting them about.
Hwa Jai / Re: Hwa Jai (Console)
July 26, 2012, 02:25:16 AM
I've been scouring this thread, and it seems like we still aren't sure what Hwa's best combos are, heh.

Plus he's practically two characters in one...