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Messages - malpicam1

The tournament took place in Boston, Massachusetts on June 14-16. This tournament is considered to be the 2nd major taking place in Massachusetts as they recently began organizing this event since last June. This event was sponsored by Game Underground, Hi-Chew, Brainbox, and other respective organizations relative to the fighting game community. This event was interesting as several players traveled from Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, and respectfully, Massachusetts. The event was ran by HalfEmpty and stream on twitch.tv/williamssessions. Overall, it was a interesting turnout. Here are the following results from Top 8.

1.) HT/NJMarcoPolo (EX Kyo, Benimaru, Yuri)
2.) Laziefreddie (King, EX Iori, Chin, and others)
3.) Merkilo (Kyo, Terry, Mr. Karate)
4.) Murderkai (Joe, Hwa, Shen)
5.) Rashikal (Kyo, K', EX Iori)
5.) ASAP (Daimon, Yuri, Shen)
7.) BB/Amish Mike
7.) BB/ Eric Fayle

Overall, I will say this tournament was fun. I recommend anyone who lives in the Northeast area to come attend their events from here on out. Take care.

Here are the results from Rokrew KOF tournament from 8 on the break.

1) Gregory Job (Marco Polo): Benimaru/Yuri/Iori
2) Malik: Mr. Karate/Kyo/Shen
3) Sai-go: Kim/EX Kyo/Mature
4) Laziefreddie: Athena/EX Iori/Chin
5) Dynicksty: Chin/Shen/Hwa Jai
5) Rashikal: Kyo/K'/Ex Iori
7) Con: EX Kyo/Mr. Karate/Daimon
7) Aragami ?/?/?
9) Grover: Ash/Terry/?

It will be bi-weekly or monthly this event pending on Rokunaya schedule. Otherwise thank you all for coming. Take care.
In regards to Malik statement,

I'm going to agree with him on this. Malik and mostly everyone knows of my play style and credibility as I place in local and majors. However that's not the case of discussion. The EC community needs to grow and commit to a community as a whole. I attempted with Drive Cancel and created a scene for the EC. However its up to the players to do their part as well. In response to the last Kumate, he does have a point. I genuinely wanted to see a new challenger that wanted to step their game up. Besides my NJ friends as I sparred with them, no one necessary step it up (even Dynicksty beat Chris Hu and hes known as a 98 god back in the good ole days). As you saw in the videos, I play 6 different teams with choosing my main in winners finals. I would have like to play my friends (Josh, XAQ), but they were at work :( But for you guys, if you want to get better, you need to commit and go out there. I want to help and do my part in helping the community, but I, Malik, Nick, nor others can't do it on their own. So here is an opportunity that is offered. Go to sessions, make friends, and make the effort.


P.S. I'm still free nonetheless :(
Meet & Greet / Re: New NYC Player
March 15, 2012, 07:45:51 AM
Most of the NYC community comes around random Fridays at Next Level Arcade. If you want to see and have an idea of the community, I would recommended attending the Kumate 2 coming up soon at the end of March.
Unfortunately, due to short notice I wont be able to attend as much as I initially want to. I wish you all the best and hope to see you at other majors ahead.

Marco Polo
Meet & Greet / Re: New Challenger from New York
January 07, 2012, 09:34:56 AM
I'm on the same boat as you. I still like 2002 since its my favorite :3 We need to get a gathering sometime soon. Maybe Next Level or a meet up sometime.
I would love to attend since I live in Passaic so its like a 20 min drive from my area. Just let me know when and I would gladly attend :)
Meet & Greet / Marco Polo from Northern Jersey
January 07, 2012, 02:13:38 AM

My name is Marco (Polo) & I reside in Passaic, north of Jersey. I am not new to the KOF scene as I been playing it since 2004. I heard about it when I went on vacation to Peru (I'm Peruvian lol) and every arcade had KOF & Pump. I played all of it and still continue to play KOF 2002 at my local arcade. I transitioned to KOF XI and I loved it until the release of KOFXII came out. I was disappointed and played SSF4 for the time being. Now that KOFXIII is out, I am back on the scene, but it sucks that my friends cant really understand the mechanics and the online netcode for 360 is unbearable. If there is anyone that is willing to have a session or meet up, I would greatly appreciate it. Thats about it so hope to hear from you soon :)