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Messages - JLW2490

Pages: [1]
Meet & Greet / Player from North Carolina
« on: February 24, 2012, 04:33:55 PM »
one or two of you may know me, the rest I'm pretty sure do not. I'm JLW, a play a lot of RB2 along with a few odd games here and there. Here's hoping to get well acquainted with those on this forum. Maybe even have a round or two with some of ya'll.

Real Bout 2 / Re: Feudal Fighting - The Wolgang Krauser thread
« on: February 24, 2012, 03:01:06 AM »
Sure thing. I'm usually hitting it up on Supercade from time to time. my Skype is JLW2490. Email: for anyone that wants to get in contact with me. I may appear offline on yahoo but I'm usually on in the afternoon.

Real Bout 2 / Re: Feudal Fighting - The Wolgang Krauser thread
« on: February 23, 2012, 03:30:40 PM »
I know this topic is old is this is probably the *semi* best place to post it but thanks for the games. I can't wait to face Krauser and others again. I hope to get much stronger in RB2, it's one of my favorites from NeoGeo.

Pages: [1]