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Messages - AlexTwo

I've been playing the demo all week and I'm getting so hyped for it now..I just want to dropkick fools in that wrestling ring stage!

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Yooo so long as I can find people to split gas/hotel costs with, I am so down for this.

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I'm up by Rochester for the next few months and was wondering if anyone from here is around there and would be willing to play some casuals; or at the very least if anyone could point me to a spot where KoF may be going on.
Raiden / Re: Re: Raiden (Console)
August 12, 2013, 04:10:51 AM
You've got it backwards. It's saying both tackles can be punished BY Kyo's st.b

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Meet & Greet / Re: Re: New Here
July 18, 2013, 09:33:48 PM
Definitely don't be discouraged if you have trouble with the trials, they're all stupid hard compared to the combos you'll actually be doing in matches. They're great for practicing tough execution, though.

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Training Room / Re: Re: New
July 12, 2013, 04:24:55 PM
You should stop by Juicebox's stream every now and then, not only will he answer anything you ask, but the chat itself is helpful and is FULL of people in your position who are also willing to play online games if the connection is decent

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For the next two months I'll be a car-less bum on Long Island. After that I'll be up in Rochester to finish off school

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Hey all, I'd love to add some of you guys and get some match experience going. I've been a training mode monster for a month now but when it comes to actual games, I freeze up and forget everything. Also for connection's sake, I'm on the east coast, near NYC

The GT is: Dented Toast

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Quote from: chessmaster on June 12, 2013, 04:25:42 AM
Sorry for bringing this thread from the grave, but I have a couple questions and didn't know where to post them. Anyway, I'm really interested in kof 13 but my understanding is the online is dead and there's no big scenes in america. So if I get the game will some of you guys play online with me? if the online really is that bad, I'll still get the game for the single player content when the price drops more. but would you guys recommend I get the game despite online being dead? I'm asking if you guys will play because I will probably get very little offline action, if any. I only have a few friends into fighters and they don't play kof, mostly mk, injustice and Mvc.

If we find that we have a good connection, I'll play with ya when I can. It may be good since I'm also a beginner.

To everyone else though, as a beginner how can I get people interested in LEARNING KoF with me? It seems like the only people who want to learn are at Juice's stream, but I want some offline action too. I got a friend of mine to get the game based on the art/characters, but he has NO interest in actually learning or improving.

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