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Messages - ChrisP

hope it isn't delayed in the west, i guess it will be though?
General Discussion / Re: 1P Mode Discussion
November 04, 2011, 12:07:18 AM
Are KOF13's bosses (Monster Saiki and Dark Ash) hard enough to be considered "SNK Boss Syndrome"?  I.E. difficult/impossible to beat for very casual players?
minor nitpick i notice everyone calls Vice's arm grab Decide but it's Deicide (Killing God).
Quote from: BioBooster on October 27, 2011, 09:37:06 PM
Hi! Happy birthday!

How are you liking 2k2um? I bet you are enjoying the huge cast :)

Thank you, and I just ordered it off the web so it will be a bit before it comes in the mail.  Tell you then.  I am definitely looking forward to it though, I never really played the 99-2000s KOFs much so some of the characters will be new to mess with, and the game (Tougeki ver.) seems basically flawless from what I've seen (other than maybe could have HD graphics some might say).

Quote from: Kane317 on October 27, 2011, 10:46:36 PM
Welcome chrisp!  First and foremost, happy birthday!  I'm sure most of us were lurking on the internet at some point in time, I never used to feel that I had anything significant to contribute so I would just keep my mouth shut.  That was over 10+ years ago and looking back it was quite foolish and naive.

As for the level of your gaming, everyone starts somewhere.  Although I have been playing KOF since '94, truth is I have been playing it casually till XII (but of course that didn't last long) so XIII was first true year of competitive gaming (I've joined tournaments here and there before but nothing too serious) so you gotta start somewhere.  Hope to see you post around here.

Thank you, I will try to post, but I may say stupid things or offend people from time to time, but I guess I'll use my judgement.

Quote from: jinxhand on October 27, 2011, 06:36:10 PM
Real quick, I'm not against SF, but SF4 didn't revive anything... There were great games that came out all throughout since "the drought", but cats weren't keeping their eyes peeled for them... SF4 dropped, and everybody's sweating it hard... It's merely the name that sold, especially in America... Everywhere else in the world, KOF, MB, FHD, SSTK, VF, Tekken, JJBA, NGBC, and other games were and still are getting play, even if to some small extent, they're still getting love...

That's worth quoting.
thanks, ive seen you on net before.  i was too chicken or something to try to go to the game store to play with anyone tho
SNK Art & Images / Re: KOF Fan Art
October 27, 2011, 04:12:37 PM
Pro-quality Shermie and Liz.
Also, it's my birthday today.  Haha.   ;)  I bought KOF2002um for ps2 imported today.
Sounds pretty strong, yeah.  Thinking about Team Booze (Chin, Hwa, King)... I wonder what order would be best for them.

I submitted the 3rd change video / translation to shoryuken's news tips so maybe they'll post about it too.  Just thinking of reaching some people who might buy it, you know.

It's going to be weird the first time I play XIII getting used to the new systems.  Oh well, should be fun.
Hi, my name's Chris.  I live in Minnesota, USA and like King of Fighters series.  I own a lot of different fighting games but I very rarely play them (not really sure why, I do enjoy playing against people who aren't very skilled, maybe no patience for practice and kind of afraid of people), but I like to read about KOF and read other people talking about KOF and watch videos.  When I do play games, it's mostly only Infantry Online  http://www.soe.com/casualProduct.vm?Id=039 these days, but I used to play more.  I have preordered KOF13 (yay for nifty soundtrack), and look forward to its release.

I look forward to continuing to lurk.