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Messages - Siren

Training Room / Re: How to battle zoners
December 03, 2011, 05:21:46 AM
Pretty much anything I mentioned in my first post. The constant running away can really annoy anyone, and the zoning character played by a smart person knows the proper distances to spam their projectiles at, and how fast they recover. So you may think "Ha, dumbass shot another fireball I'm gonna jump in and punish." Next thing you know you've been dped and now your mad. The most important thing to do is stay calm though. The minute you go all "Ugh not another one of these matches." You start to get irritated and start making mistakes and realize you've lost but that asshole didn't land a single combo on you. You should in turn have the mindset. "Great, another one of these players, time to find out how to exploit this guy and blow him the fuck up! Having that mindset, you should always advance a little faster and you'll see how to beat them.

I made a little lecture there didn't I........ so sorry :)
Training Room / Re: How to battle zoners
December 01, 2011, 06:02:31 PM
And don't simply count out Leona's earring bomb due to start up. She recovers fairly fast, and that one antsy player may want to jump in at you, and you can v-slash moon slash, or hell runn under and trip them for reset. against fireball spammy characters a random and I mean bery random and rare ex earring bomb can help out alot. It will go through their fireball and lock them down long enough for Leona to get in and do her thing. At a certain distance grand sabre can catch the startup of certain projectiles. I'm still testing on who, and I'll post it in her thread when I'm done.
Training Room / Re: How to battle zoners
November 26, 2011, 02:38:23 AM
Quote from: Mookie on November 26, 2011, 02:35:08 AM
how to battle zoners: use one of the 9001 moves in the game that go through plasma.

Let me know how that works out for you  ;)

                                   ........... Dumbass
Training Room / Kof XIII X vs X
November 26, 2011, 02:36:35 AM
This is something I believe every FG forum needs. Newcomers and veterans will sometimes run into an unfamiliar character and have a pretty rough time. They may or may not need help learning the matchup, but I think a thread where you post questions about certain matchups is useful, that way a few players can all share their opinions and knowledge to help each-other out. So if you have problems with a matchup post it here.
That's pretty scary, Hopefully it won't be present on console.
Of course I wouldn't be a definite list, just simple suggestions to guide new players. I'll wait a while though amd let everyone get used to the console ver.
Training Room / Suggestions for character placement list
November 20, 2011, 02:39:21 AM
Obviously, one of the most important thing about forming a team is deciding where each character goes. I was wondering if anyone was willing to help out make a list of the characters and what spot(s) their strongest in. I think this is important for newcomers so they have an easier time building a good team. Let me know if anyone thinks this is a good idea.
Saiki / Re: Saiki
November 17, 2011, 10:58:41 PM
That's the same concept I follow. You should always have a couple of pocket characters in case someone on your team is having a hard time. You should definitely master all aspects of each of  your characters though including their bad match-ups.
Saiki / Re: Saiki
November 17, 2011, 09:05:34 PM
Although knowing match-ups is important, simply counter picking will get you but so far. It allk comes down to who's the smarter player anyway.
Ash Crimson / Re: Ash Crimson
November 16, 2011, 06:51:02 AM
Ah, that makes sense.
Saiki / Re: Saiki
November 16, 2011, 06:49:57 AM
I agree, not enough people study the other characters, but I love that Saiki seems to have a good time against most of the cast. He seems like a great character to learn the game with.
I wouldn't try it often, but I'm not sure if this game auto corrects notations, but an ambiguous roll crossup could probably throw throw them off and keep them honest and blocking(or they get hit). But you could always go for safe dp baits and punish if they actually dp. Just try out your options and see what works best. I'm sure someone else can come up with better advice than mine lol.

BTW kewl pic MaruchanSoup lol.

I wasn't planning on going on a rant there, but my bad. I actually hate when threads get off topic like that also myself.
Saiki / Re: Saiki
November 15, 2011, 07:28:14 PM
Yeah, I'm considering putting him in my team. But I don't know who to take off! I like my Duo Lon/Kula/Iori team!  :(

I wouldn't say you have to take anyone off, but I suggest alternating between Saiki and Duo lon. Their both really good point characters with great pokes and keep away. They both build good meter and don't require much themselves. Like if your duo lon is having issues with a certain character your facing, switch him out with Saiki for your second set and see how you do. That's just my opinion. You could also get away with switching him with Kula if you want to use more meter with him, I could see that functioning really well also.
a wakeup dp has enough priority in that game to ignore parry supers like cammy's cqc. I don't think any game loves dp's more than sf4. and the reason so many people got into to it is because it's street fighter, there's ryu and capcom on the label. As shitty as the games gonna be, sfxt is going to be popular because it's from crapcom and has ryu. People just play shitty capcom games, it's sad but true.
Ash Crimson / Re: Ash Crimson
November 15, 2011, 05:45:54 PM
It's definitely cool that there will be more sans coullette combos ending with germinal. It taking no meter is probably the coolest things snk did for this character. I'm definitely going to enjoy this.