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Messages - jetblaksuit

Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
August 09, 2012, 08:34:19 PM
Yep. I'm hosting this Saturday 3PM. If you can bring a setup its appreciated. But if you can bring chairs that'd be godlike.
Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
July 18, 2012, 11:13:24 PM
Is anyone planning on going to D-Town Beatdown this Saturday? http://www.facebook.com/events/174791965986541/

Or should I try an host?
Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
July 10, 2012, 12:54:22 AM
Meetup at my place this Saturday July 14 @3pm can anyone bring setups or at least PS3 copies of BBCSEX/SCV since I am too cheap to buy games I don't play? I'll actually clean my damn room this time and have room for about 4 setups in addition to mine.
Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
June 26, 2012, 09:02:31 PM
Not hosting this weekend. Got a Magic thing sorry peeps.
Gonna host this Saturday at 3PM. Lets Go! Anyone need directions PM me as usual.
Quote from: Edge_Reaper on May 02, 2012, 04:24:37 AM
Sneaking on your Dream Cancel. Get at me Metal.
I will stain my hands, with your blood.
This weekend was hella hype. Good shit to Oso and Pfhor for continuing to assert their dominance in Skullgirls at DTB  Maybe one day they'll bring back KOFXIII and I can potmonster it.

Shoutouts to KOFridays
Shoutouts to Ronin, PureYeti and Kohatsu EX for stopping by and getting some games in with me.
Shoutouts to Swagurday Beatups at my place. (Yes I went there  Come at me)
Shoutouts to Blackjack, Frigid, and Edge for being setup heros.
Shoutouts to Metal for being the worst coach ever
Shoutouts to Barrel Loops
Shoutouts to teaching people who are already better than me how to play games
Shoutouts to Xbox360 Skullgirls
Shoutouts to Pee Four

Frigid and I both are going to be out of town this weekend and Mightfo is still in the Final Exam vortex. So um, yeah no idea whats happening with that. The weekend of the 12th should be open but, I'll let everyone know whats up closer to then. Probably gonna want to do another KOFriday and a Swagurday Beatup.
Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
April 27, 2012, 08:10:56 PM
Quote from: SuprNovaMike on April 27, 2012, 07:16:50 AM
I'm known over on SRK as mikeohara, but I finally made an account here at DC. Long story short, I really want to get better at KOF, but I don't know a lot about the game other than it's got Athena, Mai, and King (oh, and Yuri too).

This is a pretty good starting point for learning the flow of KOF
Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
April 27, 2012, 05:00:39 AM
What is this facebook group you speak of
Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
April 24, 2012, 07:48:37 AM
So just cleared it with the roommates. I'll host Saturday at 3pm. Who can bring setups? I'll have my 3 as usual.

Also, Friday Ronin is gonna come by around 3pm for some games. I don't think most people are available then but, y'all are welcome if you want to grind some KOF with he and I.
Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
April 22, 2012, 06:37:27 PM
Just so everyone knows, I'm NOT HOSTING TODAY no one seemed interested and now your boy is hella hungover and probably gonna get drunk again later on. Maybe next Saturday though?
Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
April 16, 2012, 01:23:17 AM
I need to talk it over with my roommates but, would anyone be down for a Sunday Meetup next weekend? I know I'm gonna get to play Saturday if I have the cash but, I want us to try be as strong as possible which means a lot of grinding.
Offline Matchmaking / Re: Dallas-Fort Worth Meetups
April 10, 2012, 12:41:20 AM
Looks like I'm hosting this week. Saturday 4/14 3PM-??? Hoping to start grinding KOF hard now that I finally have time to make it out to meetups and can host again now that my AC is fixed. For those who haven't been to my place before its off of 635 and Abrams near Richland college. PM me for directions/contact info or hit me up on AIM at redstarr75043. I'll have one KOFXIII setup, a Melty setup, and a PS2 setup for GG/KOF98. I can fit several more setups in my place but, don't have a ton of chairs lol.  Hit me up!

EDIT: Also, Blackjack, mightfo would like to know if you'll have Skullgirls on your PS3?