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Messages - ZeroSoulreaver

General Discussion / Re: Tier List
December 08, 2011, 06:07:59 PM
I don't think Tier lists are important in KOF.  They also give people the wrong idea about characters.  If we "speculate" people get out of hand and take things out of context.  Just like every other game.

Besides every character in the game is pretty damn good in their own right.  So no need to say who's what tier.  I can see why people don't care about a list because it leads to nothing but complaints.  Nobody will die without a tier list because they are just opinions anyway and you know what they say about opinions ;).

Made a few more:

Undead Mature

Vampire Leona and Heartless Athena

Sans Culottes Ash and Shion color Ash

Duffman Clark
General Discussion / Re: Netcode Lag/Delay Test Reports
December 01, 2011, 09:58:21 PM
I take back what I said about an hour or so ago.  They have just responded about the netcode and thank goodness for that.
General Discussion / Re: Netcode Lag/Delay Test Reports
December 01, 2011, 05:32:12 PM
They "are aware it exists" but are they planning on doing anything about it?  I mean that is the question at the end of the day.  I don't like when people don't give simple answers to easy questions or issues :(.  Not trying to be a jerk, but I think we deserve more than that.
Training Room / Re: How to battle zoners
November 30, 2011, 03:22:40 PM
Leona, Benimaru and Athena are good anti-fireball characters.  If you use Baltic launcher wisely you can eat up fireballs and apply pressure while slowly pushing the opponent back.  Also remember earring goes under most projectiles once it hits the ground, you can also use it to trade fbs but the start up time takes a while so its not a good idea. 

Athena has the reflect, phoenix arrow and teleport.  Though she's pretty much a fb char herself you can use her as an anti-zoning tool.  Teleport is good enough to avoid most projectiles.

Benimaru, usually I use a well placed raijinken that does the trick.  It's a good way to push them back as well as eat projectiles.  Also don't forget his homing lightning though it uses meter.

You really shouldn't be trying to get into a fb war with Beni or Leona though.  So you really have to find an opening and get in as fast as possible.
Mature / Re: Mature
November 30, 2011, 01:05:08 AM
I'd say use Mature second, but it all boils down to how you play the character.  If you are playing her as solely rushdown then put her on point. If you are using her pokes to find openings more often then put her second.  Honestly she can be played either way.
General Discussion / Re: Netcode Lag/Delay Test Reports
November 29, 2011, 01:26:30 AM
KOF won't die, it's a great game and the only drawback is the netplay at the moment.  If you are that upset over netplay then I dunno what to tell you. It's frustrating as hell I know, but not much can be done at the moment.  I just hope they patch it though I know a patch won't fully fix the issues.

General Discussion / Re: PS3 player listing
November 28, 2011, 08:38:46 PM
PSN: Hedgez00
Location: NY, US

Looking forward to learning some more and helping other people out.
I few alts I made after getting more colors.

Joker Mature

Golden Benimaru
General Discussion / Re: Real match execution.
November 28, 2011, 07:57:07 PM
Combos aren't that important if you don't know anything else.  What I mean by that is if you try for an entire match to go for only 1 combo and constantly fail, it's not worth it. I always see people do this it's like if they miss 1 combo they act like they are completely lost and start becoming predictable.

Stick with the basics and slowly get into combos, don't worry about always hitting them perfectly.  Look at characters like Ash who need basics like good timing and spacing instead of just hitting long combos.
Meet & Greet / Re: Hey new guy here
November 28, 2011, 05:03:25 PM
Quote from: Sanger Zonvolt on November 28, 2011, 04:34:06 PM
Indeed it is, welcome to DC.

Do you play XIII online? If so, what system?

I do play XIII online on PS3, but it's laggy most of the time.
Meet & Greet / Hey new guy here
November 28, 2011, 03:38:02 PM
Hi everyone, I'm from NY, Long Island.  I post a lot on Orochinagi, so I decided to see what this place is all about.

Fighting games are what I enjoy the most.  I have been a KOF player since 94, 95 arcade days along with Fatal Fury and Samurai Shodown.  It's great to see KOF is still around at the moment.