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Messages - Blake/White

Hwa Jai / Re: Hwa Jai (Console)
January 26, 2012, 05:22:11 AM
I couldn't remember if CH CD into D Dragon Tail was corner only or not. It's a bit riskier against characters with good reversals because they can just hit you out of the D Dragon Tail before it connects, since CD into D Dragon Tail is not a true blockstring. On a cornered opponent, D Dragon Tail is definitely safer on block, not sure how much advantage you actually get, though. Doesn't matter too much since CD by itself is pretty safe.
Mr. Karate / Re: EX Mr. Karate
January 25, 2012, 05:10:30 AM
For the EX DP anti air combo, you can Drive cancel to HCF+D instead to get closer and still have plenty of time to TK hcf+B and then juggle with whatever you like. Makes the combo much easier.
Hwa Jai / Re: Hwa Jai (Console)
January 25, 2012, 05:00:12 AM
A riskier but more powerful option off of a CH CD is qcb+D. Especially if you're drunk, that leads to huuuuuuuuge juggles.
Pretty much agree with the above. Your first character should be effective without using meter and should not have any severe matchup deficiencies. The second character should build off of the first character, being able to use (preferably minimal) stock to enhance their game. Good characters to put second are characters who may have holes that are otherwise plugged up by stock availability. Hwa Jai is a good example because he can use stock to get around good zoning (EX Dragon Tail or C Dragon Backbreaker), and he can also use his Drink super to become much more dangerous. The third character should be very well rounded so as to avoid any situations where you are stuck fighting a bad matchup at the end of a round while having to come back on multiple characters. They should also be able to make use of stock. Using Shen as an example, he can handle most matchups thrown at him and he becomes much more dangerous with stock available (EX command grab, 100% HD combos).
Hwa Jai / Re: Hwa Jai (Console)
January 19, 2012, 01:41:12 PM
Yeah, his drunk juggles are insane. The damage is huge and they go on forever, and they build a ton of meter. His HD while drunk kills people without any additional meter.
Hwa Jai / Re: Hwa Jai (Console)
January 15, 2012, 04:39:32 PM
Interesting, I forgot about his EX Dragon Kick being an absolute juggle. Very useful since s.CD is such an important move for him.
K' / Re: K’ (Console)
January 11, 2012, 05:29:25 AM
EX Narrow Spike is pretty safe. Expensive way to attack low from a distance is EX Narrow Spike, juggle with cr. ;c -> EX Chain Drive.
Ex Kyo / Re: EX Kyo (NESTS)
January 11, 2012, 05:02:51 AM
Messed around with this character a little bit. Great damage potential. I would agree with the sentiment of putting him first. Typically, it seems more important to preserve stock as opposed to Drive, and Drive generally doesn't grant extra options, just more damage. As such, when building your team, it is better to put characters who don't make use of a lot of stock in front while putting characters who gain options or new combo pathways with stock in the rear. EX Kyo really only uses stock to increase his damage, while he makes great use of Drive cancels to extend combos and build extra stock (another good reason to put characters who utilize Drive cancels well in front, they build way more meter). His no stock combos deal very respectable damage, especially once Drive comes into play.

His HD combos with stock do murderous damage, but I don't like anchors who are overly reliant on HD as their selling point. It just feels like you are limiting yourself because you will be hunting for the HD starter, which may make you more predictable.
Hwa Jai / Re: Hwa Jai (Console)
January 06, 2012, 11:03:20 PM
Currently I play a team of K'/Hwa/Shen. Hwa Jai's damage is out of control, especially when he's drunk. I found an HD combo with him while drunk that can KO anyone and he only needs the initial stock to drink in order to do it; the ender builds enough meter for him to land a DM and KO the opponent at the end of the combo.

That being said, I'm still struggling with him in terms of how to play. He feels awkward and I think he struggles in matches where he has to come back from being down on life, especially against good zoning characters. This is one of the reasons I won't play him anchor, that and his ability to do incredible damage without using stock. I think he is best in first or second slot, depending on the opponent's team and order. The main upside of having stock available with him outside of easier damage is having access to two good moves for getting around zoning and projectiles (EX Dragon Tail and C Dragon Backbreaker).
General Discussion / Re: Tier List
January 02, 2012, 05:55:54 AM
Going back to the Terry discussion, I don't think Terry is bad. He just doesn't have anything super good in comparison to the rest of the cast. A lot of his stuff is risky, too. I saw someone talking about using A Burn Knuckle to close space, but if someone neutral jumps when you do that, you're going to eat a full jump combo. I played a guy who used A Burn Knuckle a lot, and it's hard to punish when spaced right, but if you use it too much, you'll get countered for much more damage than what you're dealing with Burn Knuckles.

Overall, Terry is pretty underwhelming. He's easy to play and can do good damage. Outside of that, most of his tools just aren't that great when you compare them to other characters' movesets. It's just one of those cases where you'd have a hard time convincing someone to pick him over another character. He can still win, though.

Saitsuofleaves comment about tiers being irrelevant for us because we aren't high level enough is actually pretty important. Tier lists really only matter when players are at a high level of play and understanding. Everyone else would benefit more from just getting better first. Learn the game, learn your characters, learn the matchups. Then you can worry about tier lists.
K' / Re: K’ (Console)
December 20, 2011, 02:14:04 PM
Messed around last night and found that Minutes Spike recovery in the corner is good enough that you still have time to place a meaty Trigger on someone if they fallbreak. So the Minutes Spike enders are probably ideal for adding a little extra damage on a cornered opponent. Still like C DP better for midscreen, ridiculous corner carry.
K' / Re: K’ (Console)
December 20, 2011, 09:07:09 AM
Regarding differences between using A or C DP and using air Minutes Spike juggles instead, because of the lousy landing recovery on the air Minutes Spike, I think DP options are still better for continuing offense. The C DP especially because it creates a hard knockdown, gives you a free meaty Trigger setup. I also find that spacing screws up a lot of those combos. For example, Drive cancel A DP into Trigger -> Shoot and following with Minutes Spike only works near the corner, midscreen K' cannot reach with Minutes Spike consistently. Heat Drive works, though. In addition, Drive canceling the second hit of A DP into Trigger is much more difficult than canceling the first hit, the window to do it is much smaller.

An interesting combo I came up with from this was to do j.C, st.C 1 hit cancel to A Trigger -> Shell, Minutes Spike -> Narrow Spike (whiff), A Crow Bites, Drive cancel first hit to EX Trigger -> Shell, juggle with Minutes Spike -> Narrow Spike (whiff), finish with C Crow Bites. This takes the opponent to the corner from fullscreen and does 453 dmg for one stock and one Drive cancel. If you start it off of a single cr.B without a jump in, the combo does 399 dmg.
Yeah, I messed around with him a little and his damage is just crazy. Simple stuff that hurts. Doing an easy 40% off of a hop attack anywhere on the screen for just one stock is kinda scary. Funny how that one change to Dragon Backbreaker made such a difference.
Historically, only the first move in Kyo's flame fist series has had autoguard. The idea is that by delaying the followups, you create a gap that is large enough for your opponent to act, but small enough that anything they press won't make it in time to beat out the second attack in the series.

Like, say (hypothetically) a character's cr. ;b is 4 frames. You delay the second attack enough to create a small gap (2 or 3 frames). This is enough for the opponent to press cr. ;b and have the attack start, but not enough for the attack to fully extend before the followup hits them. You can use strategies like this to condition your opponent into being passive and not trying to attack. This gives you more freedom in poking with your initial move in the Rekka series and potentially using it to set up another offensive approach.

Like I said though, this is all contingent on the first move being safe on block, or at least relatively safe. If every move in the series is unsafe, your opponent will be more willing to take risks and attack you after blocking the series. In the long run, the damage difference will probably be on their side instead of yours. The Drive cancel system makes it more interesting, though. Theoretically Kyo could Drive cancel one of his followups into a more damaging move or something that can start a longer juggle. With that kind of threat behind the moves, people will be much more reluctant to attack back and risk eating a huge combo off of a delayed Rekka.
Quote from: Diavle on December 16, 2011, 03:39:07 PM
Been watching some arcade vids and the difference in building meter when getting hit compared to the console version is really something.

Like in one of the console Dune matches posted the guy landed a HD combo on him but due to that combo Dune was able to build enough meter to HD combo him right back at the very start of the next. Basically the guy's downfall was the HD combo he pulled the previous round.

In a Kim combo that was posted (which used a whole bunch of air QCF+BD to keep the combo going), the opponent built almost an entire HD guage and 3 bars just thanks to that combo.

Is this making you guys reconsider what combos to use?

Also, started using the 1 frame back dash addition a little. Its very interesting for sure, came in very useful against a Clark user and a few other situations.

Was thinking about this earlier. Maybe stick to just regular Drive cancel combos and save HD combos for the very last character for a one hit kill opportunity. Probably the best anchors now will be characters who have strong combos that only require 50% Drive and still have access to HD combos that can KO instantly. I bet Hwa Jai will be a really powerful choice for an anchor now.