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Messages - Blake/White

The mixup with Rekka type moves typically refers to the timing you use when doing the followup or not, rather than any high/low mixup. Using old Iori as an example, poking with  ;dn ;db ;bk ;a / ;c and then delaying the next move in the series, hoping to catch the other person off guard and score a hit. Stuff like this works because typically the first hit of a Rekka series will be safe, but won't give you any substantial advantage, so people will try something because they think they have initiative, which gives you an opportunity to tag them with the next move in the series. I could see this working very well with NESTS Kyo due to the Drive system, provided the first hit of his Rekka series is safe on block.
Meet & Greet / Re: Just registered, from North Carolina
December 12, 2011, 06:20:28 PM
Thanks everybody! I don't have a full team yet, still messing around with characters. My favorites are K', Shen, Kyo and Takuma. I also like Flame Iori. Might take a while to settle on a full team.
K' / Re: K’ (Console)
December 12, 2011, 04:11:36 AM
Nope, you just need to be very fast. The key is to make sure you press  ;a at  ;df and  ;c at  ;fd . It's like a slide input or 1 frame shift from ;a to ;c almost.

Of course, I found out today that you can do  ;fd ;dn ;df ;a ;dn ;df ;fd ;c and it will work, you just have to be extremely precise. Most people do  ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd ;a , which is why they get a Super Cancel instead.
K' / Re: K’ (Console)
December 11, 2011, 02:30:28 AM
Initially I was not very excited about  ;fd ;dn ;fd ;a being possible, because I figured I'd just mess up and do  ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd ;a instead, but when I sat down and experimented to find what else worked, it paid off.

If you still have problems, you can still do  ;fd ;dn ;df ;a ;fd ;c and just learn the timing needed. If your reaction time is good, you can do that and if the Drive Cancel doesn't happen, you have just enough time to DC the second hit of Crow Bites into  ;dn ;df ;fd ;b . That will allow you to juggle afterwards with  ;fd ;dn ;df ;c . It takes less damage, but it's a way of salvaging the combo and still getting some extra damage, along with the crazy corner carry and hard knockdown that  ;c Crow Bites gives you.
Adding to DP shortcuts (posted this in the K' forum earlier but probably needs to be here too).

;fd ;dn ;fd;fd ;db ;fd;fd ;db ;df (the last one is just for completion, doubt that it has a practical use).
K' / Re: K’ (Console)
December 10, 2011, 10:31:47 PM
Yup, you can do  ;fd ;db ;fd ;a ->  ;dn ;df ;fd ;c to Drive Cancel. The key is to avoid the  ;df in  ;fd ;dn ;df so you don't get a Super Cancel to Heat Drive. I just thought I would share that info since it would give people an idea of how many different ways you can shortcut a DP motion and that way they could find the method that works best for them.
K' / Re: K’ (Console)
December 10, 2011, 09:03:47 PM
Normal air Minutes Spike is really hard to combo off of by itself, EX is much easier.  ;fd ;dn ;df ;a ->  ;dn ;db ;bk ;k ->  ;dn ;db ;bk ;k will probably still be the standard wall carry HD loop. Once you get to the corner you can do  ;fd ;dn ;df ;a ->  ;dn ;df ;fd ;c ->  ;fd ;d;fd ;a ->  ;dn ;db ;bk ;k ->  ;dn ;db ;bk ;k loops, which are slightly more damaging. The cancel from  ;a Crow Bites to  ;c Trigger is also much easier to do in HD mode.

Going from that last sentence, I was experimenting with shortcuts for DP moves and found out some interesting info. I've been struggling with trying to master  ;a Crow Bites Drive Cancel to  ;c Trigger, since being able to do it consistently grants a big increase in K's corner damage. I tried out the  ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk ;fd ;a shortcut a few times, but I found that while I could do it consistently outside of a combo, I have a tendency to "ride" the gate of my stick when trying to perform it quickly during a combo, so it was coming out as  ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd ;a instead, which would result in a Super Cancel to Heat Drive when I would try to go for  ;c Trigger. I had then switched to doing it as  ;fd ;dn ;df ;a ;fd ;c , because while that technique requires much stricter timing, I found I preferred it since I would avoid accidentally cancelling to a DM.

Then I saw the video on Nico Nico Douga where a player was going through K's entire movelist and struggling with the trials where you have to cancel  ;a Crow Bites to Trigger. In one of the scrolling comments, someone listed the input for the Crow Bites as 626A, or  ;fd ;dn ;fd ;a . I went to try it and found out that it works!. This got me interested in messing around to see how else you could input a DP motion, and the results I found were pretty interesting.

In order for the game's command interpreter to register a DP motion:

1. The first input MUST be  ;fd
2. The second input can be either  ;dn or  ;db
3. The third input can be either  ;df or  ;fd

This makes the total recognizable DP motions as  ;fd ;dn ;df;fd ;dn ;fd;fd ;db ;df and  ;fd ;db ;fd .

This also explains why  ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk ;fd works, as the game reads it as the  ;fd ;db ;fd input.

With this information, I was finally able to consistently perform this particular Drive Cancel easily in a combo. I even make it a little easier on myself by HOLDING  ;fd right before I want to do  ;a Crow Bites, then finishing the motion with  ;db ;fd ;a (basically like doing Zaneiken with Andy).

Just wanted to share this info. It should help make these DP cancels a lot easier for everyone.
Meet & Greet / Just registered, from North Carolina
December 10, 2011, 08:44:32 PM
Hi everybody, just posting to introduce myself. I'm from NC and I've been playing a good bit of KOF XIII since it came out on consoles. Not necessarily new to KOF, but I'm not the best player ever, I'm know for playing Guilty Gear instead. Anyway, hope to learn a lot from everybody here.