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Messages - Malik

Results / SoCal Regionals 2015
October 14, 2015, 08:19:25 PM
Entrants: 32

1. OH.ON|Misterio (Athena/King/Yuri)
2. QANBA.Douyu|Xiao Hai (EX Iori/Mr. Karate/Kim)
3. AS|Reynald (EX Kyo/Ryo/Chin, EX Kyo/Duo Lon/Benimaru, Saiki/Takuma/Benimaru, Kensou/Chin/Benimaru)
4. ST.TL|Kanibalito (Mr. Karate/EX Iori/Vice)
5. MXKOF.EGN|El Rosa (Hwa/Shen/Vice)
5. Fabricio (K’/Kula/Maxima)
7. TC|Chris KOF (Duo Lon/Shen/Iori)
7. TxC.ON|Vicio (Leona/Mature/Vice)

Grand Final

OH.ON|Misterio (Athena/King/Yuri) vs. QANBA.Douyu|Xiao Hai (EX Iori/Mr. Karate/Kim) â€" 2-3 Reset
OH.ON|Misterio (King/Yuri/Athena) vs. QANBA.Douyu|Xiao Hai (EX Iori/Mr. Karate/Kim) â€" 3-0

Losers Final

AS|Reynald (EX Kyo/Duo Lon/Benimaru, EX Kyo/Duo Lon/Chin) vs. QANBA.Douyu|Xiao Hai (EX Iori/Mr. Karate/Kim) â€" 0-3

Winners Final

AS|Reynald (Saiki/Takuma/Benimaru, Kensou/Chin/Benimaru) vs. OH.ON|Misterio (Athena/King/Yuri) â€" 0-3

Losers Semi-final

ST.TL|Kanibalito (Mr. Karate/EX Iori/Vice) vs. QANBA.Douyu|Xiao Hai (EX Iori/Mr. Karate/Kim) â€" 1-2

Top 8 Winners

QANBA.Douyu|Xiao Hai (EX Iori/Mr. Karate/Kim) vs. AS|Reynald (EX Kyo/Ryo/Chin, EX Kyo/Duo Lon/Benimaru) â€" 1-2
MXKOF.EGN|El Rosa (Hwa/Shen/Vice) vs. QH.ON|Misterio (Athena/King/Yuri) â€" 0-2

Top 8 Losers

ST.TL|Kanibalito (Mr. Karate/EX Iori/Vice) vs. TC|Chris KOF (Duo Lon/Shen/Iori) â€" 2-0
Fabricio (K’/Kula/Maxima) vs. TxC.ON|Vicio (Leona/Mature/Vice) â€" 2-1

ST.TL|Kanibalito (Mr. Karate/EX Iori/Vice) vs. MXKOF.EGN|El Rosa (Hwa/Shen/Vice) â€" 2-0
Fabricio (Kula/K’/Maxima) vs. QANBA.Douyu|Xiao Hai (EX Iori/Mr. Karate/Kim) â€" 1-2

Check out Vicio's YouTube channel for pools matches that were recorded on his stream.
King / Re: King Video Thread
October 08, 2015, 03:15:33 AM
Copied & pasted from the Facebook Event thread:

"This is for KOFXIII Events PRIOR TO THE SINGLES EVENT so respond to these two questions:
TWO EXHIBITIONS, which will be First to 3, WILL be on stream & if people decide to make their bets between each other or spectators do then that's fine. So with that being said, between people who we know are coming so far, what is a match between players that everyone would like to see generate some hype? If there's a backstory or drama etc. then that would make it even better for viewers everywhere. Now when doing this, place the players who would you like to see face off and yes you can include yourself if you wanna prove something to someone, lol.
For a teams event would people rather have choice A, a Big Red Vs. White type ordeal where the winner stays for each team and it would be only one go around MEANING that whichever team would win first would win that event? Or choice B, a 2v2 Waseda Style Single Elimination UNTIL Grand Finals and that would be 2/3 sets, meaning one team has to win two sets?"
Results / Re: Summer Jam 9 King of Fighters 13 Results
September 12, 2015, 11:20:46 PM
Quote from: 6Let on September 01, 2015, 02:21:40 AM
1. Mario E (Duo Lon, Terry, EX Iori)
2. Tempo|NYChrisG (Mature, King, Benimaru)
3. TSB|The Prince (Mr. Karate, Hwa, Yuri)
4. Shadow 780 (EX Kyo, Mr. Karate, Iori)
5. Nick (Mr. Karate, Chin, Kim)
5. Mynus (Elisabeth, Mr. Karate, Chin)
7. Half Empty (K', EX Kyo, Iori)
7. Neo Russell (Mai, Athena, Leona)

King of Fighters 13 â€" Top 8 battle log

• Grand finals, first set: Mario E (Duo Lon, Terry, EX Iori) eliminated Tempo|NYChrisG (Mature, King, Benimaru) 3-1.

• Losers finals: Tempo|NYChrisG (Mature, King, Benimaru) eliminated TSB|The Prince (Mr. Karate, Hwa, Yuri) 2-0.

• Winners finals: Mario E (Duo Lon, Terry, EX Iori) beat Tempo|NYChrisG (Mature, King, Benimaru) 2-0.

• Losers semi-finals: TSB|The Prince (Mr. Karate, Hwa, Yuri) eliminated Shadow 780 (EX Kyo, Mr. Karate, Iori) 2-0.

• TSB|The Prince (Mr. Karate, Hwa, Yuri) eliminated Nick (Mr. Karate, Chin, Kim) 2-1.

• Shadow 780 (EX Kyo, Mr. Karate, Iori) eliminated Mynus (Elisabeth, Mr. Karate, Chin) 2-0.

• Nick (Mr. Karate, Chin, Kim) eliminated Half Empty (K', EX Kyo, Iori) 2-0.

• Winners semi-finals: Tempo|NYChrisG (Mature, King, Benimaru) beat TSB|The Prince (Mr. Karate, Hwa, Yuri) 2-0.

• Mynus (Elisabeth, Mr. Karate, Chin) eliminated Neo Russell (Mai, Athena, Leona) 2-1.

• Winners semi-finals: Mario E (Duo Lon, Terry, EX Iori) beat Shadow 780 (EX Kyo, Mr. Karate, Iori) 2-0.

If I see youtube videos of Top 8 I'll post it here.

Thank you for placing this on here.
Happening Sept. 13, 2015 @ around 12PM EST (11AM CST)
Here it is, the official announcement for the sequel of one of the most entertaining King Of Fighters tournaments in the Tristate area of 2014 on top of being a High Stakes affair. This event will be an official Dream Cancel Cup Premier Event and Top 8 for KOF XIII WILL be paid out.

Stream(s): Arturo "nycfurby" Sanchez of Team Spooky is confirmed to be streaming the event at twitch.tv/nycfurby as well as Team Kick-Punch-Block at twitch.tv/kpblive.

Prizes: As of right now for KOFXIII, a cumulative pot bonus of $500 is guaranteed sponsored by various community members as well as DreamCancel & The Secret Society throwing in their support and it may grow bigger with more time. The winner will receive a prize exclusive to them but there are plans to giving the Top 3 placers something exclusive that cannot be easily obtained which will be revealed later because surprises are good.

The King of Fighters XIII on Xbox 360, The King of Fighters 98 ran on Xbox 360, 98 UM:FE ran on steam, and The King of Fighters 2002 UM on Xbox 360.

Venue fee - $10
KOFXIII Entry Fee - $25
KOF98 Vanilla Entry Fee - $5
KOF98 UM:FE Entry Fee - $5
KOF2K2UM Entry Fee - $5

Top 8 for KOFXIII per percentage = 40-20-15-10-5-5-2.5-2.5.

Top 3 for KOF98: If less than 8 entrants then winner takes all, however if 8 or more enter, Top 3 will be 60-25-15.

Top 3 for KOF98UM:FE: If less than 8 entrants then winner takes all, however if 8 or more entrants enter, Top 3 will be 60-25-15.

Top 3 for KOF2K2UM: If less than 8 entrants then winner takes all, however if 8 or more enter, Top 3 will be 60-25-15.

KOFXIII - 3/5 Matches ALL TOURNAMENT, White Stage Banned, and only Loser can change order if they don't change characters.

KOF98 - 2/3 Matches ALL TOURNAMENT, No game breaking glitches allowed, only loser can change character order.

KOF98UM:FE - 2/3 Matches ALL TOURNAMENT, no game breaking glitches allowed, only loser can change character order

KOF2K2UM - 2/3 Matches ALL TOURNAMENT, Boss Characters BANNED, and no game altering glitches allowed.

Signups for all games will START at 2:00PM and END at 3:15PM. Tournaments and events will officially begin at 3:30PM

Stream Schedules:
Twitch.tv/nycfurby schedule
KOF98 UM:FE, KOF98 Vanilla Top 4 after KOF98 UM:FE, KOF2K2 UM Top 4 after KOF98 Vanilla Top 4, then KOF XIII High Stakes Singles matches until it ends

Twitch.tv/kpblive Schedule
KOF XIII Exhibitions followed by KOF XIII Special team event, then either exhibitions in other games or MMs that people will want to have.

SETUPS - FIVE Xbox 360's for KOFXIII will be needed with DLC characters for the entire event. TWO Xbox 360's for KOF98, TWO laptop setups for KOF98UM:FE, & TWO Xbox 360's for 2K2UM. I don't like mentioning this but please no sticky fingers people, our community is small already & to have that would be a very terrible look plus you probably would want that done to your stuff either.
Also if you have facebook please check the event page as it will be updated more frequently. I will do my best to update on here but since that's much more convenient for me to access you can see them on there
Results / Final Round XVIII (18) Results
March 23, 2015, 07:09:19 PM
Entrants: 23

1.) QANBA.DOUYU|Xiaohai (EX Iori/Mr. Karate/Kim)
2.) RZR|Xian (EX Iori/EX Kyo/Mr. Karate, EX Iori/Elisabeth/Mr. Karate)
3.) QANBA.DOUYU|Dakou (EX Iori/Mr. Karate/Kim)
4.) Shorjewken (Kensou/EX Kyo/Yuri)
5.) Mundane Cinderella (King/Daimon/Vice, King/Terry/Vice, Saiki/Daimon/Vice)
5.) Flocker (Mai/Athena/Yuri)
7.) DC|Malik (King/Shen/Kyo)
7.) #thingsIHateAboutDaveO (Benimaru/Shen/Kim)

Playlist of on stream matches courtesy of sixfortyfive.
Copy & Pasted:
"FINAL ROUND LLC proudly presents:


WEBSITE: www.finalround.org


March 20-22, 2015

Hilton Atlanta Airport
1031 Virginia Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30354
Tel: (404) 767-9000

My how times flies when you're having fun! We are back at it again for a 18th year and we aren't stopping anytime soon! There's 6 months until FINAL ROUND XVIII and the event will be here before you know it. Of course I personally would like to thank everyone in the FGC and the sponsors that have supported FINAL ROUND throughout the years because without you guys there wouldn't be any FINAL ROUND or scene! Online Registration for your games are up now and we are running an early bird registration special right now so get it while you can! ($30 for badge online while it's $50 at the door) We recommend you to register online as soon as possible to take advantage of the "Early Bird" special! You will receive a discount on the badge price based on the schedule below:

◦ $30 Player Badge if you register BEFORE November 1, 2014
◦ $40 Player Badge if you register BEFORE March 2, 2015
◦ $50 Player Badge Emergency Registration at the door unofficially on:

Thursday, March 19, 2015 - 5:00 PM EST to 9:00 PM EST
Friday, March 20, 2014 - 8:00 AM EST to 12:00 NOON EST


$20 Spectator fee. Children under the age of 10 (accompanied with parent) unless they are competing are free to spectate and elderly are also free to spectate. We will also have a lost badge fee of $10 for those that miss place your badge during the event, but you must show PROOF OF PURCHASE to receive the lost badge fee. If you can not show proof of purchase you will have to pay the full emergency door fee of $50 to regain entry to the event. If you are competing in ANY singles/teams/exhibition/side tournament at FR18 YOU MUST GET A PLAYERS BADGE TO COMPETE DURING FR18!

If you don't want to be in that long registration line on Friday please preregister online as soon as you can to make sure you're entered into the game you wish to compete in at FR18. We at FINAL ROUND LLC understand that sometime you don't have the entire amount ready to pay for badges and your games at the same time, so with said you can pay for your badges right now and add the games you wish to play later at a later date before online registration closes. Please preregister at the following link:


At FINAL ROUND LLC we care about our attendants and we have gotten a reduced room rate for everyone that will attend FR18. To reserve a room under the FINAL ROUND 18 group rate you would need to click on the following link and in the left top side it will say (To get started, choose a guest type) and in the box you should select "Attendee" and the dates you wish to reserve!


Remember that they will not charge your credit card when you reserve the room online. The only time they charge you is when you arrive to check into your room! Please go to this link to reserve your room today:


If you that link doesn't work you would need to call the hotel to reserve a hotel room. if that is the case please call the hotel at 404-767-9000 and ask for the final round 18 group rate. They will not charge your card until you check in so don't miss out on getting your room today! Don't call the 1-800 number on the national website because they will not know about the fr group rate.

Here's the list of the following games that are on the official tournament line up:


Under Night In-Birth (PS3) - $10
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U (WiiU) - $10
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (360) - $10
ULTRA Street Fighter IV: (360) - $10
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (PS3) - $10
Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate (PS3) - $10
Injustice: Gods Among Us (360) - $10
Killer Instinct Season 2 (XB1) - $10
Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN- (PS3) - $10
King of Fighters XIII (PS3) - $10
Soul Calibur V (PS3) - $10
Super Smash Brothers Melee - $10

All team/Community ran events will be must held on Friday March 20 as this is the only day we have available to run them in a timely manner. All team/exhibitions/community events must get approved by ME to be ran at FR18 period! Any "Community event" will be ran by the communities that requested their game to be played at FR18. Remember that Community event doesn't mean it won't happen. If I allow it at FR then it's a tournament regardless of the label. Hence the name EVENT in the title. We would just need some help with the systems/games and you will have an area to play and run the tournament. All community events registration will be at the door only.

Team/exhibitions/community events that are confirmed as of now are as followed:

Of course we are going to bring back the popular series "CURLEY MUSTACHE BATTLE ROYALE" 5v5 team Regional tournament. The hype of FR + CM is too powerful and I know there will be more regions/teams allowed this year! More details coming soon for this instant classic!

Project M
ST - in the arcade room
3S - in the arcade room

We will have a BYOC room for people to play casuals during the event that spectators can play also. We will also have a FINAL ROUND Arcade thanks to Tony Majors. The same guy who brought the arcade to TFC is packing up his gear and driving to the ATL so everyone can enjoy the acrade scene! Here's a small list of games that will be at FR18:

Street Fighter 2 Super Turbo - on h2h Japanese cabinets
Street Fighter 3: 3rd strike - on h2h Japanese cabinets
Street Fighter Alpha 2 - on American stand up cab with Sanwa parts
Capcom VS SNK 2 - Japanese cab
Marvel VS Capcom 2 - Japanese cab
Samurai Showdow 2 - American stand up cab Japanese parts
Double Dragon!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and many more.

As always I really don't want people to forget the origins of the FGC, so having some type of link to the past is important to me and the arcade is where this community came from. Spectators can play casuals in the arcade.

We will have multiple streams for FR18 for those that can not attend FR18 to get a small taste of the event. We are glad to have the following streamers for FR18:

Stream #1= Team Spooky - http://www.twitch.tv/teamsp00ky
Stream #2= FunkyP - http://www.twitch.tv/funkyp
Anime = http://www.twitch.tv/sixfortyfive
Injustice = Kombatnetwork - http://www.twitch.tv/kombatnetwork
Smash stream to be announced!

We will have more updates as the months pass by so keep your eyes open for the goodies in future post! Man how times flies when you're having fun! I can't wait to see everyone and again and hopefully meet some new players in the FGC at FR18. It's on now shawty! See you guys in march."

In case you missed the text, pre-registration is here. KOFXIII is held on PS3 & $10 to enter
Results / Northeast Championships XV (NEC15) Results
December 10, 2014, 08:47:26 PM
Entrants: 118
1.) MCZ|LDA Luis Cha (Kim, Shen, Ex Iori
2.) LDA Misterio (Saiki, King, Athena, Yuri)
3.) AS|Reynald (Benimaru, Kim, Mr. Karate, Ryo, Chin)
4.) LDA Romance (King, Benimaru, Yuri)
5.) KCO|Pedro (Benimaru, Mr. Karate, Ex Iori)
5.) Mario E (Mr. Karate, Terry, Ex Iori, Chin)
7.) BaM Karn (Kula, Elisabeth, Chin)
7.) TKC [ON] Vicio (Mature, Leona, Vice)
9.) Liston The Prince
9.) RG PachuKoF
9.) Tf StrayWolf
9.) TS XAQShinor
13.) DC|LazieFreddy
13.) Garou Mike
13.) DC|Malik
13.) Rash The Stampede

Pools & Top 16 up until Top 8 matches are being uploaded on Team KPB's YouTube channel
Top 8 will be placed on Team Sp00ky's YouTube channel
Top 16 Bracket
Pool C15
Pool C16
Pool C17
Pool C18
Pool D15
Pool D16
Pool D17
Pool D18
UPDATE for those who haven't registered yet, no more pre-registers are being taken and as of right now there are over 100 players listed in the bracket. Emergency (At-the-door) Registration for KOFXIII has not been guaranteed yet, but it might be opened, so stick close to the registration at the venue if you have NOT REGISTERED at this point in time.
Quote from: marchefelix on November 09, 2014, 10:46:25 AM
Quote from: Running Wild on November 08, 2014, 09:59:17 PM
I hate to say it, but this site has been on it's death bed for ages. It was very lively back in 2010-2012, but it's been dying for the last two years. Look at the sorry state it's in right now. People used to come to this site to discuss all SNK games. But ya know, once XIII was released on console, for a long time KOFXIII was the only game that got any attention. Since KOFXIII's first splash at Evo, it's been slowly dissolving, especially in the last year.

KOFXIII has become extremely dull, and SNK Playmore is not supporting the game or it's community at all.

Quote from: marchefelix on November 07, 2014, 08:55:19 AM
he's been nothing but a troll.

Yeah, I get it man: you like how KOF used to be in the past. But that's exactly what it is: the past. Get over it!

I'm not a troll, I'm speaking honestly here.

And, sure, I do like how KOF used to be in the past. But just because it's the past doesn't mean I'm gonna forget about it, games like KOF98 were one of the most important fighting games in history. It's the same with alot of fighting games for me, I think alot of the classics are better than the newer games.

Regardless, KOFXIII is done. Best to make one final send off video for it.

I can't really think of any major events that were "exciting" for the game from this year outside of the Cafeid tournament and maybe Evo... but honestly, Evo 2014 was pretty forgettable for KOFXIII to me compared to 2012 and maybe even 2013.

KOF XIII is only "done" for you personally. It's very apparent that it's not for others. All you say amounts to "I don't like KOF XIII anymore/this year so it sucks and it's done" and that's not how it works.

The games of the past had their shot at being relevant but missed it. That ought to show you just how "important of a fighting game in history" KOF '98 was. So now you gotta give someone else a chance. KOF XIII got that chance, seized it, and for once made KOF relevant in the US. As a KOF fan, you should be happy for that. But no. You just have to bash on it because it's not past KOF. People like you who hang on to the past are what's holding back the community from advancing. All that negativity from the so-called "fans" don't give players any incentive to want to go on.

"KOF XIII is only "done" for you personally. It's very apparent that it's not for others. All you say amounts to "I don't like KOF XIII anymore/this year so it sucks and it's done" and that's not how it works.

The games of the past had their shot at being relevant but missed it. That ought to show you just how "important of a fighting game in history" KOF '98 was. So now you gotta give someone else a chance. KOF XIII got that chance, seized it, and for once made KOF relevant in the US. As a KOF fan, you should be happy for that. But no. You just have to bash on it because it's not past KOF. People like you who hang on to the past are what's holding back the community from advancing. All that negativity from the so-called "fans" don't give players any incentive to want to go on."

THANK YOU, FRIGGIN THANK YOU, we're FINALLY getting to the root of one of the big issues that has held this game back from the potential it could have been had. You have no idea how happy this makes me knowing that others feel the same way and that these issues need to be addressed.
Quote from: Running Wild on November 08, 2014, 09:59:17 PM
I hate to say it, but this site has been on it's death bed for ages. It was very lively back in 2010-2012, but it's been dying for the last two years. Look at the sorry state it's in right now. People used to come to this site to discuss all SNK games. But ya know, once XIII was released on console, for a long time KOFXIII was the only game that got any attention. Since KOFXIII's first splash at Evo, it's been slowly dissolving, especially in the last year.

KOFXIII has become extremely dull, and SNK Playmore is not supporting the game or it's community at all.

Quote from: marchefelix on November 07, 2014, 08:55:19 AM
he's been nothing but a troll.

Yeah, I get it man: you like how KOF used to be in the past. But that's exactly what it is: the past. Get over it!

I'm not a troll, I'm speaking honestly here.

And, sure, I do like how KOF used to be in the past. But just because it's the past doesn't mean I'm gonna forget about it, games like KOF98 were one of the most important fighting games in history. It's the same with alot of fighting games for me, I think alot of the classics are better than the newer games.

Regardless, KOFXIII is done. Best to make one final send off video for it.

I can't really think of any major events that were "exciting" for the game from this year outside of the Cafeid tournament and maybe Evo... but honestly, Evo 2014 was pretty forgettable for KOFXIII to me compared to 2012 and maybe even 2013.

The Secret Society Battle Royale was a fun & exciting event even though it unfortunately took place the same weekend as NorCal Regionals & there's even footage links here in the Results thread, there was the usual SoCal Regionals that was pretty cool, AND let's not forget the Northwest Majors event with the Reynald & Tokido MM & that whole Top 8 period which was exciting. Those tournaments should have moments in them too. Oh yeah, there was CEO 2014 which was I think Misterio's first time playing in US soil.
Quote from: Running Wild on November 04, 2014, 01:00:48 AM
I can't think of any good moments in 2014 for XIII. This game has been zZZZZzZZz all year.

I usually don't say things like this, but seriously, if you have nothing positive to say or add to anything & just want to complain, do it to yourself. The state of the game is already what it is & you're not helping anything. I don't know you & your history with SNK, but that attitude is so toxic. There's already enough negativity & stuff around, why add more to it? Just because you feel how you feel about KOFXIII doesn't mean there are people that don't like it and visit the site.
New Jersey session feat. Dynicksty, Liston, A3 Religion & others
As of today, Big E says that there's only 14 slots left for KOFXIII. If you KNOW you're going to NEC this year & haven't pre-registered, do it ASAP because as of right now I'm not sure if at-the-door registration will be allowed