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Messages - raisedbyfinches

Joe Higashi / Re: Joe Higashi (Console)
December 21, 2012, 09:43:19 PM
Use both.

Different gaps ftw.
Joe Higashi / Re: Joe Higashi (Console)
December 21, 2012, 04:09:55 PM
I have up to 3 bars and full hd in first place.

* Without any I get buttons into either a safe jump or reset pressure - midscreen there's not really and benefit to using meter in combos other than ranbu, only HD. It doesn't take that long at all to get HD.

* With enough HD I either do a stun combo to build 2 bars and burn 1 (corner) or do an hd combo for either 0,1 or 3 bars as ex screw upper doesn't really give much damage over the non-ex one in hd. The 3 bar HD combo gives my opponent 60% drive and 1.4 meter. Which is 920 damage for vastly less gain to my opponent than a stun combo. You build HD quickly anyway.

* gcab or gccd

* The very occasional ex tiger knee or ex hurricane. There are nearly always other options that are equally as viable.

Saying that he's 'wasted' on point is fallacious, especially when your only argument is 'he's good with meter' without saying in what way or counting what you lose when your opponent has it.

I'm done arguing this point with you though, play him wherever you want. Ignore friendly challenges and be argumentative. The question should probably also have been 'what can you do without meter then?'.

I'd rather get back to pure informational posts anyway.
Andy Bogard / Re: Andy Bogard (Console)
December 21, 2012, 03:14:10 PM
Dunno why I haven't seen this here.

KOFXIII :Andy Option Select By MF Oubah

Its pretty baws.
Joe Higashi / Re: Joe Higashi (Console)
December 21, 2012, 03:08:17 PM
Quote from: Diavle on December 21, 2012, 03:00:16 PM
As for meter, haven't used Joe on point in a serious match since we last spoke tbh. He always sits in the second or anchor positions now, the guy is just too damn good with meter and is wasted on point imo.

Just this bit.

You can get stun with 70% drive and 0 meter. Off c.B. So it ends up doing 700 damage and both you and your opponent build loads of meter (unless you go for the restun) but that's hardly a problem unless your opponent is hwa or takuma and you get hit :(
He also loses huge amounts of pressure as his blockstrings have to be kept really short so its harder to make people 'respect your authorota'. No bars and HD anywhere on screen you can do 700+.

There's nothing that's gonna stop me changing him up from point.

The friendly challenge: post some videos of yourself playing so you can try to change my mind ;)
Joe Higashi / Re: Joe Higashi (Console)
December 18, 2012, 02:59:57 PM
Different gaps in frame traps certainly is not pointless.

Having a better damage version of an anti-air I already use to retain pressure is also not pointless.

But its all moot because its not kara-cancellable anyway.
Joe Higashi / Re: Joe Higashi (Console)
December 18, 2012, 01:51:33 PM
Different speeds and hitboxes. Having different gaps in all your frame traps is kinda beneficial.

Say you anti-air with 5c, being able to kara into slash kick to be able to be point blank against their recovering or kara into hurricane for lockdown. There are plenty of reasons it'd be boom.
Joe Higashi / Re: Joe Higashi (Console)
December 18, 2012, 12:32:00 PM
Nah it was just far s.C hcf.B, TnT or df.b hcf.b - both would be great but if they can't be done then I'll just take TnT off them.
Joe Higashi / Re: Joe Higashi (Console)
December 18, 2012, 11:31:11 AM
Then I guess stun off any button except sweep will remain a dream >_<
Far s.C was the right distance to get baku after the slash kick too. Ah well.
Joe Higashi / Re: Joe Higashi (Console)
December 18, 2012, 12:13:11 AM
Yeah, my bad, doesn't work with Ralf.

Billy and Clark work.
Joe Higashi / Re: Joe Higashi (Console)
December 17, 2012, 04:43:35 PM
That's not what I mean. I know it can be. The other characters can cancel their mash button moves for free before they come out. Making noncancellable moves magically cancellable.

Example if it worked:
Far s.C (baku kara) hcf.B
You would be cancelling the far C into the only buttons it cancels into but cancelling that before it comes out. This is exactly how it works for the characters I mentioned above.
Joe Higashi / Re: Joe Higashi (Console)
December 17, 2012, 10:34:39 AM
I can't for the life of me get the mash kara that works with pretty much all the other characters with mash buttons to work with Joe.

Billy, Clark etc. can all cancel the normals that don't cancel into anything but mash punches into other things by canceling the mash buttons before they come out.

E.g. Billy can do 5c 4a 623BD like this, clark can kara his turn punch by doing mash as a drive cancel and it gives better juggle.

Can someone with a bit more dexterity than me please check that Joe truly can't do it with his.
That will be a sad day. Hopefully I just need better fingers...
Chin Gentsai / Re: Chin Gentsai (Console)
December 05, 2012, 10:41:11 PM
He knows about the cancelling, its the pressing forward I think he was after.

Video is pretty nice, I'll stick to two feints though - I know there's no way I'll get that out under pressure :3
Joe Higashi / Re: Joe Higashi (Console)
December 02, 2012, 01:36:29 AM
In that scenario I'd choose to run out of the corner and put them in it (if they are still in the air i'd press 5A to reset them too), unless you find you can walk out of the corner off it and get a full combo. All I'm saying is I'll not use it barely at all and stick to movement. Tell us if anything comes of it.
Joe Higashi / Re: Joe Higashi (Console)
December 01, 2012, 11:55:13 PM
In addition to the 3-4 frames of startup you have to kara it, you're looking at double that really.
Not that its a bad thing, but when you can use jump back a/b/d (depending on their jump arc) or just get the hell outta the way its a bit risky.

Buffering it into random jabs can lead to unexpected results, the game retains inputs for such a bloody long time!

Good luck!
Joe Higashi / Re: Joe Higashi (Console)
November 29, 2012, 07:15:25 PM
Joe gets access to stun combos in first place. All you need is 78% drive, opponent near a corner and to hit with a 2b.

He loses all of his insanely long pressure strings - they become much shorter because of just how punishable step kick and some other things are to gcab.
You get meter in first place... why do people seem to ignore the fact that you still get up to 3 bars and full drive? You start off in a position where your toe to toe game has less holes in it. That is why its advantageous to put him first. You get 720+ with hd and zero bar, up to 920 with 3. Putting him further back for more meter in hd combos is a bit fruitless as ex screw upper and screw upper don't differ that much in damage by the point you're using them.

Second your opponent will usually have one bar, and that can be devastating if they can guard roll and hit you for heap big damage.

Personal opinion is first. Or nothing.

But thats personal opinion.