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Messages - raisedbyfinches

Joe Higashi / Re: Joe Higashi (Console)
November 28, 2012, 09:47:48 PM
He loses a lot more when his opponent has meter. That's all I'm gonna chip in on that.

So long as you're picking him its all good.
Joe Higashi / Re: Joe matchup thread
November 22, 2012, 07:33:43 PM
Press s.A.

Some things more specific though:


  • If you can judge when he presses buttons in the air you can anti-air early buttons with slide.
  • Far hops that don't quite reach you you can get with s.A or if you don't fancy that s.B hits them as they drop a little lower and if they don't have meter you can cancel it into hurricane to lock them down.
  • When you pressure him and he has meter you must refrain from throwing out 'predictable' step kicks on block, canceling it will see you eating ex ranbu and put on the back foot.
  • It goes without saying that taking advantage of every hit will be massively helpful
  • You movement becomes paramount, if you are awarded a free out and don't take it you're in trouble
  • Non-Japanese Karate players love doing c.B s.B f.A (Japanese seem to greatly prefer staggering s.B to hit confirm into f.A) - which you can guard roll at the s.B and punish. Similarly with s.C f.B.

If you want more than vague advice then you'll have to give specifics like TheFluke said.
Can't really do more than say 'work on footsies and movement'.

Kyo is pretty similar to the advice above but with the addition of: don't throw out things that are unsafe on block to at least -2. EX ON will just destroy you.

Guard roll needs to be used more against everyone from what I see.

It'd be good to take this thread and put general notes on specifics of Joe vs. them.

I don't have time for that now but will happily contribute if it does happen.
Joe Higashi / Re: Joe Higashi (Console)
November 13, 2012, 01:59:46 AM
Both of those are unfortunately due to lack of practice :(
At least its not just me that noticed, the second video should be me for the first 10 matches. Thanks for taking the time to watch. Need to get a lot more games in to get back to playing at the right speed - here's hoping I can sort something out to do that.
Joe Higashi / Re: Joe Higashi (Console)
November 12, 2012, 11:26:31 PM
Some video of me playing terribly just for the hell of it (I live away from other people so haven't been able to play real people in about 2 months). I drop pretty much every combo ever, don't hit confirm step kick, and cannot deal with Athena's jump arc. Oh, and I've not picked Shen before this. But you're not watching for him ;)

Chin Gentsai / Re: Chin Gentsai (Console)
November 12, 2012, 11:23:16 PM
Video from France of the recent 2v2 tournament - I'm not going to point out where there is Chin, its France pretty much everyone uses him.

part 1 was a write-off with no sound and one game so lets start with part 2

http://www.twitch.tv/archive/archive_popout?id=339305113    ---    part 2
http://www.twitch.tv/archive/archive_popout?id=339339212    ---    part 3

Some video of me playing terribly just for the hell of it (I live away from other people so haven't been able to play real people in about 2 months).


If you have some time and want something to watch. As an aside, I had never picked Shen before so you'll see how badly that goes ^__^

Joe Higashi / Re: Joe Higashi (Console)
October 29, 2012, 11:16:08 PM
Quote from: marchefelix on October 29, 2012, 11:04:16 PM
It's just that I don't see it being used much in the videos I see. They mostly stick to the sliding move.

You've been watching very different videos to me. Then I rarely see other Joe players and carry on watching because most of them are pretty bad round here. Haregoro or bust tbh.

Slide is really ok in frame traps and as a start after hd to get into the best damage, but f.b needs hit confirming - if you get it off 3 lights you're in for some serious good stuff.

[Edit]: I mean slide xx TnT in strings.
Chin Gentsai / Re: Chin Gentsai (Console)
October 29, 2012, 11:12:54 PM
Quote from: Kane317 on October 16, 2012, 01:16:29 PM
I see stance cancels galore in the French stream, tons of Chin players and most of them pretty good. 

Thats the thing, in France he's probably the most popular character!

I'm gonna be streaming this weekend too so if you get time to see uk time streams then there will be plenty for you to laugh at :D
Joe Higashi / Re: Joe Higashi (Console)
October 29, 2012, 10:56:20 PM
Quote from: marchefelix on October 29, 2012, 10:47:19 PM
Why doesn't anyone use his  ;fd +  ;b command? It was useful for linking in past games...

Sorry what? Everyone uses it!
You just have to hit confirm it or be unpredictable with it because it leads to generally non-true blockstrings (you'll eat a ranbu) or massive punishes if you leave it uncancelled. The thing is -15f or so on block...
Joe Higashi / Re: Joe Higashi (Console)
October 26, 2012, 08:32:17 PM
Except it does way less damage than the full screen one I posted in my video, and is much harder than mine.

Mine you can also turn into 735 meterless.
The combo is:

s.D f.B hd s.C df.B hcf.D dc dp.B dc hcf.D dc dp.B dc hcf.D dc hcf.A, dp.B dc qcb.D, AAAqcb.A, dp.B, AAAqcb.A AAAAAAqcb.A, j.D

So its the one in the video, except where you do hurricane xx screw upper, you do hurricane and link a B tiger knee, drive cancel into D heel, and go into standard stun combo fare after the HD runs out.

However, the one in your video looks pretty cool.
Chin Gentsai / Re: Chin Gentsai (Console)
October 15, 2012, 08:01:31 PM
Who are they?

Watching their 'champions league' tournament yesterday they all did.
If you didn't see it btw, its in the archives at twitch.tv/yamato_fr - well worth a watch, it was pretty good (and a weekly thing!!!).
Chin Gentsai / Re: Chin Gentsai (Console)
October 15, 2012, 12:33:18 AM
Yeah, still there are a great number that don't use them as much as they possibly should.
Game is still young so hopefully we keep enough people round to get it right!
Chin Gentsai / Re: Chin Gentsai (Console)
October 14, 2012, 10:46:41 PM
Abusing what?
Chin being harder to jump in on than some? The feints we already abuse?
There was nothing really out of the ordinary here, unless you only play the chins that love rolling.
Chin Gentsai / Re: Chin Gentsai (Console)
August 20, 2012, 02:31:50 AM
Yeah, I think s.C dd.BD s.C ex roll is missed but its just a starting idea for people.
I pulled off the most lol combo in a match today, gotta be more use to it than what we're seeing so far.

s.C dd.BD s.C qcbhcf.C, qcbhcf.A

1 drink
0 drive, 2 meter
555 damage

I was about 1/5 from the corner, they were about starting position distance from the corner and it completely turned the positional play around and won me the match. Anyone had a real play with the applications of this? The combos off it are a bit screwy and from the corner its not so great (i cant seem to get under them).
Chin Gentsai / Re: Chin Gentsai (Console)
August 19, 2012, 09:49:27 PM
dd.BD is faster.

You just tend to be further away. You can also link the higher damage far s.C.
It leaves you in a stance in which you can block. There are many many reasons to use the BD one.
Chin Gentsai / Re: Chin Gentsai (Console)
August 19, 2012, 02:22:24 PM
Quote from: Kane317 on August 19, 2012, 04:02:17 AM
^ Hmm that HD combo looks familiar...:)

Did say it wasn't new, I was trying to get the CfC (C feint C) after HD but it was nowhere near consistent so dropped it ;)

@LazieFreddy, yes its like 2 frames faster to cancel into KK stance cancel than it is K, but you get the faster s.C out of the dd.K. I mentioned this in the notes on my video. I did look at the frames when recording it but can't remember what the exact values were.