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Messages - raisedbyfinches

Chin Gentsai / Re: Chin Gentsai (Console)
August 18, 2012, 11:17:55 PM
Nothing particularly new but if you know anyone that wants to try Chin there are worse places to start than this.

[KoFXIII] Chin Gentsai - Basics
Joe Higashi / Re: Joe Higashi (Console)
August 09, 2012, 12:20:32 AM
Not really tested many safejump setups seeing as everything but qcfhcb.P are at best soft knockdowns or you will be resetting off them into either hurricane lockdown midscreen or with j.D in the corner. I don't think that qcfhcb.P gives you a safejump because of the terrible jump arc. I think you should get the option of a whiffed safe s.A or a meaty s.D but don't hold me to that yet.

One thing that is guaranteed is in the corner off a throw, whiff a TnT and its safe. For some reason people love trying to reversal that one on wakeup... they'll soon stop and just accept my free meter gain.

[EDIT]: yeah, you don't even get a safe hop off qcfhcb.P. Seeing at thats more than likely your only knockdown then we're poop out of luck.
Joe Higashi / Re: Joe Higashi (Console)
August 08, 2012, 08:31:47 PM
A video wot I maed.


I'll also be capturing all of his normals and calculating his frame data seeing as there isn't seemingly anyone else in a rush to do so.
Joe Higashi / Re: Joe Higashi (Console)
July 25, 2012, 01:09:11 AM
Balas stun combo video has the inputs on.
I do the same as the fluke but I double double tap.
Joe Higashi / Re: Joe Higashi (Console)
July 19, 2012, 10:27:28 PM
I find its easier and iirc you get more damage for doing the cancel as the last bounce is hitting, as opposed to them popping up and come back down onto it.
Joe Higashi / Re: Joe Higashi (Console)
July 17, 2012, 06:58:13 PM
Sorry completely forgot to post a 919 full screen 3 bar one I've been doing a while, works, again from your back against the wall and nose to nose with your opponent.

j.C s.C f.B hd s.C df.B (slight delay) hcf.D [dc dp.B dc hcf.D]*2 dc hcf.A dc qcfqcf.A dc qcfqcf.BD

You have to wait until the dm has finished hitting to max cancel, otherwise the neomax eats the hits. You only get an extra 30 damage off an ex dm so I don't think its really worth it.

Just delay the cancel off the slide a little or you need to do another (more showboaty) combo which is no doubt the pinball biobooster is on about. A little practice and its probably the easiest combo Joe has.

Its really easy to confirm off of s.A c.B s.A f.B instead of the jump in too, step kick's hitstun is ridiculous. In that case you're looking at 818. No modification required.

For those that do care (personally does not bother me a jot):
It builds your opponent about 1.7 meter and 70% drive too.
Chin Gentsai / Re: Chin Gentsai (Console)
July 17, 2012, 09:27:48 AM
Quote from: Kane317 on July 17, 2012, 03:34:42 AM
I never thought about him as a safe jumper but it does make a lot of sense with his low jumps--I probably do it naturally without really thinking about it.   Does the sweep combo off the s.C?  You would have to do the stance cancel if I'm not mistaken.

Exactly it, you have to cancel in between all of them in the example I gave. Its really not that easy either, but at least there is a way to do it. As safe jump go it looks about 4f but I've not tested it - it hits them below the knee and is about the only time over ever really combod off a jump  C.
Chin Gentsai / Re: Chin Gentsai (Console)
July 16, 2012, 08:30:02 PM
Chin gets the easiest safe jumps. All you have to do to get them is combo into sweep! >>

In the corner something like c.B s.C c.D then just hold up forward and press C once you're under their head height.
General Discussion / Re: Guaranteed grabs?
July 16, 2012, 12:04:47 AM
As interesting as those two examples are they aren't really all that applicable. At least in the sense you're indicating.

For Vice to be throwing out point blank sweeps and confirming that the opponent tech rolls to do the dp is nigh on suicidal. If the opponent doesn't tech roll, then do you get a free punish on the whiff? If so then Vice should really never do it.

Duo Lon will be taking ~50 damage off of an already low damage bnb. This is more applicable only in the sense that you're making your opponent not want to tech so you get free fireball oki. But you lost ~50 damage along the way and are slowing down the pace of the game. Perhaps allowing your opponent to collect themselves.

This makes the back turned situation not really that useful.

The forfeiting of throw invulnerability I thought was already common knowledge?

Joe Higashi / Re: Joe Higashi (Console)
July 10, 2012, 12:46:08 AM
Ok, figured out the damage on the HD combo and there's a better one >_<

j.C s.C f.B hd s.C PP qcb.P dc hcf.D dc dp.B, PPP qcb.P dc qcb.D, hcf.B dc hcf.A dc qcfqcf.A dc qcfqcfBD

878 damage, 3 meter, 100% hd.
So for those capitalising on every hit there you go. Works anywhere on screen as far as I can tell.
Joe Higashi / Re: Joe Higashi (Console)
July 02, 2012, 01:13:54 AM
Quote from: The Fluke on July 02, 2012, 12:52:10 AM
That's fine, whatever works works you know but my point was simply that the stun combo isn't good simply because it deals alot of damage.

I think you've misunderstood my initial post. I suggest using these in addition to the stun combos as at the point of initiation it covers circumstances where you cannot get into stun or perhaps do not have the meter/don't want to burn it if you know a meterless combo to do that much damage.
Joe Higashi / Re: Joe Higashi (Console)
July 01, 2012, 08:05:43 PM
Quote from: The Fluke on July 01, 2012, 07:21:39 PM
The thing with the stun combo is that while you may not be maximising damage, you build almost enough meter to loop it by doing it. Also, if you reset just before stunning your opponent and then land a hit or two after that, you may get to do some 400+ damage for one bar, easily knocking out your current opponent.

I didn't mean ignore the stun combo, just go for these as well when you get an opening.
Joe Higashi / Re: Joe Combo Thread
July 01, 2012, 06:17:42 PM
Quote from: keechl on April 14, 2012, 09:37:09 AM
near corner meterless cr. ;b,cr. ;b, st. ;a, f+ ;b, hcf+ ;b, mash  ;a x4 qcb+a, mash ;a (three bounce and on third cancel in finisher) 297 dmg 43 stun

You can tack on a j.D if you do two bounces and that takes you up to 330 (I think its a little less if you cancel late instead of just as the second bounce happens).

HD combo, full screen carry:

j.C s.C f.B hd s.C [(AAA qcb.A) dc qcb.D]x2, hcf.B dc hcf.A dc qcfqcf.A dc qcfqcf.BD

3 bar, 860 damage (or thereabouts).

You have to wait whilst the qcfqcf.A does most of its 13 hits to max cancel otherwise it seems that it does less damage.
Joe Higashi / Re: Joe Higashi (Console)
July 01, 2012, 02:21:50 PM
Combos nobody does but should do (TM)


0 drive 0 meter
c.B c.B s.A f.B hcf.B, s.A (resets) hcf.A
Hurricane cancel keeps them locked down at just over s.CD range. Not thoroughly tested what opponent can do wrt reversals but its safe from everything I tested (fast ex ranbus, dps etc.). If your opponent rolls back, jumps or presses a button they get hit, if they roll forward you get a full punish.

2 drive, 3 meter
j.C s.C f.B hd s.C [AAA qcb.A (TnT) dc qcb.D]x2, hcf.B dc hcf.A dc qcfqcf.A dc qcfqcf.BD
860+ damage - if my maths is correct, not tested this for numbers but pulled it off in match. Its vital that on the first TnT you don't get more than one punch before the finisher (or you lose at least 40 damage for each one you let come out). Full screen carry makes this combo worthwhile, there's not many times you'll get that much damage out of the corner quite so easily.


0 meter 0 drive
c.B c.B s.A f.B hcf.B, AAA qcb.A (TnT), AAAAA qcb.A (TnT), j.D
330+ damage off a low, only works with 3 taps into step kick

The anywhere HD combo can be changed at the end for 1 bar so do ex slash kick then go into tiger kick, TnT stuff we all know and love. I've not tested but I think you'll get time for one more dc at the end on the TnT too. Yes, it uses all of your meter but by the time you get to pull it off you'll usually be a character up with plenty of time to build it back (and if you pull it off successfully your opponent won't require drive to be bodied).

I see altogether too many Joe players concentrating solely on getting into stun combo and not maximising damage throughout their game, especially if their middle character is heavily drive/meter dependant. Hopefully these will help somewhat.

Other things of note

In the corner if you throw then whiff TnT (minimal presses, no finisher) its safe from (and usually baits out) DPs.
Meet & Greet / Re: *HOT* New player from England.
April 10, 2012, 12:08:35 AM
I'm in Wales so can play you. Where in England are you? GT and PSNID same as username.