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Messages - MUSOLINI

sup kaede? didnt know you where into kof. good to see you here as well.
why would you want to interrupt their wakeup attack when you could block it and do 50% damage with little to no hd or dm bars? even more with bars. i just dont get it. nobody ever tried to meaty a downed terry in 97 or 98 cause of his rising tace. its part of the character specific strategy. you could do meaties on a downed duo long if he has no meter.

also im not mad, i dont get why your complaining about something that has been in kof for over decades. this isnt the first kof with invicible dp's. and i actually like this, as well as most other kof players. we dont wanna get hit out of our rising tacos, we taco through your invincible moves.
Raiden / Re: Raiden
August 18, 2010, 06:48:51 PM
Lvl 4 DropKick -> st. A -> Lvl 4 DropKick -> EX Giant Bomb -> Strong Poison Mist -> DC EX Giant Bomb -> Poison Mist -> Poison Mist -> Raiden Bomb

this somewhat looks like the combo i mentioned but not quite.

jump in C -> cr. C -> EX giant bomb -> lvl 4 dropkick -> st. A -> lvl 4 dropkick -> EX giant bomb -> strong poison mist -> max cancel into neo max.

who knows, maybe instead of the strong poison mist its possible to do another no ex giant bomb, then poison mist into nm or just go straight to the nm from the giant bomb.

any of the ai folks wanna try this. i also asked at that kelvindj dude from yt to try it. gonna look now to see if theres anything new.

edit: it could be that theres a more damaging one if you start with the4 drop kick.

something like:

jump in C -> cr. C -> lvl 4 dropkick -> st. A -> lvl 4 dropkick -> EX giant bomb -> strong poison mist -> EX gaint bomb -> strong poison mist or non ex giant tackle max cancel into neo max.

since both combos have around the same length, the nm would probably do the same damage. but the damage on the drop kicks could mean extra damge if done earlier on. also if somebody's willing to try, finish the same combo without NM (for those instances without bar) and keep hd canceling with specials till you finish the combo with raiden bomb.

something else i thought of that might be interresting. after the first drop kick, since kick isnt used during the combos it might be possible to load another drop kick or 2 before finishing the combo. if the before mentioned combo is done, after the last ex giant bomb into strong poison mist it could be possible to do another drop kick and combo on into who knows what.

i wish i had this game, the combo possibilities are soo fucking wild in this game. more people need to hit up training mode, i know its hard for the ai folks cause theres only 1 machine. the owner must be happy with 13, i think its making good money for him.
no you suck, dont you know how to defend? just press db or b, it aint that fucking hard. this is how good kofs work. i really think you gotta do something about your skill level if you think invincible dp's suck, seriously. i knew most US members sucked in kof, but your making it worse than it is.
Chin Gentsai / Re: Chin Gentsai
August 16, 2010, 04:06:30 AM
Raiden / Re: Raiden
August 15, 2010, 10:52:52 PM
you didnt try finishing with his nm? i wish you tried to do those ex tackles after the last dropkick, or at least his nm after it. if another ex tackle is possible, dayumn for posibilities. this would still hold the door open for his nm, cause youd still have 3 stocks after it and a full hd meter. the 12 second one might hurt a LOT.
Raiden / Re: Raiden
August 15, 2010, 04:41:44 AM
let me know what other possibilities you find out. he could be doing very easy beyond 100% combos if hes got some meter and drop kicks stored.
Raiden / Re: Raiden
August 14, 2010, 06:38:03 PM
could somebody try this combo for me.

jump in hard attack, crouching hard or light pynch (whichever is cancelable), ex shoulder tackle, drop kick, standing A, drop kick, dp. instead of the dp, if you got more meter would it be possible to do another ex shoulder and juggle on? this should do HUGE damage. after the last drop kick instead of doing a dp do another ex shoulder, after that normal light shoulder if possible into nm, otherwise just go straight for the nm. dude does huge damage, this should be doing HARD damage.

somebody, anybody.

edit: raiden doesnt even have 1 ex dm?
Clark Still / Re: Clark Still
August 14, 2010, 05:54:02 PM
stop hating hatred, we just want the best for the game. a broken game wont sell as well as a game that aint broken.
Kim Kaphwan / Re: Kim Kaphwan
August 13, 2010, 07:36:18 PM
just to be sure, after his ff+A you can do the qcb move, but only the light version (and ex) combos? also, you can do his qcf+K as well, either version and it still combos. also ex probably.
Clark Still / Re: Clark Still
August 13, 2010, 07:29:53 PM
but if they actually fix the shit up good it would be awesome. imagine if ralph went through maximas nm, but only for the duration of the invincibilety he has, after that he gets hit by the laser. but if he where close enough hed actually go through the laser and then hit maxima out of it. shit like this if done proporly would be fucking awesome.

but if we see things like iori doing an ex dm and takuma doing his nm, both close to each other where takuma flies offscreen and iori does his maiden masher against somebnody who isnt even there.
Clark Still / Re: Clark Still
August 13, 2010, 06:13:19 PM
not to get off topic, but even with good range he wouldnt be overpowered. all those grapple combos that worked in 97 dont work in 98 cause of the reduced range. this is a clark thread, but having yamazaki back and as a mix between 98um ex yama and 98/97 normal yama would be the shit.

but lets get back to clark. even with reduced range he should still be able to punish hard with his throws. the throws are back to the 1 frame they where, and dm/exdm throws got that 0 frame and huge distance going for them. even if you see grapples, most dont use them to throw that often. but thats only judging from the limited vids weve seen of grapplers in this game. people need to play them more, we need to find all bugs and glitches (the arcade players gotta do that, we aint got 13).

13 related but not specific to clark. anybody actually ever try to clash 2 high powered moves? like andy fireball dm with terry ex power geyser. or kyos nm with terrys nm? ive got a funny feeling that theres bugs hidden beneath these happenings. takumas nm with iori ex dm. who would wi, would they both clash and freeze, would 1 fly off to mars? the game should be out in arcades half a year before a console release, so i do hope they find out most or every bug and repatch that shit.
Terry Bogard / Re: Terry Bogard
August 13, 2010, 05:52:35 PM
dope azz combo. and yeah doing that terry nm in the corner is dumb. one of the combos mr kof did with kof, combo into hd mode, normals into ex burning knuckle, into ex buster wolf. doing his ex burning knuckle actually lets you switch corners with your op, so that you could do the normal non ex buster wolf into nm and get all the hits of the nm. that is if the op still trades places when hes already in the corner.

also for a very long time i was wondering if terry's f+A is cancelable or only cancelable into and in hd mode? sC 2 hits, f+A 2 hits, ex burning knuckle or normal burning knuckle drive cancelled into crackshoot would be awesome if possible.
2 things, i wanna see ALL the unused bg's in the console version.

second, i thought you couldnt get into hd mode unless you cancelled a normal or command normal. not with specials or dm's? am i getting this right? if so wtf.

does this mean terry could do sC 2 hits, powerwave, bc, combo on?
Clark Still / Re: Clark Still
August 11, 2010, 05:46:56 PM
yamazaki had that problem in 98. in 97 his grab was the shit. in 98 after ticking when he should have grabbed you he just did his miss animation. even in some combos he missed and you got that miss animation. considering the other grapplers didnt have this in 98, wtf they done did to yamas throw in 98?