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Messages - MUSOLINI

Clark Still / Re: Clark Still
August 10, 2010, 11:46:18 PM
Quote from: Kane317 on August 10, 2010, 06:31:40 PM
Quote from: MUSOLINI on August 10, 2010, 04:57:14 PM
with clark its possible (with ralph 2) to do 2 b-f+P? moves. when they do 1 they usually finish it with air throw. but when they do 2 they dont. is the air throw possible after 2?

Doesn't seem like it. You can, however, do jump D after the second set.

damn that sucks, thanx anyway.
Clark Still / Re: Clark Still
August 10, 2010, 04:57:14 PM
with clark its possible (with ralph 2) to do 2 b-f+P? moves. when they do 1 they usually finish it with air throw. but when they do 2 they dont. is the air throw possible after 2?
something that did catch my eye was how the players really juggled nicely. in most of the vids you see people stopping their corner combos when the op is still in the air. which is really a shame, im really interrested about those juggles.
anybody know when the new arcadia and game mook will be out?
Kim Kaphwan / Re: Kim Kaphwan
August 04, 2010, 06:32:35 PM
the one without dm was nice as hell, there might be even time left on the hd meter to ad another hangetsuzan into hienzan into hangetsuzan into hienzan into air ex move (dont know name) for even more damage, then follow up with exdm or nm.

edit: soo many people interrested in kim? i am, didnt expect this many people though. got more posts than kyo and all them. robert still got zero? 
leaning towards xi easy is really cool. people will have no execution excuses. personally i found 98's controls good enough (perfect even), but xi was just soo damn easy. shit is really gonna be good for beginners as well.
Kim Kaphwan / Re: Kim Kaphwan
August 03, 2010, 06:25:38 PM
Kim Kaphwan / Re: Kim Kaphwan
August 03, 2010, 04:26:16 AM
Quote from: nilcam on July 27, 2010, 03:53:44 AM

;a = Low Punch low can link into such and such.
;b = Low Kick
;c = High Punch standing can be linked in to from crouching etc.
;d = High Kick

* = EX version possible

Sakkyaku Nage - ;bk / ;fd+ ;c / ;d

Command Moves
Nerichagi - ;fd + ;b

Yopuchagi - ;fd ;fd + ;a      combos from lights.

Special Moves
Hangetsuzan - ;qcb + ;b / ;d *

Kuchugetsuzan - ;qcb + ;b / ;d (in air) *

Hishokyaku - ;qcf + ;b / ;d (in air) *

Hienzan - (charge)  ;dn ;up + ;b / ;d          hard version doesnt hit crouching opponents during combos
   ∟ ;dn + ;d (for knockdown in D variant)

Desperation Moves
Hououkyaku - ;qcb ;hcf + ;b / ;d (ground or air) * [only ground version has ex]

Hououhitenkyaku - ;qcf ;qcf + ;b / ;d

Rei Shiki Hououkyaku - ;qcb ;hcf + ;a ;c

something like this but more nicely and with correct info (i just made this up, dont know what connects for sure). info on jumping normals and everything ofcourse. maybe this kinda info is in the mook, who knows.
Kim Kaphwan / Re: Kim Kaphwan
August 02, 2010, 06:27:25 PM
i dount it, move seemed too slow. could work though, dont know. im already happy links are back in. i saw kyo doing  doing dB, sC. maybe ryo can do his dB, dC, link as well. dont know about kim, you guys said his sC changed a lot.
Kim Kaphwan / Re: Kim Kaphwan
August 01, 2010, 11:02:34 PM
im not even sure hangetsuzan can combo from lights. my old standard combo from lows in older kofs like 97,98 was cB, cB, cA, d-u+C. but he lost that move. i dont remember him beig able to do han from lights, not sure though. since i dont remember it, i doubt it. cause i remember using the other one i mentioned as a bnb, same for his sC (1hit), fA into dm/sdm. sC into han or b-f+C. i dont even know how his close standing C works in 13. the old one it was possible to do a cB, sC (1 hit), add any shit you want.
its always been like this in kof (since 97). using normals dont fill the bar, but when you hit or op blocks it does fill. even when blocking you fill your shit. the only way to fill your bar without touching your op, is by doing specials. 97 yama snake cancel is one way, one good ass way though. i,i,i,i,i,i,ik,ik,ik,i,i,i,ik,ik,iku,i,i,ii,k,ik,ikuzo.
Kim Kaphwan / Re: Kim Kaphwan
August 01, 2010, 08:18:16 PM
cB, cA, hienzan. either end it, or go into dc cancels and pretty much anything is possible. what does suck is his ranbu ex version only working on ground (i know, would have been 2 powerful as an aa killer with that invinc on it). also too bad his neomax is also only ground only, but its cool. i dont think it had any priority whatsoever?
YOU GUYS ARE REALLY LUCKY WEITH A  GOOD FRIEND LIKE THAT, (caps) thats one nice ass owner you got over there. we aint even got arcades, let alone nice arcade owners.

venus, we pretty close man. Cuijk north brabant. muso is a real nic i had since mid/late 80's. aint got shit to do with nazis, its actually written the same way as the rapper (2pac-outlawz). besides, its just a name.
nice matches, way better than the older ones. its good to see you guys are leveling up.
the netherlands sucks, we got like 1 or 2 arcades in the entire country. `where you from btw venusandeve?