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The Persona 4: The Ultimata in Mayonaka Arena Thread

Started by sibarraz, August 31, 2011, 04:51:16 AM

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Wasn't bad.  Researched the system mechanics and stuff.  Seems weird.

Probably would've liked it better if the only competent players weren't mostly Yus.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Proto Cloud

Yu gotta look up play from the better players. I usually recommend Gamechariot. They got a pretty good variety of players in every game. I can't quite remember which arcade all of the top players like Kaqn, Shadow and Galileo play at.


Alright, I watched a couple of it.  It's interesting.  My interest is slightly peaked.  Though mostly because of the advent of a theme song solely for mirror matches.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Question, Do I need to play P3 in order to play P4?

The psn version has persona fes it seems, this include persona 3 and the epilogue?

Waifu Material

Proto Cloud

Yes. P3FES is the definitive version of the game, so it includes the epilogue. But no, you don't need P3 to enjoy P4. There's only a small section of the game where you head back to the city of P3 with a few cameos that aren't worth mentioning all that much, it'll just make you smile if did play. So, you're not really missing much. But if you don't play P3FES, expansion included. You'll not only suffer massive spoilers in P4A and you'll probably be lost as to what the P3 characters are doing there.


Ok kids, finally got P3 FES from the PS Store, gonna try it in a couple of days, first need to watch some TV shows that were in my to-watch list.


Quote from: Proto Cloud on May 15, 2012, 04:39:08 AM
Yes. P3FES is the definitive version of the game, so it includes the epilogue. But no, you don't need P3 to enjoy P4. There's only a small section of the game where you head back to the city of P3 with a few cameos that aren't worth mentioning all that much, it'll just make you smile if did play. So, you're not really missing much. But if you don't play P3FES, expansion included. You'll not only suffer massive spoilers in P4A and you'll probably be lost as to what the P3 characters are doing there.

mmm, then next month I will buy vf5, the dlc, the 3 chars from kof xiii and FES, thanks proto

I will enjoy persona 4 on july

Waifu Material

Proto Cloud

No problem. I literally go out of the way at every opportunity if it allows someone to experience the Persona Experience�,,�. Honestly, there's really nothing like it.

Also, like Delta pointed out, might want to remember to keep lots of saves on hand because of the save glitch. I also heard of some graphical glitches too. Might check this out myself at some point.


Forgot to mention I played it last week.

Was on a Nessica cab (with its 15 other games on there), so didn't have the benefit of there being a movelist banner on the cab.

Was able to mash my way to the boss D-:

Still fun I suppose, will need to take a deeper look before attempting it again.

Proto Cloud

You bastard...I wish I wasn't poor and could travel the world. It's been 10 years and I still haven't gone to Germany. :'(

But yeah, the AAA combos can easily get you through the arcade mode. On human opponents that are good, that's a different story.


Don't doubt that a bit.

Liking Sanada so far. Any footage I've seen of Yu makes him out to be the weakest, but will be playing him as well.

Proto Cloud

Akihiko is getting a lot better, but if you don't like having to do a lot of guesswork, you're going to struggle with him. He definitely plays more like a grappler than Kanji does. As for Yu. He's really damn good, I'm pretty sure he's third best, just need to learn to use his persona like you're playing Jojo's.


Yu looks the weakest to you?  I always see Yus beasting...I've heard Reach Out to the Truth so much, I keep hearing it in my mind.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Chie easily looks like #1 from what I've seen, but will wait to see how everything balances out. Can't assume too much at this point.

Post me a vid of Yu being bauss if you know one?

Would love to see that.