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Ralf Jones Wiki Thread

Started by Rex Dart, December 08, 2011, 03:40:15 AM

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so I found out the other day if you antiair with df+a, you can run and hyper hop j.c for a hella ambiguous cross up. I'm trying to integrate this more into my game now that I know it works, but it's really space dependent. Also its really really hard to antiair with df+a, it seems to get stuffed by almost everything. Unless you're predicting them(which is obviously bad), it's tough to antiair hops and stuff with it. If you do land that crossup though you can lay the smack down


df+A is generally speaking not a good anti-air, as you said it gets stuffed by alot of stuff and against hops it's just too slow unless you are predicting, which you have noted is a bad thing to do. In the general scheme of things I wouldn't gamble the df+A hitting just so I might get a good cross-up because if you are successful in hitting with the df+A you might not of got quite the right range for an ambiguous cross-up and even then, the opponent could still block correctly so there are still lots of things that have to go right for you to reach the real pay load. If you get things wrong or simply press df+A too late you are going to eat damage instantly, and maybe a whole combo.

For me the risk doesn't equal the reward as the risk is much greater so I never use df+A as an anti-air.


Well it depends on the situation, if you have a guy read and you know you can hit the df+a, I would definitely go for it. Even if the spacing is off and you can't go for the setup, it's 65 damage and an untechable knockdown that sends them flying, as opposed to say a s.A which does 25, or s.D which does 70 and just resets them. Considering that if you land it, it means you're relieiving yourself of some pressure and screwing with their momentum, I'll take it. But yeah, its situational, and not a go-to anti-air by any stretch.

Speaking of df+a,  I've only just(like last few days) started to throw that in after s.C for combos, and I noticed that it whiffs a lot. Is this just my spacing, and I have to fix it, or can you legitimately not get it every time? I notice if you're hopping about you dont always land directly on them close enough to be able to use it. Should I a)try to make my jumps deeper in general or b)learn to recognize when I'm too far and just go for the standard s.C xx burning hammer?

Thx!!! (P.s. i love dreamcancel)


It depends on range but yeah, it's an arse command normal with barely any range and isn't active for long enough to hit confirm decently from to make it really good. So arse range (horizontally that is) that can ruin things for you, slowish and doesn't give you enough time for good hit confirms.

It really is only good for block strings/combos I have commited to but in reality that move needs to be taken outside and shot.

I personally would go with B) just learn the range and when it doesn't hit. It's really annoying because it's another one of those things that you need to learn with Ralf that doesnl't make him better, it just makes you whiff less stuff and so to be on the same level as every other character you have to put more time into Ralf.

As far as using d/f+A as an anti-air goes, if you want to do that by all means do it but you are taking your life in your own hands (quite litterally if the opponent has full HD). I always prefer far st.C as a predictive anti-air attempt but I'll give far st.D a whirl to see what it's saying for it's self. Thanks


i just checked out the wiki for ralf and i was wondering when will it be finished?


"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


i could give it a shot just let me know what to do

t3h mAsTarOth...!

Ralf wiki needs some work... I picked up Ralf again so i'll be working on it...
KOFXIII - Raiden, Billy, Mai, Karate, Kim, Ralf, Ryo, Robert

SC 1-5 - Astaroth

SaMsTarOth t3h mAsTarOth of AsTarOth...!

Sir Octopus (Saiki)

Working on some low budget combos for Ralf as well as low budget stun combos.

Been playing him for about 5 days now on the lab, so I'll have something for you during the week.

Sir Octopus (Saiki)

You can add to wiki the following.

df.A is able to connect after cl.D (real close) but only if delayed until the ending cancelable frames (but not the last frame or it will wiff) this can convert, and as far as I know it is the only starter for a 2 stock kill combo

You can do 3 b~f A after the hcf.AC and the hcf.C string, but only from 3/4 of the screen (to the oponents back) this allows for a 1 stock 1 drive stun combo (leading to 83% or more damage)

You can check them out on "Sir Octopus CMV II" on youtube


Quote from: Sir Octopus (Saiki) on January 17, 2013, 05:13:30 PM
You can add to wiki the following.

df.A is able to connect after cl.D (real close) but only if delayed until the ending cancelable frames (but not the last frame or it will wiff) this can convert, and as far as I know it is the only starter for a 2 stock kill combo

You can do 3 b~f A after the hcf.AC and the hcf.C string, but only from 3/4 of the screen (to the oponents back) this allows for a 1 stock 1 drive stun combo (leading to 83% or more damage)

You can check them out on "Sir Octopus CMV II" on youtube

I'll add it. Which section? Should the df.A information be added here? : http://dreamcancel.com/wiki/index.php?title=Ralf_Jones_(XIII)#Command_Moves

If so, copy and paste what you see there here, with your contribution, and then I will add it.

Also, we can't add "as far as I know" to the wiki pages.

"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

Sir Octopus (Saiki)

df.A is able to connect after cl.D (real close) but only if delayed until the ending cancelable frames (but not the last frame or it will wiff) this can convert. Starter for a confirmed 2 stock kill combo. See combo section.

By Sir Octopus (Saiki_MX)

EDIT: Followed the link you gave me and it lead me here. I'm on a phone so it'll be a hassle to type it all in. I'll do it at work during the day.

Transcript for 2 stock kill combo.

Confirmed in corner*

J.C, cl.D (delay) df.A, hcf.C, s.C (HD, hold stick BACK) s.C, hcf.C (hold forward) s.C, hcf.C, s.C, bf.A (delay DC) hcf.C, s.C, bf.A (delay DC)(hold forward so you can take a small step) s.C, hcf.C, s.C, bf.A (DC) s.C, bf.A (Noemax on first bf.A hit)