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NeoGeo Station KOF 95 netcode testing

Started by nilcam, July 24, 2011, 03:56:42 AM

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So, I hear that KOF 95 has some amazing netcode. I'm told it's better than Samurai Shodown Sen and NGBC. In fact, I hear it's like 1 frame of lag to play Japanese players.  I'm in Oklahoma City, which is damn near the center of the country. I'd like to get in a few games with players from the 4 corners to test it out. Post your PSN and ID and, once I have enough names, we can figure out a time and day to play.


PSN itself runs like crap though. The netcode wouldn't matter considering the service would screw any good networking over.
MBAA: H-Aoko
MBAC: Hisui & Kohaku
LB2: S-Akari
NGBC: DIO & Kaede
KOFXIII: Yuri / King / DuoLon

Mr Bakaboy

Someone's telling you a fib. It's pretty good. Not as good as NGBC.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


Quote from: Remzi on July 24, 2011, 04:31:24 AM
PSN itself runs like crap though. The netcode wouldn't matter considering the service would screw any good networking over.

I definitely have to disagree here. I have both systems and, when comparing game-to-game, find no noticeable difference in performance. Fighting games connect peer-to-peer so the service's role is minimal, at best. So long as your ports are forwarded and your connection is wired, life will be good.


"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


the netcode is the best ever 3bars and up is excellent.if anybody wanna play look at the online players data
friends dont let friends use bosses


Quote from: nilcam on July 24, 2011, 06:09:29 AM

I definitely have to disagree here. I have both systems and, when comparing game-to-game, find no noticeable difference in performance. Fighting games connect peer-to-peer so the service's role is minimal, at best. So long as your ports are forwarded and your connection is wired, life will be good.

I agree with Nilcam. I've done testing with several people using both XBL and PSN and there is no noticeable difference in lag. That is an urban myth that needs to be stamped out. Don't believe everything you're told, Remzi.

Nilcam, I'd love to help you test it out soon. Just let me know when.

Mr Bakaboy

^ Only major difference between PSN and Xbox live I've seen would be ping recovery. Meaning when your ping jumps up or rapidly decreases (I.E. going from 80M/S to 150M/S in a few seconds) how the game adjusts the connection. Xbox seems to run smoother then PSN.  This is going by Tekken 5DR and KOF95 so maybe I just have bad luck with game.

Personally I prefer the Tekken5DR over Tekken 6 on xbox cause of the net connection on 6.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


Quote from: Mr Bakaboy on July 24, 2011, 01:21:05 PM
^ Only major difference between PSN and Xbox live I've seen would be ping recovery. Meaning when your ping jumps up or rapidly decreases (I.E. going from 80M/S to 150M/S in a few seconds) how the game adjusts the connection. Xbox seems to run smoother then PSN.  This is going by Tekken 5DR and KOF95 so maybe I just have bad luck with game.

Personally I prefer the Tekken5DR over Tekken 6 on xbox cause of the net connection on 6.

Ping has nothing to do with PSN/XBL. Ping can raise/lower even when playing on GGPO! I've closed out of GGPO, re-opened it, and had lower/higher ping at times. Run some various speedtests and you'll notice your ping will fluctuate. This is normal, and again...not a console issue. There really is no difference in XBL/PSN when playing a peer to peer connection. This is all dependent upon both players own internet connection, network setup (router, ports forwarded, etc) and the netcode used in the game itself.

Mr Bakaboy

You're absolutely right. Ping does fluxuate. However I'm talking about major fluxuations. If your ping goes from 100M/S to 120 M/S that's perfectly normal. 80 - 150 you're getting into the game has to reset the parameters. Allowing for more input delay, slower match, etc. That would be why a connection of 100M/S is better then 200M/S. If your ping is better, then the 2 systems can communicate faster giving a better quality match.  

Also GGPO works on. A completely different style of hiding lag. It let's the game speed fuxuate slowly throughout the match giving the illusion of a perfect running smooth match. SNK games run with a set game speed that gets readjusted if the connection between the 2 systems slows down enough to the point to no longer handle that game speed. Hence why SNK games are jittery at times while GGPO & Capcom for that matter really don't get jittery (unless you count the teleporting which is when the slow moving adjustments can't keep up with the change in Ping).

All I'm saying is it seems xbox resets the parameters a little smoother then PSN. This only really matters if the parameters are a static type like te SNK games and not variable type like the Capcom and GGPO GAMES. I have not played a capcom game on PS3 but I would imagine there is no difference really since the game speed is moving all the time so it should really be noticable unlike SNK games where it is.

Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


Quote from: Mr Bakaboy on July 24, 2011, 10:02:43 PM
You're absolutely right. Ping does fluxuate. However I'm talking about major fluxuations. If your ping goes from 100M/S to 120 M/S that's perfectly normal. 80 - 150 you're getting into the game has to reset the parameters. Allowing for more input delay, slower match, etc. That would be why a connection of 100M/S is better then 200M/S. If your ping is better, then the 2 systems can communicate faster giving a better quality match.  

Also GGPO works on. A completely different style of hiding lag. It let's the game speed fuxuate slowly throughout the match giving the illusion of a perfect running smooth match. SNK games run with a set game speed that gets readjusted if the connection between the 2 systems slows down enough to the point to no longer handle that game speed. Hence why SNK games are jittery at times while GGPO & Capcom for that matter really don't get jittery (unless you count the teleporting which is when the slow moving adjustments can't keep up with the change in Ping).

All I'm saying is it seems xbox resets the parameters a little smoother then PSN. This only really matters if the parameters are a static type like te SNK games and not variable type like the Capcom and GGPO GAMES. I have not played a capcom game on PS3 but I would imagine there is no difference really since the game speed is moving all the time so it should really be noticable unlike SNK games where it is.

I've never noticed such a thing on PS3 or such a radical difference. In fact, Samurai Shodown, KoF XII, and KoF 94 imo run smoother on PS3 than any of the stuff on 360 with the grand exception of NGBC. I'd say KoF XII probably runs the same...so I dunno. I highly doubt it has anything to do with XBL/PSN running "smoother" or whatever.

As for it being noticeable in Capcom games? Well I continue to maintain my stance there is absolutely no difference and it has no bearing on a p2p connection, many many people believe the urban myth that PS3 lags more than 360 and many claim this is true for Street Fighter, Marvel, etc. I don't see it, never have and I think its mostly "Haters gonna hate" type of mentality, or people not putting one and two together. "Dur I find better connections on XBL..." ya know, people not bothering to realize more people on XBL = more good connections available.


Hopefully I can get my hands on KOF95 in the next 2 weeks, spend most of my PSN money in the Summer Sale PSN had.

Mr Bakaboy

Like I also said I only have 2 games to base off of so I'm not going to say I know for sure. Just with the 2 games it seems when the net connections craps out a bit PSN craps out a little worse. Definately not knocking PSN though. Seems fine to me when I play it.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"

Rex Dart

Why would KOF 95 use a different netcode than the other NeoGeo station games? I would have thought they'd all run on the same coding.


Quote from: Rex Dart on July 25, 2011, 10:48:47 PM
Why would KOF 95 use a different netcode than the other NeoGeo station games? I would have thought they'd all run on the same coding.
Might have something to do with all the fans telling them their netcode sucks. Just sayin'.

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