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My own thoughts on how i played this time

Started by bigvador, October 18, 2011, 07:37:22 AM

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just a few vids i wanted to post up since my friend recorded the matches in a weird way but it give me a chance to focus on 1 character

KOF XIII match 1 part 1 ??? vs Bigvador

this mai was really defensive and i didnt know how to work around that with clark plus my execution was really bad with him the stick was kinda.......

KOF XIII match 1 part 2 ??? vs Bigvador

at 33 seconds i think thats a good way to show that is air to air game is really good

KOF XIII match 2 part 2 ??? vs Bigvador

i like the way i used clark in this 1 and i noticed a good set up that i couldnt do that well jump D (whiff) into SAB

KOF XIII match 2 part 4 ??? vs Bigvador
At 15 secs i was able to block

KOF XIII match 3 part 3 ??? vs Bigvador
At 35 secs i wasnt able to tell that, that was a cross up to i took the chance of blockin the otha way. the way i played with him i kinda wanted to use him differently then before by stayin really basic and trying to maximize his hop and his anti air options it was ok but i could have done much better.

KOF XIII match 3 part 5 ??? vs Bigvador
Now with ralf i wanted to do a different approach and yet i didnt change up much since this was only my 2nd time fighting a vice and at 35secs it should have been a game over. that set up do scare me. i still wanted to use ralfs  ;dn ;df ;fd ;a and see what i could to after but the timing is pretty hard for the link


i like what you did in that last video~ that was a good punish with Ralf~ and you blocked that crossup well too~


Oh, you were at the Rack & Que! The stick is kinda weird, but it's not unplayable. Anyway, seems solid, but if you're having trouble opening Mai up, stick to command grabbing her. You can also EX Vulcan punch her through her fireball and juggle her with the b~f+C. Anyway, I'll edit this when I see more stuff.


Quote from: Reiki.Kito on October 18, 2011, 08:56:11 AM
Oh, you were at the Rack & Que! The stick is kinda weird, but it's not unplayable. Anyway, seems solid, but if you're having trouble opening Mai up, stick to command grabbing her. You can also EX Vulcan punch her through her fireball and juggle her with the b~f+C. Anyway, I'll edit this when I see more stuff.

O im not blaming the stick at all but it does feel more worn out then the sicks at south town...

im not too good with charging the gatling just yet thats a work in progress and my execution was bad there was plenty of times i tryed to throw but nothin came out