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Netcode Lag/Delay Test Reports

Started by Nocturnal, November 22, 2011, 08:14:15 PM

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Quote from: MUSOLINI on November 28, 2011, 05:55:39 PM
lol had my first fight on psn vs eripio69, im from holland he from cyprus, 2 bar connection. IT WAS ASSSSS, input delay and lag atst, wtf. maybe 3 and 4 will be better, but im NEVER playing 2 bar connections or less again, ever.

That's should've been obvious.  Idk why people are surprised when 1-2 bar connections suck.

3 bar won't be that great either though just to warn you.  If you can manage it (idk your infrastructure where you're at), try your best to stick to 4 bars.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


I'm wondering how it comes up with these numbers, I've actually had a 2 bar game that was better quality than a 3 bar game.

I wish games would just give ping in ms/proper connection stats rather than these arbitrary digits...


The number of bars is a mystery. I've had both awful and amazing 3 bar games. 1 and 2 bars have always been unplayable for me.

Rex Dart

Quote from: nilcam on November 28, 2011, 07:39:08 PM
The number of bars is a mystery. I've had both awful and amazing 3 bar games. 1 and 2 bars have always been unplayable for me.

I'm in a similar boat, but I've also had some playable 2 bar matches.

My biggest critique of the netcode is that whatever the bars seem to be measuring isn't an accurate indicator of match quality.


Sabin I'll be upgrading my internet here in Hawaii to 50Mbps down, i'm current using there 15Mbps down which didnt get me that good of matches with Nocturnal and Giby, two guys i know well from when i lived near them in Cali. I wanna try some matches with you on Sat once they come and upgrade me.  NY to HI and see how it is.  Let me know if you can make it happen.

Also anyone else with a good internet connection post your speeds.  I'm thinking at least 30Mbps down should get you good 3 bar matches.

Like Art said we need to get all the data we can and get SNKP to at least try to patch the input lag delay to around SSF4AE levels so its more consistent as opposed to hit or miss.

I've have decent 2-3bar matches and also horrible 2-3bar matches.  had 3 bars with both Wolfkrone and Juciebox but they went down during the match itself.... also had decent 2-3bar matches with no issues so its really a consistency thing with this netcode.


if nothing is done soon this game is gonna die just like XII did. 3 friends of mine already traded this game in :/ I'm still holding to it but they better do something soon!


It won't die that fast.  If it flops at NEC and SCR, THEN we're in trouble as far as the game itself goes.

But don't expect the netcode to get better.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


The game just came out, if people are trading it in now they weren't going to keep playing anyway. 
-K'/EX Kyo/EX Iori
-Benimaru(Duo Lon)/Robert/Takuma(Iori)

Might controls everything.


Quote from: TYRANNICAL on November 28, 2011, 11:16:33 PM
The game just came out, if people are trading it in now they weren't going to keep playing anyway. 

This.  If people just dropped it already, they either did not want to get the game in the first place and only did it for an outside reason, or they didn't like the game itself and the netcode was a non factor anyway.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Well, with my experience, netplay has been great.  I've only had one bad connection and my good connections are with people who are of great distances.  I'm on the PS3 and have a wired connection, just to give you guys an example of the distances

Good Connections:

Myself: Illinois
Opponent: SoCal
Connection: 3 Bars
Little to no lag, just online input delay (As it usually is going from Offline to Online), I was able to pull off combos and even complete my HD combos with our connection.  Adjusting from offline to online was really quick, I had no complaints with our connection.

Myself: Illinois
Opponent: Pennsylvania
Connection: 3 Bars
Virtually no lag, just online input delay (as stated before), Same thing with the connection with my cousin from SoCal; no issues, able to cope with difference from offline to online delay, and I had no complaints with our connection.

Bad Connection:

Myself: Illinois
Opponent: Michigan
Connection: 3 Bars
The lag was horrendous, we had to synchronize every round we played and I couldn't even do BnB's in our connection because of the delay and random spikes we had.  Virtually unplayable.

I find it funny that the people furthest away from me gives me some of the best connections I've played in some fighting games and the one who's only 5 hours away, maybe less than 300 miles away lagged the worst with me.  TBH, I'm sure it all depends on both player's setups, being wired and how the ping strengths of each connection are.

The netcode could use some work but it's not as bad as some others are saying.  Either way, I'm going to play XIII because I'm lucky enough to enjoy the game offline because there is a scene here in Chicago and I can go up to Michigan once every 2 weeks to make it to Casuals out there if I wanted to.

Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on November 28, 2011, 11:15:28 PM
It won't die that fast.  If it flops at NEC and SCR, THEN we're in trouble as far as the game itself goes.

But don't expect the netcode to get better.

^ This so much!  Yeah, the netcode may not be up to par for some people, but its playable, and if the game does well in an offline setting, it's going to thrive.

Quote from: TYRANNICAL on November 28, 2011, 11:16:33 PM
The game just came out, if people are trading it in now they weren't going to keep playing anyway. 

This is possibly the best and most on point post I've seen in this thread.


KOF won't die, it's a great game and the only drawback is the netplay at the moment.  If you are that upset over netplay then I dunno what to tell you. It's frustrating as hell I know, but not much can be done at the moment.  I just hope they patch it though I know a patch won't fully fix the issues.


Quote from: ShinSyn on November 28, 2011, 11:32:45 PM
Little to no lag, just online input delay

But input delay is what lag is. I dunno about anyone else but if i can feel the input delay then it is completely unplayable.


Quote from: StickyStaines on November 29, 2011, 02:10:20 PM
Quote from: ShinSyn on November 28, 2011, 11:32:45 PM
Little to no lag, just online input delay

But input delay is what lag is. I dunno about anyone else but if i can feel the input delay then it is completely unplayable.

Pretty much this, but I'll add something to be a BIT less harsh.

Input delay is bad...but if at LEAST it's consistent input delay, it can be dealt with in some way.  The problem here is...it isn't consistent here, which does not help the cause.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Well most ppl didnt want to play it if they traded it in aleady.... most will prolly jus play the more popular stuff like AE and UMVC3. snkp will address the netcode im sure....if they want success they have to address it


Ironreaver: Sure, we can try. But given my exp with Nocturnal I'm not expecting good things. I get about 80 (good connection) to 120ms (standard) to the WC from the EC. I'm expecting it to be far higher to Hawaii which will mean completely unplayable. But yeah if you want to get sadface, sure.

Quote from: ShinSyn on November 28, 2011, 11:32:45 PM
Well, with my experience, netplay has been great.  I've only had one bad connection

Good Connections:

Myself: Illinois
Opponent: SoCal
Connection: 3 Bars
Little to no lag, just online input delay

Facepalm #1 :(

Myself: Illinois
Opponent: Pennsylvania
Connection: 3 Bars
Virtually no lag, just online input delay

Facepalm #2 :(

Bad Connection:

Myself: Illinois
Opponent: Michigan
Connection: 3 Bars
The lag was horrendous, we had to synchronize every round we played and I couldn't even do BnB's in our connection because of the delay and random spikes we had.  Virtually unplayable.

At least here, you finally start to accept reality man. Thank god, I was worried. :( Basically what youre saying with your post is, there is lag, it is just CONSISTENT lag, meaning something you can deal with (but doesnt mean it's good by any means.)

The netcode could use some work but it's not as bad as some others are saying.  Either way, I'm going to play XIII because I'm lucky enough to enjoy the game offline because there is a scene here in Chicago and I can go up to Michigan once every 2 weeks to make it to Casuals out there if I wanted to.

Dude, find me 1 top player in America that will go on record and say the netcode is acceptable. I'm still waiting  I highly doubt you will :( Noone I know who's opinion means anything (meaning theyre a seasoned player and can tell input delay from tourneys, constant offline play over the years) has gone on record to defend the netcode.

Instead of making posts like this (which obfuscate the issues because it's quite obvious that you cannot tell the difference between lag and input delay, please help us get behind the issue of FIX the netcode, because as it is right now, its simply unacceptable :(

It's a shame most people wont ever get to play on good netcode or have good internet period..when both sides have good net, and the netcode is good "online delay" is far less of a issue. For examples of this, check Godsgarden online tourneys for SF4 which are for serious amounts of money, and are online, where players with beast connections dont have as much problems with delay that we do.

I played SSF4 yesterday for a long time just to compare the netcode, it is light years better, and I have a much higher chance of finding close to lag free connections. Sigh :( Sad truth of the situation is, SSF4 netcode is barely acceptable as is (still input delay, but great connections mitigate these issues)