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Takuma Sakazaki (Console)

Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 06:06:57 AM

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cr A after landing qcf D is pretty tough...
Any tips on how to help get more consistently?



Came up with a cross up ;d set up that works pretty well...
At the moment I don't have a firm understanding as to what makes Takuma land in front or behind, it's seemingly wildly random at the moment...

cr ;b st ;a  cancelled into Zanretsuken *100 Hands*
Immediately after the knock down
Back dash and then High Jump Forward ;d

after testing it for some time there are 4 possible outcomes
;d whiffs and he lands in front
;d whiffs and he lands behind
;d connects in front
;d connects as cross up

So this set up I think is pretty deadly...
It can connect on either side and he can potentially empty jump on either side and go for a low...
Very similar to SF4 akuma

As I said earlier I don't have a firm understanding as to what factors determine where he lands
help in discovering would be appreciated :)


i got a question for you gilgamesh...

During the winners final match of your 2nd ranbat you do a reset against his Ryo which I'm having difficulty replicating...

It happens near the 5:40 mark,
you knocked Ryo down went for an empty jump into low normals and then cancelled into Ex Hein
qcf;d into 2 heins and then reset him with st;c? or is it st;a?

the command grab that came after seems pretty fast, did you catch him out of roll or was that simply RIiIIIght as he came out of throw invincible frames...

It was super sick and props to you


I did st.C to reset him

The command grab of takuma is pretty slow (8F) you can easily use it on wakeup/reset but in the video Ryo was in crouch guard before when i tried to grab him ^^


The whole time i've been playing this game, I've been focusing on Takuma's command grab as being the start for my HD combos and didn't even bother looking into other normals until now.

I found that his standing B when HD cancelled yields a comfortable link into close C -> B.
It's pretty practical I think, after a forward throw to do an ambiguous cross up D and then hit confirm crouching B into standing B

If the normals are blocked, Takuma can cancel into B hadouken
if it hits then He can go into HD
~850 damage


Quote from: Splurgendii on December 27, 2012, 02:28:12 PM
The whole time i've been playing this game, I've been focusing on Takuma's command grab as being the start for my HD combos and didn't even bother looking into other normals until now.

I found that his standing B when HD cancelled yields a comfortable link into close C -> B.
It's pretty practical I think, after a forward throw to do an ambiguous cross up D and then hit confirm crouching B into standing B

If the normals are blocked, Takuma can cancel into B hadouken
if it hits then He can go into HD
~850 damage

Well... yea... this is pretty basic Takuma

HD off command grab is great but also having the threat of lows is pretty basic.

Most characters can start HD off low somehow.. in fact it is pretty crucial to learn.
Seattle KOF


Hi, I just watched the Japanese guard crush community videos:
KoF XIII : 常識的に考えて Coordinated Guard Crush [2][/url]

Extremely fascinating.

Is there such a guard crush combo for Takuma available? Any ideas would be very appreciated. Thx.


is the  ;dn ;df ;fd ;d into  ;dn ;a a 1 frame link


KOFXIII: N-Robert, Ryo, R2 Takuma


(This probably doesn't belong here, but...)

Can all the other Kyokugens (Mr. Karate included) cancel out of their qcf + P into f,hcf + P like Takuma?



they can but in all cases it's one of the worst meter decisions you can make.
KOFXIII: N-Robert, Ryo, R2 Takuma


"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."