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Using Alternate DNS to get a better connection

Started by thec0re3, December 11, 2011, 06:04:31 PM

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While were waiting for improvements for the netcode for KOFXIII, I figured I'd continue trying to improve my own connections to the best of my ability.  

Not to long ago, I learned about using OpenDns to help improve my internet loading times. While I was screwing around with  my Xbox trying to figure out how to make things better, I gave the address from OpenDns a try but no luck.

Later on, I found out that OpenDns is not the only alternative out there and I did search and happened upon a forum that suggested using another code that could improve or make worse your xblive connections.

Adding an alternate DNS(At least on Xbox360) is as simple as changing your DNS server from Automatic to Manual and inputting a primary and an alternate DNS.

I was told to put in the address for the primary and for the alternate address was told to put in  

I tested it out with a pretty local player(distance 100-120 miles)  previously I only managed a 2 bar(only 2 bars in general for that matter) connection with this individual but that day I got three and we seemed to have a better overall experience it still felt like we had some input lag.  
I figured I'd post my findings and find out from other members if they do this also and what their experiences have been with going this route. It may help for those of us who are having bad connection issues.

I do have to add this was probably the first time I got to test it without any outside interference like my family members streaming video so that could have also been the culprit. I'll try it under these conditions again and see what comes of it. They'll be plenty time to test this out over my break.


Good find, mind sharing the site where you found those DNS addresses?


This is something I've heard recommended if your ISP is blocking/throttling certain traffic. / is another one I've heard of.

I don't think it would have a huge amount of difference for fighting games though.


I don't see how this would make any difference. DNS servers are used to resolve hostnames (e.g. google.com) to IP addresses - the lookup is performed once and then cached for some time afterwards (typically a few minutes), so making DNS lookups faster isn't going to have a massive impact on your gaming experience since calls to the DNS server are fairly spaced out.


Quote from: arstal on December 11, 2011, 09:53:30 PM
This is something I've heard recommended if your ISP is blocking/throttling certain traffic. / is another one I've heard of.

I don't think it would have a huge amount of difference for fighting games though.

The first address you gave has been recommended for Mac users.

Quote from: DarKaoZ on December 11, 2011, 07:52:21 PM
Good find, mind sharing the site where you found those DNS addresses?

Sure I found it through Google. It was just a post on a random forum. http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=95945
