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The Montreal Thread

Started by BZ Choy, December 15, 2011, 09:44:42 PM

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BZ Choy

Hi there! I'm looking for people to play KOF XIII with at Montreal. It doesn't seem like there's a scene yet so might as well build one and have some competition and people learning (like me).

Unfortunately, there is no arcade centre I know that has KOF XIII. We might gather at Foonzo and bring our own setup or we might do it at someone's house. I cannot do it at my house, sorry. If we do it at Foonzo, prepare your wallet though (you have to buy something every now and then to stay).

So yeah, let's get some community rolling.

P.S.: Je parle aussi français, fait que si y'en a qui se sentent plus à l'aise en parlant français, gênez-vous pas.
KOFXIV: Mui Mui/Athena/Mai


I'd like to learn this game, but you know. The state of this thread is pretty showing.

BZ Choy

I heard Foonzo has KOF 13 on Xbox 360. Apparently, peeps at MTLSF play KOF there so there's still some hope.
KOFXIV: Mui Mui/Athena/Mai


hey guys, look at this, https://www.facebook.com/events/217009241725142/

Montreal AirDashers, tournament for poverty games, featuring KOF.

everybody likes this game, so come and participate!


I will be leaving this here in case of any other KOF players in Montreal:


whats the story with foonzo?  If they do in fact have KOFXIII on xbox, will they let me bring in my own controller/stick?  Is foonzo a place where I can pretty much just go and buy a couple beers and sit around and play games?

It's strange to me that I've never heard of this place, considering that I used to live pretty close to where it is...

By the way, Choy, what part of the city do you live in?
Former Semi-Serious MK9 player, Mediocre T6 player, maybe one day I'll be a Mediocre KOF XIII player, too


Yes Foonzo is a hybrid of both a bar and a arcade business. You can bring your own stick (and system if you want). I'm unaware of the KOF Montreal community but there are some people within the Blabzlue community who play KOF casually and are interested in in harnessing their skills. You could show up today, since we'll be Foonzo later today.
Nevertheless I would advice this first time to bring your own console.

Yes it is also a place where you can buy a couple of beers and play games.

If you need to any further information text me; 514 796 2032


Well, I'll definitely have to keep Foonzo in mind.  Perhaps I will wait for slightly better weather before I start transporting my xbox around.  Thanks for the information.
Former Semi-Serious MK9 player, Mediocre T6 player, maybe one day I'll be a Mediocre KOF XIII player, too


Quote from: hiltzy85 on February 02, 2012, 06:59:19 PM
Well, I'll definitely have to keep Foonzo in mind.  Perhaps I will wait for slightly better weather before I start transporting my xbox around.  Thanks for the information.
Is your stick dualmodded by any chance? If it is it would make your life a lot easier, since where we play we run mostly on ps3.

Either way you can check when people are headed to foonzo here: http://www.dustloop.com/forums/showthread.php?11134-Montreal-Le-Thread-Generale-Pour-Weeaboo-Fighters (This is one of the main sites for the Blazblue community) We mostly gather Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays
And here: http://shoryuken.com/forum/index.php?threads/mtlsf-nemesis-3-jan-14th-2012-foonzo-montreal.149610/ This one is the srk thread for the SF community. I've heard some of them play KOF as well.

I hope that helps :)

EDIT: I'm looking forward to meeting you, I'm becoming very interested in learning KOF as I've been watching more and more high-level play. And it looks like it has zero-derp in its gameplay mehcanics.


No, my stick is just an xbox stick (HRAP vx SA).  I don't even really use it for KOF, in favour of a madcatz fightpad.  I only really use/used the stick for Tekken and Soul Calibur.

Incidentally, I am definitely far from a high-level KOF player.  Most of you guys who regularly play blazblue, SF, etc can probably roll over me, regardless of whether or not you "know" the game.  Then again, It's hard for me to gauge how good I am, since I've never played against anyone other than randoms online...
In any case, I am going to check out Foonzo at some point to see if I like the scene or not.  After looking at their FB page, its hard for me to tell.  I used to play a lot of Magic (which I noticed people play there), but I've never been into anime/manga, etc, aside from watching dragonball and gundam wing when I was a kid.
Former Semi-Serious MK9 player, Mediocre T6 player, maybe one day I'll be a Mediocre KOF XIII player, too


well, maybe I'll swing by foonzo tonight after the hockey game and check it out.  I'm sure it'll seem really interesting if I'm already drunk when I show up...
Former Semi-Serious MK9 player, Mediocre T6 player, maybe one day I'll be a Mediocre KOF XIII player, too



Didn't end up going.  Maybe this week, after I get paid, I'll stop in on thursday or something.  We'll see.  I'm pretty good at putting off actually doing things that I say I'm going to do, and often not with any good reason.
Former Semi-Serious MK9 player, Mediocre T6 player, maybe one day I'll be a Mediocre KOF XIII player, too


If you do actually end up going I'll most likely be there as well. Post up if you actually end up going. Since there is usually a kof setup somewhere.


You guys tend to go on sundays as well, right?  I've got stuff to do tonight, so I won't be making the trip, but I may head over on sunday at some point.
Former Semi-Serious MK9 player, Mediocre T6 player, maybe one day I'll be a Mediocre KOF XIII player, too