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Minnesota KOF Thread

Started by desmond_kof, May 03, 2012, 08:24:33 AM

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sadly I'll be missing their first event as I promised my mother I'd go up to Fargo with her for Mother's Day weekend. Blast.
♪"Band-aids don't fix bullet holes."♪

{Rune Fencer}


For anyone concerned

$10 bucks for KOFXIII which starts at 3pm.

We will do Guilty Gear XX Accent Core +R later, and Uniel later.

"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Anyone who plays still should come to NEC this year, there is a $1,000 pot FREE ENTRY tournament so show your support. Link to the thread is here so make travel arrangements, request days off, save your coins starting now because if you live anywhere NEAR this side of the country and miss this one not due to school or work obligations, you will regret it. Hope to see all KOF players there.
"I used to be a christian then I met anime.. now i practice witchcraft and dark magics."
-Anony on Sankaku


==MN KoF Tournament!==

Where: Club Silencio (the basement of my house)

When: April 4th 2015 6pm

Why: to raise our collective game ahead of Combobreaker and EVO also to gain PLAYKoF points toward the Journey to DC Cup!

Games: KoF XIII, 98UMFE, 2K2UM

I'm giving myself a month to work on this so we can try to get our friend's Alex and Josh in town and to attract as many to the game as possible. As well this gives me some time to get a way to stream this and further events down the line. Get the word out and PLAY KoF!
♪"Band-aids don't fix bullet holes."♪

{Rune Fencer}


That tourny sounds awesome. Someone should make an event/ post on the MN Tournament Gaming facebook group to rally the fair weather KOF players so they can brush up.


more details on the:

Club Silencio KoF Classico Tournament

$5 entry fee for each KoF XIII, 98UMFE and 2k2UM

Games will be on PS3 and PC

6pm in the Club Silencio
(basement of my house so PM me for address)

see u there!
♪"Band-aids don't fix bullet holes."♪

{Rune Fencer}


KOF13 results (macrobeast has the bracket)
1st. Unwieldy
2nd. Grublet
3rd. desmond_kof

KOF2002UM results (9 players):
1st. desmond_kof
2nd. SGW
3rd. Grublet
4th. Macrobeast
5th. Merlock
5th. JoshKOF
7th. Q
7th. buckweet
9th. Christian L

KOF98UMFE results (9 players):
1st. desmond_kof
2nd. Grublet
3rd. SGW
4th. Merlock
5th. Josh
5th. Macrobeast
7th. Q
7th. buckweet
9th. Christian

"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Had an awesome time. Thanks for hosting Macrobeast. Looking forward to future local KOF events.


I'm going to host on the 18th, just KoF casuals and if anyone wants to plan any runbacks (FT10s). Because of my limited space, I will just allow someone to bring 2 setups. I will make a facebook event for it soon!
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Thanks again for hosting, had a great time.


KOF13 & 2002UM will be here:


I'll be bringing my XBOX360 & a screen, hopefully someone will bring their PC/Laptop!
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Stoked for these upcoming July and August tournys you and Macro have mentioned. Lets get some FB event pages up ASAP once the dates are finalized so no one has an excuse to dodge  :)


I have a facebook event page up, but I will share the details here:

KOF13 & KOF2002UM tournament

$5 dollar entry fee

July 25th Saturday, sign-ups/casuals at 2pm,

2002UM on 360/PC starts at 4pm
KOF13 on ps3/PC starts at 6:30pm

If someone can help me run one of the brackets it will be much appreciated.

Standard tournament rules and format. If under 8 players or so we will do a round robin.

Will be streamed here: http://www.twitch.tv/desmond_kof
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Results from Negaverse KOF Tournament #1

KOF2002UM 7-25
1. desmond_kof
2. tones
3. Jacob (Grublet)
4. Sam (SummyG)
5. ben (buckweet)
6. joe dirt

1. Alex (Unwieldy)
2. Jacob (Grublet)
3. tones
4. desmond_kof
5. travonta
5. Sam (SummyG)
6. ben (buckweet)

"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

TONES (^_^)

- "Be reasonable" - Tones
- It's all Good (I say this a lot)
- Play with respect (Game Level and Personal Level)
- Thank you God, Jesus, and Angels