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SO what has SNKP been up to lately?

Started by Cibernetico, April 05, 2013, 08:13:09 AM

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I sorta quit playing KOF13 and went back to MK9 and Garou. I still love this company but I haven't followed much of what they have done since 2 months after the console release of KOF13.

Have they announced any plans to make new games for any of their series? Or have they pretty much gone quiet and not said much when it comes to the videogame section of the company?


you know just about as much as anyone else here which is nothing,


Who cares really, you should know by now how quiet SNKP is. Just play their games and not worry.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on April 05, 2013, 03:33:21 PM
Who cares really, you should know by now how quiet SNKP is. Just play their games and not worry.
wouldn't have expected that comment out of you


Agree with Desmont but I also like more customer care from SNKP damn it in 2013 for the... only? game they have active in this fucking time lol... Capcom announcend a possible new SF4 franchise balance and this is a fucking good way to keep a title on the main stream.

I'm quite pissed off about the actually things, in the very first they did a really nice conversion! the arcade to console changes are awesome in my mind (yeah all of them, hitstun of jump in too it's more difficult to land a nice combo without hopping around like crazy) but after that? just a patch to fix some silly glitch (mature issue and frozen status of some characters) but after that? Cmon every ppl here and stones knows mr banane need a tune down, yuri dive kick preserve the outrageous hitstun from arcade seems,  and some others need some kind of buff because too much screw from arcades, like leona.

In the arcade to console changes the producer also give a nice change log of the update... but beside that the main issue is still there, the online sucks no matter what, I have plenty of friends who didn't knowledge the game because them cannot train online for the offline tournament! so it's a waste of time.

I also think it's not time for a XIV chapter, because this it's ok for now BUT deserve some attention from the producer :( screw the pachinko business.

Mr Bakaboy

Playmore is in disarray since the new president started. He stated a desire to rebuild the game division that isn't in good shape that also lost the producer of KOF XIII. Comparing Capcom and Playmore is unfair. Capcom uses 2.5d technology which is faster and easier to work with. Playmore is straight traditional 2d on top of that they don't skimp on frames. That takes a lot of time to develop.  There was a statement earlier that people should stay tuned for a big announcement in 2013, but nobody is sure for what and I hear more thoughts it will be for a new Metal Slug game.

When it comes to online patches for XIII I don't think they know what to do. When they made the last patch they blindly thought making a game that is hyper sensitive to lag can have a netcode similar to capcom (variable lag). They failed. The only thing they probably could. do is reinstall the original netcode the game started with however that would not solve anything really and would cost them $10,000.00 for xbox to implement it. Not a wise business investiment for a company on life support. So I agree that if they can't spend a lot of money to fix it then they shouldn't bother.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


As I understand it, this month, they're releasing more games for the NGX.

Quote from: Mazinkaiser on April 06, 2013, 03:36:41 PM
Agree with Desmont but I also like more customer care from SNKP damn it in 2013 for the... only? game they have active in this fucking time lol... Capcom announcend a possible new SF4 franchise balance and this is a fucking good way to keep a title on the main stream.

The balance change is nice for attention, but for those playing it, and especially after Vanilla-Super-AE-AE2012, the next one could be something that needs to be fixed with another update afterwards. Maybe SNKP could release the Climax version with changes very little, keeps most of the balance at a great point, and gets attention.

I agree with Bakaboy on the comparison with Capcom to SNKP not being apt, especially in how they're making the games. With what he said about SNKP's current status, which seems believable, as much as I want the online to be fixed yesterday, if they are still planning a fix, they're going to have to take their time. I heard somewhere that the price point for patch on PSN and XBL is $20,000 each, but I'd hope for $10,000.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995

Mr Bakaboy

You might be right. Solid on the ms/psn price point. I remember it was a lot but fuzzy on the exact amount. I said it before but more then likely they will start doing updates on KOF XIII netcode when they are working on the next hi res 2d fighting game so the money involved can go into the development budget for the new game. They did the same thing with KOF XII. My hope is for a straight to home console game so they don't screw up the online this time.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


Quote from: Mr Bakaboy on April 07, 2013, 03:20:18 PM
I said it before but more then likely they will start doing updates on KOF XIII netcode when they are working on the next hi res 2d fighting game so the money involved can go into the development budget for the new game. They did the same thing with KOF XII. My hope is for a straight to home console game so they don't screw up the online this time.

I don't understand...why would they spend money on netcode updates (which are expensive to publish) to help develop a new game? Wouldn't they need that money for the game itself? I don't remember more than 1 update for KOFXII back then...
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

Mr Bakaboy

They use the updates to test the new netcode to get an idea on how the new netcode should be. How do you think they test how a netcode will work worldwide? I know for a fact KOF XII got at least 2 updates and I think KOF 02UM got at least 4 that you saw a difference in the way the netcode felt.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


^ I don't think KOFXII or KOF02UM had more then 2 patches. KOF02UM usually gets renewal patches to stay on XBL periodically, which people think are netcode patches.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

Mr Bakaboy

Actually they did . In KOF XII the 1st patch broke the game it was unplayable. The 2nd one made it playable again. Now I had a long gap between playing it so I can't remember if there was a 3rd or not but why the heck is a company that doesn't shell out money for an update going to update a game when it was already officialy dead (I.E. no longer selling new copies/ send out new copies).

KOF 02UM was quite a few 1st they changed the online from a ping number to a bar system. Then they broke it with the 2nd update (it played downright horrible for a month) then fixed it again on the 3rd (I'm pretty sure there was a 4th that played slightly different). Now saying we only acknowledge the 1st update. Why the heck would they update KOF 02UM when it was quite playable (2nd best except for NGBC). When they had games like garou and 98UM that desperately need an update and have not seen 1 ever? If we go with the thought of lost cause why is it one of the most requested games for Neo Geo Station?

02UM was the closest to XIII on the market they could screw with and see how easy doing combos feels with lag. XII was the closest graphics wise to XIII. More then likely they didn't spring for PSN updates or only updated KOF XII to test what if what they worked on will work on both systems. I don't have a PSN copy of XII so I don't know.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


I said this in another thread and it's worth mentioning again here:

QuoteI've always suspected that while SNKP is tight on giving details, when they actually do it, you know something will get done and really soon at that.

It's the complete opposite of Nintendo, who will give out details in advance but take lots of time giving out the next big detail, leaving big, agonizing gaps in between. *coughsmashbrosgamescough*

If you guys feel frustrated about the lack of news SNKP has been giving, don't despair. You know that when they do announce something, you'll get it soon after. It may not be the best news policy, but that's their style and we can't do anything about it. And besides, would you rather them have the news policy of Nintendo, which I used as an example to contrast with SNKP?


Next gen should be a bit easier for snkp(or any othe small developers to succeed)  provided they still want to make games, with sony and nintendo announcing self publishing and free patching. This would cut out the middle man and it would allow snkp to set their own prices for their games. I think if snkp wants to continue they should go all out digital on steam/ios/android/PS4/NEXTbox/Wii U they can find some success.

Who knows what they are doing especially working with sprites. I think they should outsource the sprites making to some korean animation company it will propably be cheaper for them and take less time too.


Quote from: Ashspiralingblood on April 09, 2013, 04:08:55 PM
Next gen should be a bit easier for snkp(or any othe small developers to succeed)  provided they still want to make games, with sony and nintendo announcing self publishing and free patching. This would cut out the middle man and it would allow snkp to set their own prices for their games. I think if snkp wants to continue they should go all out digital on steam/ios/android/PS4/NEXTbox/Wii U they can find some success.

If this is true, that's some of the best news to look forward to in next gen.

Who knows what they are doing especially working with sprites. I think they should outsource the sprites making to some korean animation company it will propably be cheaper for them and take less time too.

With the kind of sprites they have in-mind, would it be cheaper to outsource at all (honest question)? Either way, I'm glad/hope they're still sticking to unique spritework, and understand it takes time to make it how they want.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995