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The Dream Cancel Wiki and YOU! - Dream Team steady mobbin'

Started by krazykone123, October 29, 2010, 11:36:45 PM

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"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


If you guys are having trouble I could writeup a list of
Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on November 14, 2010, 06:35:31 PM
Cool! I wish we can use some of the information from this japanese wiki:


translated version: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=http://www33.atwiki.jp/kof98um/&ei=1Q7gTILUBYywngeg4tWkDw&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCQQ7gEwAA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dkof98um%2Bwiki%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26hs%3DsZL%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26prmd%3Div

Google doesn't do a good job translating the japanese text and it's hard to understand. :/

If you need some help on something specific (like translating character names) I could make a list for you guys


KOF XIII wiki(s) that need attention
- Benimaru
- Duo Lon
- Joe
- Kim
- Hwa Jai
- Yuri
- Ryo
- Robert
- Mature
- Ralf
- Clark
- Kensou
- Maxima

KOF XIII wiki(s) that need work
- Mai
- King
- Leona
- Andy
- Daimon
- Kula

KOF XIII wiki(s) that are almost complete
- Ash
- Shen
- Takuma
- Iori
- Vice
- Athena
- Terry

KOF XIII wiki(s) that are complete
- K'
- Kyo
- Elisabeth
- Raiden
- Chin

Updated the Elisabeth and Kyo (XIII) pages, Shen template is up, the Angel (02UM) page is almost complete now too


Is there a list of changes for all of the characters in KOF2k2UM??? It would be good to put that tidbit of info in for the characters, as it could keep people from attempting something that only works in OG2k2 and not in 2k2UM...

Also, are there any "training" vids like DJB13's CvS2 vids that are worth embedding in the wiki if possible??? Krazykone123 I saw a Vice video from your YouTube link, and it got me thinking about that... If not have training vids for 2k2UM, it would be cool to at least have some for KOFXIII...
I'm on FightCade!!!


Finished the NGBC wiki info for Tung Fu Rue. Need to find the actual name for  ;fd ;d , and fix up a few things here and there... I will also input a general strategy portion in there was well this week.

Nilcam, do you happen to have a particular pic for Tung you'd like to use?? If not, I think I could get one... Thanks.
I'm on FightCade!!!



Quote from: jinxhand on November 15, 2010, 09:31:00 PMIs there a list of changes for all of the characters in KOF2k2UM??? It would be good to put that tidbit of info in for the characters, as it could keep people from attempting something that only works in OG2k2 and not in 2k2UM...

Some of them are listed in the move evaluation section (usually in blue text), the rest of it can be learned via playing the game.

QuoteAlso, are there any "training" vids like DJB13's CvS2 vids that are worth embedding in the wiki if possible???

There aren't much, but if I find any I'll pass them onto the wiki.

QuoteKrazykone123 I saw a Vice video from your YouTube link, and it got me thinking about that... If not have training vids for 2k2UM, it would be cool to at least have some for KOFXIII...

I definitely plan to do some for XIII when it's released on console (NTSC-J/US whatever), I'll do more for 02UM but my work schedule makes it rather difficult.


Cool, I plan on getting some recording equipment soon, but yeah I have it kinda busy over here, too...
I'm on FightCade!!!


Lol there is a prize for it? Aye I'm out of luck I don't have that in-depth knowledge for these stuff.


Quote from: PureYeti on November 16, 2010, 08:28:20 AM
Lol there is a prize for it? Aye I'm out of luck I don't have that in-depth knowledge for these stuff.

Nah there's no prize sadly (the title header is just a clever reference to the 1950/60'S), anyway if you want to help you don't need to do anything brain racking, you can do something simple, most of the empty KOF XIII (and some 2002UM) pages have movelists that look a lot like

"*input* = *move name* (EX)"

but I would prefer the format to be more like

"*move name* = "*input here*"

makes it easier to edit, if you can do that you'll be cool, if you don't want to do that you can make a 2002UM character thread that hasn't been made yet


Here you go Desmond, you can use these in Ctrl+F to quickly find the character without all the hassle

KOF 98UM atwiki Character Directory (Translated)

草薙京 = Kyo
二階堂紅丸 = Benimaru
大門五郎 = Daimon

テリー・ボガード = Terry
アンディ・ボガード = Andy
ジョー・ヒガシ = Joe

リョウ・サカザキ = Ryo
ロバート・ガルシア = Robert
ユリ・サカザキ = Yuri

レオナ = Leona
ラルフ = Ralf
クラーク = Clark

麻宮アテナ = Athena
椎拳崇 = Kensou
鎮元斎 = Chin

神楽ちづる = Chizuru
不知火舞 = Mai
キング = King

キム・カッファン = Kim
チャン・コーハン = Chang
チョイ・ボンゲ = Choi

七枷社 = Yashiro
シェルミー = Shermie
クリス = Chris

山崎竜二 = Yamazaki
ブルー・マリー = B. Mary
ビリー・カーン = Billy

八神庵 = Iori
マチュア = Mature
バイス = Vice

ハイデルン = Heidern
タクマ・サカザキ = Takuma
草薙柴舟 = Saisyu

ヘヴィ・D!= Heavy D!
ラッキー・グローバー = Lucky
ブライアン・バトラー = Brian

ギース・ハワード = Geese
ヴォルフガング・クラウザー = Krauser

如月影二 = Eiji
藤堂香澄 = Kasumi
矢吹真吾 = Shingo

ルガール・バーンシュタイン = Rugal

暴走庵 = Orochi Iori
覚醒レオナ = Orochi Leona

ゲーニッツ = Goenitz
オロチ = Orochi
オメガ・ルガール = Omega Rugal

'95草薙京 = Kyo 95
(裏)テリー・ボガード = EX Terry
(裏)アンディ・ボガード = EX Andy
(裏)ジョー・ヒガシ = EX Joe
(裏)リョウ・サカザキ = EX Ryo
(裏)ロバート・ガルシア = EX Robert
(裏)ユリ・サカザキ = EX Yuri
(裏)不知火舞 = EX Mai
(裏)キング = King
乾いた大地の社 = Orochi Yashiro
荒れ狂う稲光のシェルミー = Orochi Shermie
炎のさだめのクリス = Orochi Chris
(裏)山崎竜二 = EX Yamazaki
(裏)ブルー・マリー = EX B. Mary
(裏)ビリー・カーン = EX Billy
(裏)ギース・ハワード = EX Geese



I could see all the characters names in english from the google translation link, the only problem is that the actual translation doesn't carry over real well.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


2k2UM Billy Kane's wiki almost complete. Need pic and frame data. Any other info is needed and well appreciated.
I'm on FightCade!!!


Added the Billy Kane photo and made a few style edits. Good work!


Quote from: jinxhand on November 17, 2010, 01:22:20 AM
2k2UM Billy Kane's wiki almost complete. Need pic and frame data. Any other info is needed and well appreciated.

I'll add the frame data later on then, added a pic to your Tung Fu Rue page btw