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Goro Daimon (Arcade Version)

Started by nilcam, July 27, 2010, 03:58:51 AM

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;a = Light Punch
;b = Light Kick
;c = Strong Punch
;d = Strong Kick

* = EX version possible

Okuriashi Harai - ;bk/ ;fd+ ;c/ ;d

Command Moves
Zujo Barai - ;df + ;c
Goro's old crouching swing upwards.  It is a great for anti air and has a great hit box.  It chains off a d.A and s.C and can be combo into his qcb+K, hcf+C, hcb~f+P command grab or his hcbx2+P DM.  You can still do df.C (anti-air) cancel into qcb+K.

Special Moves
Choukemi - ;qcb + ;b / ;d *
Goro's command roll.  This move eluded me for so many years until his 2k2UM version which made move cancelable mid roll.  That's right, you can roll and if they jump immediately you can cancel into hcf+A or if they don't move you cancel into hcb~f+P, if they try to poke and you time it just outside their range, you probably can use his dp+K command throw.  Only the B version is cancelable, D version seems to go farther, and the Ex version has invincibilty.

Jiraishin - ;dp + ;a / ;c *
Goro's earthquake.  With two hands raised about his head, Goro slams the ground with great force and if the opponent is blocking up then he will fall to the ground (he must crouch or jump).  The C version is his earthquake feint and the A version is the one that actuallly "connect".  His Ex version is faster, can be canceled out of (so far it seems like only dp+K) when his hands slap the ground, and is an overhead.

Tenchigaeshi - ;hcb ;fd + ;a / ;c (close) *
Goro's trusty command throws.  Goro picks up his opponent and slams him or her to one side, picks them up again and throw them back into the sky.  The Ex version has GREAT range and allows a follow up juggle attack such as far D.

Osotogari - ;dp + ;b / ;d (close) *
Goro's command throw.  Has one or two frames of invincibility but basically (much like Clark's dp+K Frankensteiner ) Goro performs a judo trip on his opponents; it'll catch you if you don't escape.  This move is DC'able into hcf+C.  Great move to cancel into after his command roll.

Kumotsukaminage - ;hcf + ;a *
Goro's standard anti-air.  Reaching into the sky with one hand outstretched.  Used well with predicted jumps (due to it's slow startup you have to use it pre-emptively) and in conjunction with Earthquake Feints (dp+C) on wakeups (Opponents tend to jump and so you do hcf+A to snatch them out of the air.

Kirikabugaeshi - ;hcf + ;c
Goro reaches and attacks the ground with one hand.  Relatively slow attack, however if you sweep your opponent and they do not tech roll, you get a free OTG hit.  Combos off a d.A, df.C chain.

Desperation Moves
Jigoku Gokurakuotoshi - ;hcb x2 ;a / ;c (close) *
Goro's standard command throw DM from iterations.  Picks up the opponent, slams them from side to side violently several times before throwing them into the sky.  Ex has increased range so he can combo s.A, d.B, Ex DM.

Kyouten Douchi - ;qcf ;qcf ;a ;c (counter)
Goro's counter move DM, raises his hand like he's doing Earthquake.  If any physical attack hits Goro during this time he'll throw them into the sky and slam the ground like his Earthquake.  If used as a MaxCancel he'll just do the second part and slam the ground.

Goro's Wiki entry.

Console changes:
- Crouching C’s recovery time has been reduced.
- Kirikabugaeshi’s (qcf+C) recovery time on a whiff has been reduced. Doesn’t cause a knockback when blocked.
* EX Chou Ukemi (qcb+BD) can be canceled with a special or a super. Meaning that Goro can go straight into a throw from his invincible roll.
* Kirikabugaeshi (hcf+C) and Kumotsukaminage (hcf+A) can be drive canceled.
* A super cancel version of Jigoku-Gokurakuotoshi (hcb*2+ P) has been added to the game.
* EX Chou Oosotogari’s (dp+BD) recovery time on a whiff has been reduced.

Producer Yamamoto says:
As a judo fighter, we’ve strengthened his grab attacks. You need to super cancel, but he can combo his Jigoku-Gokurakuotoshi from all sorts of grab attacks. He can even do HD combos with just grab attacks, so please try them out.


EDIT: Moved to the top, thanks.

Technical Reference

Notes on the Technical Reference by me

EDIT: additional notes by Kane317


- Chou Oosotogari (dp+K) is the same, EX version is faster so it allows follow-ups

- Kumo Tsukami Nage (hcf+A) is the same except it doesn't work on big characters now? (It still does) the EX does though so that's good, it also has upper body invincibility.

- Jiraishin (dp+P) is the same, the EX version has knockdown when in close range and is an overhead that can be drive canceled into his dp+K.

- Chou Ukemi Moattane (qcb+K) is the same, the EX version has invincible start-up. B version is cancelable and is incredibly useful a la '02UM.  Arcadia tips you to try s.C, df.C, HCB+B --> f+P (performs his hcb~f+P).  Canceling hcb+B into dp+K is a whole lot of fun on unsuspecting opponents.  If they wise up and jump cancel the hcb+B into hcf+A.  Beware of low pokes though.  

- Kirikabu Kaeshi (hcf+C) is the same, the EX version is quicker which will be useful after empty jump-ins and what not (there is no EX hcf+C due to the Ex hcf+A overlap)

- Jigoku Gokuraku Otoshi (hcfx2+P) is the same, the EX version has a wider hitbox which makes it easier to combo into after normals

- His DC/SC seem pretty unique with all the hcf's and stuff

- His neomax Kyoutendouchi (qcfx2+AC) has a lot of potential but you'll have to combo into it because of the slow start-up.  It is a counter NeoMax by itself :)

-s.B, df+C works now

-Hyper hop B or C work well as a crossup

-Close up Hyper hop C works as insta-overhead a la Leona.

t3h mAsTarOth...!

man Goro sounds fun as hell... cancellable qcb.K??? O_O... man i never played 2k2um... but used that shit like crazy in 97 cause of invincibility... maaaaan that is AWESOME... random shit > roll > mix-up??? count ME in... i will trade invincibility for a FREE mix-up ANY DAY... *granted dp.K has full invincibility to attacks this is gonna PWN* :D

man Goro is gonna be a bitch to deal with...

far s.A is back... far s.D looks good as always... d/f.C goodness... jumb B/C cross-up!!! hop C instant overhead!!! *i guess that replaces old hop D???* massive range on EX throws... *sorry Clark... seems w/e u can do Goro can do better ...and this time around just like 97/98 u got outdone AGAIN*

a few notes on Goro...

- i read somewhere that his *kof97* combo is back... that he can again do AA d/f.C xx qcb.B >>> hcf.A or dp.A... which can also work as the regular follow-up to EX hcb~f.A+C grab... *no point to EVER use his regular DM again besides EX version*

- also he should be able to land hcb~f.C xx NeoMax...!!!
KOFXIII - Raiden, Billy, Mai, Karate, Kim, Ralf, Ryo, Robert

SC 1-5 - Astaroth

SaMsTarOth t3h mAsTarOth of AsTarOth...!


Wall of text critical hits you for 751,689,119 damage!

t3h mAsTarOth...!

does it allow 97 shingo style follow-ups? lol...
KOFXIII - Raiden, Billy, Mai, Karate, Kim, Ralf, Ryo, Robert

SC 1-5 - Astaroth

SaMsTarOth t3h mAsTarOth of AsTarOth...!


Quote from: t3h mAsTarOth...! on August 02, 2010, 10:44:12 PM
EDIT: For readability's sake -Kane317

Goro sounds fun as hell, he has a cancellable qcb.K? O_O I never played 2k2um but I did use that shit like crazy in 97 cause of invincibility and I will trade invincibility for a FREE mix-up ANY DAY. (*granted dp.K has full invincibility to attacks this is gonna PWN* :D) Random shit > roll > mix-up, count ME in.  

Goro is gonna be a bitch to deal with...

Far s.A is back, far s.D looks good as always, d/f.C goodness, jumb B/C cross-up and hop C is an instant overhead (*i guess that replaces old hop D???*)! Massive range on EX throws, *sorry Clark, seems w/e u can do Goro can do better (and this time around just like 97/98 u got outdone AGAIN*).

A few notes on Goro...

- I read somewhere that his *kof97* combo is back; he can again do AA d/f.C xx qcb.B >>> hcf.A or dp.A.  Which can also work as the regular follow-up to EX hcb~f.A+C grab. *no point to EVER use his regular DM again besides EX version*

- also he should be able to land hcb~f.C xx NeoMax...!!!

I hate being the grammar police, but I want to keep this forum nice and clean (which includes readability).  It takes a second more to type in real sentences instead of a billion ellipses and the readers appreciate it much better (otherwise they don't like reading posts like that anyways, so it's pointless) --Nothing personal.

As for his follow ups after his Ex hcb~f+P throw, I managed to only do his s.D in the middle of the screen but apparently in the corner you can do three (3!) df.Cs before a hcf+A =)

t3h mAsTarOth...!

ok my bad i guess... i just have a habit of typing like that... and the "..." is my "period" ...again that's just how i type on forums... *let me try to be proper ...lol*

So after Goro's Ex hcb~f+P throw at mid-screen, you could only land a s.D? That's stupid... Maybe you could try running to cover the distance? He does throw them up pretty high... I think ex throw > run > meaty d/f.C should connect...
KOFXIII - Raiden, Billy, Mai, Karate, Kim, Ralf, Ryo, Robert

SC 1-5 - Astaroth

SaMsTarOth t3h mAsTarOth of AsTarOth...!


Quote from: t3h mAsTarOth...! on August 04, 2010, 01:32:57 AM
So after Goro's Ex hcb~f+P throw at mid-screen, you could only land a s.D? That's stupid... Maybe you could try running to cover the distance? He does throw them up pretty high... I think ex throw > run > meaty d/f.C should connect...


Quote from: Kane317 on August 03, 2010, 08:57:15 PM
As for his follow ups after his Ex hcb~f+P throw, I managed to only do his s.D in the middle of the screen but apparently in the corner you can do three (3!) df.Cs before a hcf+A =)

t3h mAsTarOth...!

i meant maybe at least 1 d/f.C will connect mid-screen somehow... otherwise it's useless besides the corner...
KOFXIII - Raiden, Billy, Mai, Karate, Kim, Ralf, Ryo, Robert

SC 1-5 - Astaroth

SaMsTarOth t3h mAsTarOth of AsTarOth...!


I'll do some more testing with him this week.

EDIT: Got the three df.Cs to connect in the corner after his Ex hcb~f+P throw, the first df.C needs to connect low and the rest is easy, the hcf+A at the end isn't even cancelled into.  Combined with his Counter NeoMax, and his qcb+B shenanigans, he's going to be fun this year to play with.

EDIT2: Notice how Goro has Clark's d.B into command grab link (non-canceled) shown here.


ive seen a few times that Goro can hit with an air attack so that the opponent bounces off the wall.

it happens at 0.50 in this video. what are the conditions for that to happen ???
( it looks like a jumping C that hits as a counterhit.)

and can more charachters do this ?


Quote from: DagV on August 26, 2010, 05:12:03 PM
ive seen a few times that Goro can hit with an air attack so that the opponent bounces off the wall.

it happens at 0.50 in this video. what are the conditions for that to happen ???
( it looks like a jumping C that hits as a counterhit.)

and can more charachters do this ?

That's Goro's old j.CD counter wire.  His j.CD has wire damage properties only on counter (hence the term), it'll bounce you off the wall.  I know that Shen has counter wire on his qcf x2+P DM, Maxima on his qcb+P and I think there are a few others as well.

t3h mAsTarOth...!

his just owns though... i bet he gets free d/f.C xx hcf.A off of it...
KOFXIII - Raiden, Billy, Mai, Karate, Kim, Ralf, Ryo, Robert

SC 1-5 - Astaroth

SaMsTarOth t3h mAsTarOth of AsTarOth...!


Quote from: t3h mAsTarOth...! on August 27, 2010, 12:14:14 AM
his just owns though... i bet he gets free d/f.C xx hcf.A off of it...

Yes you can apparently, I couldn't get it to work but maybe my df.C wasn't deep enough after the counter wire, I know Oogosho managed to do it here


KOFXIII character combo Goro Renamed -Kane317