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Started by Mr.Minionman, August 05, 2016, 03:30:47 AM

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;a = Light Punch
;b = Light Kick
;c = Strong Punch
;d = Strong Kick

(*) = EX OK
(!) = MAX OK

Sen - (close) ;bk/ ;fd + ;c
Chou - (close) ;bk/ ;fd + ;d

Command Normals
Tsui - ;fd + ;b

Special Moves
Geki -  ;qcf + ;a/ ;b/ ;c (*)
  ∟ Geki (Keep) [Geki ;a/ ;b/ ;c(hold)]
     ∟ Geki (cancel) [Geki(Keep) ;a/ ;b/ ;c] press  ;d
Ren -  ;qcb + ;b/ ;d (*)
Rin - ;hcb + ;b/ ;d (*)

Super Special Moves
Tou - ;qcf ;qcf + ;b/ ;d (!)
Tei - ;qcf ;hcb + ;b/ ;d (!)

Climax Super Special Move
Ben - ;hcb ;hcb + ;a ;c


Some ideas I'm working on with her.

Best one bar MAX Mode corner combo I have come up with so far:
Leads to ok-Oki after good damage but really, she can match this damage or even beat it without MAX Mode.

Example of meterless corner damage with her:
This, I think, is the highest meterless damage I have seen in the game. With any character I've played (That's a total of like 12...)

Midscreen one bar MAX Mode idea:
Really good character carry/push back. Decent damage, too.


^Good stuff. I hadn't thought about using falling hcb kicks.

I've mostly been working on super/climax cancels..

climax cancel



I feel what defines boys and men is confirming hcb B from cr. Bs... or i just suck.

I see a lot of potential in Luong. She has the tools to be really annoying and powerful. Strong mix ups and tons of range with her qcf, and easy ways to confirm into that sweet, sweet EX ranbu. That thing can outdamage Climax half the time, because of how little it scales. However, the lack of a reversal outside of Climax makes her difficult to master. Practice blocking. As a side note, always qcf feint cancel your CDs. You can easily do that with qcf + CD. Also for all the combos that end in a Cd, you can do a cl. D if you're in the corner for more damage. I like Cd especially midscreen though, in order to get that corner carry.

st. A = Cancel,  Negative, misses crouchers
cl. A = Cancel, Even
cr. A = Cancel, Negative
j. A = Cancel, Cross Up

st. B = No, Negative
cl. B = Cancel, Negative
cr. B = Cancel, Even
j. B = No, Cross Up

st. C = No, Negative
cl. C = Two Hits, Both Cancel, Negative
cr. C = Cancel, Negative
j. C = No, Front

st. D = No, Negative, misses crouchers
cl. D = Cancel, Negative
cr. D = Cancel, Negative
j. D = No, Front

CD = Negative (Drastically reduced if qcf - feint canceled)

f. B (raw) = 70/60, Overhead, Negative, Super Cancel
f. B (canceled) = 40/40, Special Cancel, Negative

qcf A, B, or C = 60/60
Quick kick that can be held to delay
A is angled up reaches about 1/3 screen
B is angled forward about half screen
C is angled downward about 1/3 screen, hits low
All negative but safe
Delay can be cancelled with D (fient)
A version juggles on airborne hit
A version completely whiffs on crouchers
Combo from light normals

qcf AC = 165
three kicks in succession that juggle
If the last one connects, goes into command throw for additional damage
132 if 1st kick misses

hcb B = 65/60
Uppercut that allows for juggles
Combos from light normals
Can go over lows

hcb D = 70/60
Slower and launches higher

hcb BD = 87
Faster and hits twice, launching higher

qcb B (air) = 80/80
Spin kick, can cross up
Juggles on hit
Can cancel from j. A for pressure
Carries jump momentum
Usually best to just follow up with a normal
Can combo into qcf and supers if done low enough to the ground

qcb D (air) = 80/80
Floats Luong slightly

qcb BD (air) = 100
Movement is beteen B and D version
Launches higher

qcfx2 K = 180
Advanced and Climax cancels well
Somewhat slow

qcfx2 K = 300
On grounded opponent, does 337
Can only Climax cancel first hit

qcf~hcb K = 184
No invuln

qcf~hcb BD = 346
Goes full screen
Much faster

hcbx2 AC = 475
Lots of invuln

cr. B x3 xx qcf B = 136/150
cr. B x3 xx hcb B > CD = 200/250
cl. C (1) xx f. B xx hcb D > hcb B > CD = 256/300
CD xx qcf cancel > run > cr. D = 143/170

Anti Air
qcf A > qcf B = 117/120

cl. D xx f. B xx hcb D > qcf A > hcb B > CD = 340/390
CD xx qcf cancel > hcb D > qcf A > hcb B > CD = 282/380

Corner Anti Air
qcf A > hcb D > hcb B > CD = 247/280

1 Bar (2 Bar)
cr. B x3 xx qcf B xx qcf~hcb K or BD = 302/150 (428)
cl. C (1) xx f. B xx hcb D > hcb B > qcf~hcb K or BD = 362/200 (488)
cl. D xx f. B xx hcb D > qcf A > qcf~hcb K or BD = 398/230 (524)

Anti Air
qcf A > qcf~hcb K or BD = 239/180 (392)

cl. D xx f. B xx hcb D > qcf A > hcb B > qcf~hcb K or BD = 445/290 (562)
CD xx qcf cancel > hcb D > qcf A > hcb B > qcf~hcb K or BD = 387/280 (495)

Corner Anti Air
qcf A > hcb D > hcb B > qcf~hcb K or BD = 354/180 (489)

cl. C (1) xx f. B xx MAX > cl. D xx f. B xx hcb B > hcb BD > j. qcb BD > qcf A > CD = 390/410

2 Bar
j. qcb K > qcf~hcb BD = 412/80

cl. C (1) xx f. B xx MAX > cl. D xx f. B xx hcb B > hcb BD > (delay) qcf A > (delay) qcf~hcb BD = 540/310
3rd position
cl. C (1) xx f. B xx MAX > cl. D xx f. B xx hcb BD > j. qcb BD > qcf A > (delay) qcf~hcb BD = 559/250

3 Bar
cr. B x3 xx qcfB xx qcfx2 K xx qcf~hcb BD = 558/150
cl. C (1) xx f. B xx hcb D > qcfx2 K xx qcf~hcb BD = 586/140
cl. D xx f. B xx hcb D > qcf A > hcbx2 AC = 607/230

Anti Air
qcf A > hcbx2 AC = 510/60

cl. D xx f. B xx hcb D > qcf A > qcfx2 K xx qcf~hcb BD = 654/200
CD xx qcf cancel > hcb D > qcf A > qcfx2 K xx qcf~hcb BD = 582/220

cl. C (1) xx f. B xx MAX > cl. D xx f. B xx hcb B > hcb BD > j. qcb BD > qcf A > qcf~hcb BD = 592/310

4 Bar
cr. B x3 xx qcf B xx qcfx2 BD xx hcbx2 AC = 630/150
cl. C (1) xx f. B xx hcb D > qcfx2 K xx hcbx2 AC = 669/140

cl. D xx f. B xx hcb D > qcf A > qcfx2 K xx hcbx2 AC = 726/230
CD xx qcf cancel > hcb D > qcf A > qcfx2 K xx hcbx2 AC = 642/220

5 Bar
cl. C (1) xx f. B xx MAX > cl. D xx f. B xx hcb B > hcb BD > j. qcb BD > qcf A > qcfx2 K xx hcbx2 AC = 697/310
I do nothing but post KOFXIV tech so gimme a follow if you like that


Quote from: Coliflowerz on August 24, 2016, 09:45:28 AM
I feel what defines boys and men is confirming hcb B from cr. Bs... or i just suck.
Yeah, you can actually link c.B, c.B, A, into hcb+B but damn is it hard (to me anyway). Really good midscreen damage off of a light starter, though, if you can do it.


And thats still tough cuz st. a whiffs on crouching opponents
I do nothing but post KOFXIV tech so gimme a follow if you like that


What does CD stand for?


That's the input for blowback attack. Pm me if you have any other notation questions.


Thanks. I'm not new to KOF but it's been a while, it's caught me off guard.


we are all here to help! <3
I do nothing but post KOFXIV tech so gimme a follow if you like that



1 bar, midscreen, 424 damage. You can add a super after for more damage. EX Tei does the most of any of them.


"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Quote from: KrsJin on August 24, 2016, 09:07:46 PM
Quote from: Coliflowerz on August 24, 2016, 09:45:28 AM
I feel what defines boys and men is confirming hcb B from cr. Bs... or i just suck.
Yeah, you can actually link c.B, c.B, A, into hcb+B but damn is it hard (to me anyway). Really good midscreen damage off of a light starter, though, if you can do it.

It's probably been figured out already, but just my two cents here.

The most consistent way I've been able to do c.B x3 xx hcb+B is to start buffering the hcb motion after the 2nd c.B and press the 3rd cr.B halfway through the hcb motion and press B again to cancel when you finish the motion.

It should look something like this:
;dn ;b, ;dn ;b, ;fd ;df ;dn ;b, ;db ;bk ;b

It's by no means easy and I can't do it consistently, but it's the best way I've got so far.


Yeah I usually do the cr B's while holding yhe stick downforward.
I do nothing but post KOFXIV tech so gimme a follow if you like that


I have few things on Luong myself:
(1 Bar Max Mode Combos)

(2 Bar Max Mode Combos)

(A 3 Bar Combo)

(5 Bar Max Mode Combo = 737 damage. Starting from st.D first. With a jump-in, it does exactly 780 damage).

Note on the last video (Disclaimer = Some players may already be aware of this, but I am putting this information here for a reference):

The reason why the regular version of Tou (qcf x2 + K) was utilized in that combo was because EX Tou would not have benefited Luong. What I mean by this is that EX Tou is a two part move. The first part will do only 100 damage. The second part will lead to extra damage. But, you cannot Climax Cancel the second animation. You can also Climax from the first. The regular version of Tou does 180 damage, 80 more points than the start of EX Tou. It might be wise to go for regular Tou in most Max Mode combos instead if you intend on using Luong's Climax. The reason why Tei (qcfhcb+K) was not used is because you can only can the first four hits of the regular or the EX version. And, it doesn't lead to as much damage as regular Tou. I want to believe that regular Tou is going to play a pivotal role in a lot of Luong's Ben Climax combos.

I am pretty sure that some players here can easily afford to play Luong as a second or a last character.

Nothing follows in this message.