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Chin Gentsai (Arcade Version)

Started by nilcam, July 27, 2010, 04:00:48 AM

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;a = Light Punch
;b = Light Kick
;c = Strong Punch
;d = Strong Kick

* = EX version possible

Command Moves
Uronkochu - ;df + ;d
∟Feint - Press ;d again or hold ;df + ;d

Nikiyaku - ;df + ;b. ;b *

Special Moves
Chokaroh - ;dn ;dn + ;b / ;d >
∟Standing A (Press ;a during Chokaroh)
∟Nikiyaku (Press ;b during Chokaroh)
∟Getsugasosho (Press ;c during Chokaroh)
∟Far D (Press ;d during Chokaroh)
∟Zanbantetsu (Press  ;dn during Chokaroh)
∟Press  ;b ;d to cancel stance

Zanbantetsu - ;dn ;dn +  ;a / ;c *
∟Getsugasosho (Press ;a / ;c during Zanbantetsu)
∟Press  ;up to stop crouching

Suiho -  ;dn ;db ;bk+ ;a / ;c *

Ryu Sogeki - ;dn ;db ;bk + ;b /  ;d *

Inshu - ;bk ;dn ;db + ;a / ;c (Drink up to five times.  Increases offense while decreasing defense per drink)

Kaitenteki Kutotsuken - ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd + ;b / ;d *

Desperation Moves
Tohkuhitenhoh - ;dn ;df ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd + ;a / ;c *

Tetsuzankou - (Drunk) ;dn ;df ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd + ;a / ;c

Suisou Gouran Enbu - ;dn ;df ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd + ;b ;d (ground or air, can be controlled the direction of the flames)

Chins Wiki entry.

Console changes:
- (shown in video) Chin can do a close C from his d,d+K stance
- (shown in video) The weak version of his counter now has the attack come out faster than before and can connect into his rolling attack (HCF+K). As a result of this the counterattack almost never whiffs anymore, and there are very few situations in which he can’t follow up.
- (shown in video) He has less lag after his normal throw (both when in his stances as well as normally) and he can actually do followups in the corner.
- Chin’s defense no longer decreases when he has drink stocks
- The active time of his counters has been decreased. The normal version now has the active duration of the arcade’s EX version, and the EX version’s is shorter still.
- His EX counter does less damage, reduced from 237 to 199.

Yamamoto �" We added some interesting buffs to gameplay using d,d+K. Although parry time on hk+LK {Ex qcb+BD} has been reduced, the overall frames are shorter making it difficult to get punished. Drinking is easier to use compared to the arcade now that there is no defense penalty. Please have fun with the now trickier Chin


Chin's Technical Reference:

From CX:

Quote from: sugarboy
through my experience playing with chin in this KOF this is what i got



rdp + A or C
it is really hard to pull it out, the key to pull it all the time is u have to make sure to hold the lever at the corner at the end of the bdp before hitting the punch button, if u do it this way you will never miss it any time and it will b a piece of cake

qcb + B or D
other than being able to counter opponents physical attacks he can also dodge fireballs and react to them as if they were physical attacks B or D version (probably works only on normal fireballs, might get hit by fireball neglecting fireballs)

hcf + B or D
MY FAVORITE MOVE, it's his key move in this game other than being able to escape fireballs except the ones running on the ground he can also get Maxima's balls while doing his (what ever) cannon (qcb + A or C) without getting hit, and many other moves like Maxima's.
the most important point in this move after it lands on the opponent (either blocked it or got hit by it) u r able to free cancel into any other special move (except his DM) for example: hcf + Kick -> df + B OR qcb + A OR qcb + Kick, depends on either you want to charge in to continue a combo or pushing your opponent forward to have enough recovery time to block or to trick your opponent and run backwards and u might get a chance to counter him.


hcf + B or D
please read the tactic section before this.
u can free cancel it into df + B then qcb + A (100% at the corner and 70% mid screen) or just to make sure u don't miss such chance just cancel it into qcb+A

df + B (once only)
in this KOF if it lands on your opponent in midscreen or corner you can connect it with qcb + A all the time, forgot to mention that u have to wait a sec or 2 until you enter the next command

qcb + A
to drive cancel after it is the key to giving your opponent a lesson to not underestimate u ever again for picking chin.

if you are in the middle of the screen it is recommended that you drive cancel it into hcf + B and then you will have free cancel chance after hcf + B lands on your opponent you can hit qcb + A again (or df+b but not sure if it connects all the time in mid screen cause i got it connected many time and not connected many times too so it is still under research)

if you are in the corner you can cancel it into df + B then df + B again *OR hcf + B then qcb + A again!! (i guess you got yourself the HD combo loop in your head now huh?)
or qcb + A -drive cancel-> df + B -> df + B -> EXDM (only? still under research)

and i got an experimental combo didn't try it out yet just thought about it
at the corner qcb + A -drive cancel-> df + B -> qcb,hcf + Punch (got to have at least one bottle).

HD Combo Suggestion

his HD combo i was able to pull so far goes like this
at the corner: jump D -> C -> B+C -> C -> [df + B (once) -wait a sec or 2-> qcb + A -HD cancel-> df + B (once) -wait a sec or 2-> df + B (once) -wait a sec or 2->]

repeat the loop between those [] brackets and u can pull the DM when ever u feel like it and u know the rest

of course u can mix hcf + Kick inside that loop but it will be tricky and much more harder so take this loop as starters and then make your own


Time for a mini write up for Chin that I'm been pushing back (some impressions have been written already but I'm going to write with a blank slate) and is a work in progress:

Far A(25): Standing forward poke, average range (in Chin terms lol), fast, chains into s.A/d.B and is cancelable.  4/5

Far B(30): Standing low kick to the shin, must be blocked low, is cancelable but does not link to any normal.  Great for his high low game since it needs to be blocked low --> df.B.  3/5

Far C(80): New horizontal with a slight upwards swing with both arms (very drunken fist like), has deceivingly good range (in Chin terms) and it cancels as well (great to cancel into df.D, but not a true combo).  If anticipated early enough, use this for anti-hops into df.B.  4/5

Far D(80): Longest range move for Chin, solid kick to the gut, button can be held to go into his kick stance.  Also used for HD activations explained later.  3/5

Close A&B: Same as their far versions.

Standing close C(70): His combo starter of choice, double palm to the chest--comes out fast, cancelable, good priority, feels meaty.  5/5

Standing close D(70): Leans back drunkenly while kicking forward (very drunken fist like). Comes out slower, still cancels, I personally never use it. 2/5

Standing CD(75): Leans forward and hits with one arm, good speed, cancelable, good range for Chin.  It should be noted that due to the strange crossup mix up of XIII, avoid using his GCCD on jump-ins since it tends to miss a lot.  Use his counter qcb+B/BD instead. (4/5)

Down A(25): Quick low hit, can still be blocked high,  pretty standard, used in his BnB combos.  Chains into d.A, d.B, s.A, fast and is cancelable. 5/5

Down B(30): Front sweep, slightly slower than his down A, about the same range, is cancelable and chains into d.B, d.A, s.A.  Since it can be canceled, play around with his d.B into df.D overhead.  5/5

Down C(70): Slight diagonal upward elbow, not that good for anti air, and the new far C does a better job for that role.  Nevertheless, it's cancelable so it's somewhat useful. 2/5

Down D(80): Real low sweep as Chin basically lies on his back and does a double thrust with his feet.  Good range, good recovery but is not cancelable. 3/5

Jump A(45/40 on hops): Horizontal punch with a slight upward angle, fast and is a great choice for air-to-air.  Use this instead of j.CD if they are already above you or started jumping before you. 4/5

Jump B(45/40): Standard martial arts fly kick, comes out slower but stays out longer than any of his jump attacks. Decent range. (3/5)

Jump C(72/70): Chin lies horzontally in the air, good solid j.C, great priority and crosses up well. 5/5

Jump D(70/68): Jumps and faces backwards while kicking backwards (forward) himself drinking at the same time; it's actually a really funny animation.  Good horizontal reach, decent air to air, good priority, good move for a vertical jump too. More difficult to use as a crossup but still good.  5/5

Jump CD(90/80): Real quick horizontal swing of the foot, good horizontal range, extremely good j.CD overall (I would put it in the top 5 due to it's speed an amazing priority).  One of his key tools in zoning. 5/5

Command Attacks (weak/strong/Ex):
Far D (hold): Goes into kick stance. 3/5

df.D(45): Overhead flipkick.  Comboable by itself, too slow to combo into unless maybe off a counter (in XII it was possible off a counter) to count as a combo.  If you press and hold the D it cancels, or if you tap D again it cancels. You can be thrown during this animation strangely, but it's all worth the risk coz this is one of his key combo starters. Automatically puts you into his kick stance if you don't do anything, but most of the time press punch and it'll do his quickie punches, dx2+P.P, right after (can do 2-3 sets and canceled out of it). 5/5

Special Attacks(Posses Ex version):
qcb+K(80/40/40.70x2.80)(Ex): Chin walks backwards 2-3 steps (last for about 2 second) in a seemingly drunken state with his head down awaiting for an attack; this move is a counter.  If he is attacked he'll do on cancelable s.D (note, if you don't cancel the s.D the opponent will have frame advantage) for the B counter. The B counter counters all specials, and air attacks.  The B counter even counters projectiles, it'll trigger the kick however neither party takes damage and the projectile passes thru. The D counter counters normals including low hits, it will do the same only he'll flip backwards immediately so a df.B might work, or a well timed hcf+K.  Ex Counter counters everything, he'll do a series of four hits that end in a qcb+P that can be free-cancelled into hcf+K.  If it's the D version hcf+K you can only connect it with df.BD midscreen (otherwise df.B in the corner), and the B version you can do df.B into qcb+A [DC], hcf+K...).  The Ex counter does 26% alone without considering the combos it leads to or additional damage that comes with drinking.  5/5

qcb+P(60/120)(Ex): A quick hit to the face with the back of his fist.  A version is quick, C version might be a little slower and has slightly more reach (I only use A version).  Deceivingly good range and recovery but not safe if done real close.  You can drive/super/Ex cancel out of it.  Ex version has invincibility and is quicker.  5/5

hcf+K(70/90/120)(Ex): Chin rolls across the ground and ends in a backfist to the chest area.  B doesn't seem to go as far although D seems to startup quicker.  This move alone, radicalized Chin's gameplay from XII (which was strong already) since it allows you to free cancel into any special (no stances/supers).  Of course you can chose to deplete a cancel and super cancel into one of his DMs if you like.  Mid fireballers have to watch or even stop throwing them completely lest they want to eat a 35%-40%+ combo. Ex version is much faster and is invincible.  Most common specials to free cancel into are qcb+A or df.B.  If you distance yourself correctly, even if they block hcf D, qcb A, most of the time, you can qcb+A (again) them in time while they try to punish you. Mid screen, use B if you want to do df.B, qcb+A loops, and use D mid screen if you want to use df.BD 5/5

rdp+P: Drink.  Chin takes a swig from his gourd and he gets darker in color.  XIII makes Chin have an annoying overlap with his qcb+P, make sure you hold the diagonal for a split second before pressing P.  Chin increases his offense damage by 10%  The max you can drink is 5 drinks.   Every drink you also take more damage.  The scaling is as follows: 105%->111%->117%->125%->to a final 133% (Takes more damage).  The drinking animation has slight lag (Note:  Chin's taunt will cause him to drink, it's slow at first and begins to drink faster until finally going into a drunken state.  You cannot cancel his taunt so use cautiously).  If interrupted, Chin will not gain a drink counter.4/5

df.B(20.60/40x2)(ex): Kyo-like kick, juggles diagonally upwards.  You can press B again during the first kick to kick again. Landing automatically puts you into the kick stance, you can cancel the landing frames into anything.  Must anticipate early on if you want to use df.B as an anti-air, but do not use if they they are nearly above you.  Cancel the landing frames into another df.B or qcb+A.  Ex version does the second kick automatically and launches the opponent higher.  Another key tool to Chin's offense. 5/5

d x2+P: Chin crosses his feet and squats down real low.  Apparently, he has total upper body invincibility, even d.As and jump attack misses him.  New to XIII, he can now throw an opponent by pushing forward C, he does however have a whiff animation.  In trade, he has lost his ability to cancel the stance into a d.B.  You can free cancel his stance into any special.
∟ Press P (Ex) The follow up is two a quick hits with both hands and has very high priority. It can be free canceled into any special. Ex version does 3 hits (only the last hit can be cancelled) and the third hit draws the opponent back to him and you can follow that up with a s.C (Perfect for HD activation). The Ex version needs to be done close for the third hit to connect and hence even if you did one d.B before the Ex version the third hit will miss. The only thing that will combo into the Ex version and have all three connect is df.D, QP, Ex QP.

d x2+K: Chin hops into one foot.  Pressing forward and backward makes him hop rapidly in that direction.  You can hop or jump out of it (the jump is new to XIII) and like most KOF stances, you cannot block.  Can be free canceled into any special.  Has multiple follow ups.
∟A - Standing A
∟B - df.B
∟C - Quickie Punch
∟D - Far D
∟Down - Goes into his A Stance
∟BD - Cancels stance.

Super moves (DMs):
qcf x2+P(30x8/20x16)(Ex): Chin flies forward with a spinning headbut a la Jackie Chan.   Normally does 8 hits if they all connect and the Ex version does 16 hits.  The Ex versions combos off a d.B, d.A, and off a df.B but the normal version can only be comboed off a df.BD or super canceled off a hcf+K.  Personaly, I stay clear of the normal version and save my stocks for his Ex df.K or Ex counter.

qcb~hcf+P (must have at least 1 drink counter)(220 for A and C does 180): Chin turns around and slams his back into the opponent a la Xiang Fei.  A version is quicker and combos off of df.Bs.  C version is slower but has wire damage and can be followed up into the A version or into qcb+A juggle combos.  C version also combos off his quickie punch.

Neo Max:
qcf x2+BD(14x27{air 14x24}): Chin breathes fire out like 2k2UM, you can control the direction.  You can also preform this in the air.


Quote from: Kane317 on August 14, 2010, 03:39:43 AM
Chin has mainly one combo that has many different variations to it.  They all revolve around his df.B and hcf+K.  The key is to learn all of his combo starters and you'll see the pattern soon enough:

a) j.C/D / crossup C
b) s.C / far C
c) d.B, d.A/s.A
d) df.D overhead into Quickie Punch loops x1~3 (d x2+P.P)
e) Counters
f) df.B as an anti air
g) hcf+K for mid projectiles
h) Ex hcf+K for ground projectiles.

a) s.C, (Quickie Punch x1~2), df.B, qcb+A, [DC] hcf+K...
b) df.B, qcb+A, [DC] hcf+K...
c) df.B, qcb+A, [DC] hcf+K...
d) df.B, qcb+A, [DC] hcf+K...
e) (If B or Ex version then) hcf+B, df.B, qcb+A, [DC] hcf+K...
f) version go for df.B immediately
g) df.B, qcb+A, [DC] hcf+K...
h) hcf+B, df+B, qcb+A, [DC] hcf+K...

If you are midscreen (otherwise skip to corner), make sure you do the D version hcf+K then...
1.) df.BD, hcf+B


2.) qcb A,. [DC] hcf+D --> 1.)

If you choose to use the B version, then just do df.B, qcb+A.

After 1.) df.Bx4 (after the first df.B, just press neutral B), s.A/qcb+A/qcb~hcf+A (must drink first)/ Ex qcf x2+P DM

Note: Doing most of the combos mentioned, will yield you 80% of his stock guage!  

If you're near the corner you can do a special variation:

-s.C, df.B, qcb A, [DC], hcf B, (earliest cancel as possible) df.BD, (hcf+B, df.B) x2, df.B, qcb A/DM

-(drink) df.D, Quickie Punch x1~3, qcb~hcf+C, (wire) qcb~hcf+A

-df+D, dx2+P.P, qcb~hcf+C, qcb+A, [DC] hcf+B, Ex df+BD, hcf+B, df+B, qcb~hcf+A 64% damage (3 stocks, 1 drive, 1 drink)

-Chin's overhead does not cancel into BC for some annoying reason, so you're stuck with s.C, HD, s.C... -->

-Although I haven't tried, I suppose you can do d.B, d.A/d.B,  d.BC (does s.C)... -->

-A little more challenging is s.C, Kick Stance.Far D, HD, s.C... -->
The trick is to hold down, neutral C, down D (goes into Kick Stance), Neutral D.  If done correctly he's s.C then far D for a 2 hit combo.

-You can also tack on the Far D after the Quickie Punches: df.D, Quickie Punches x1~3, Far D, HD, s.C... -->

-(EDIT):  You can do s.C, qcb+BC and it'll do his qcb C+HD.  I suppose, but not confirmed, you can do qcb+BC off the Quickie Punches as well.

-Last one I know of, and I can't seem to do it at all is allegedly --> df.BD, dash roll cancel into HD (does s.C), empty cancel the "s.C" into qcb A...(done real fast as the s.C whiffs completely) -->

So here's a HD combo:

-s.C, HD, s.C, qcb A, [HDC] hcf B, qcb A, [HDC] hcf D, (df.B, qcb C, hcf D) x2, df.B x2, qcb C, [HDC] hcf D, df.B x2, s.A, qcf x2+AC DM (without the DM is about 600, with the DM is about 800)

-(EDIT): s.C, HD, s.C, qcb A, [HDC] hcf B, qcb A, [HDC] hcf D, (df.B, qcb C, hcf D) x3, df.B x5, qcf x2+AC DM (789dmg, 36hits)

-(EDIT): s.C, HD, s.C, (qcb A, [HDC] hcf D) x2, (df.B, qcb C, [HDC] hcf D) x2, df.B, qcf x2+P DM [6hits], [MC] qcf x2+BD, df.B, qcfx2+P DM (929dmg, 5 stocks, if you drink it'll go over 1000).

First of all, why Chin?  He's the only small character in XIII yet he doesn't have the typical advantages of being small which is annoying (In XII, he was small enough to duck certain moves without doing anything, such as Robert's forward A which now hits a standing Chin in XIII).  The purpose, is to annoy the hell out of people with the limited, but well thought-out moveset he has.  Although he mainly has one combo with many variations to it, he has many combo starters as mentioned in the combo section (Overhead, d.B combos, hcf+K, df.B as an anti air, counter etc...)

Let's start with far range.  There's not much you can do here except prepare to hcf+K any whiffed moves.  The D version goes about 60% of the screen IIRC, and of course if they have mid fireballs which roughly 1/3 of the cast do, remind them not to mess around with you.  If they have a ground fireball like Terry and Kyo, only his Ex version will be suffice (note, Ryo, Robert and Takuma's HSKK projectile is still consider a mid fireball despite the size).  In the meantime, while near full screen away, steal drinks when you can.  After one or two drinks usually, the opponent will approach you to prevent you from drinking.  

Another useful tool from fireball happy opponents is to use his qcb+B counter to prevent any block damage (Chin triggers his counter but neither party takes damage and the projectile passes through him).  Eventually opponents wise up and will try to punish you if you go for the counter.  Against characters like Robert or Andy, use his punch stance (d x2+P) to crouch under the projectile, if they use any attack afterwards like Zaneiken or Robert's Flying Kick HSPK, cancel his stance into his qcb+B counter--punish him at will.  

Often times you can bait them to throw a mid fireball without them really thinking.  e.g.  Try hcf+D (blocked), qcb+B (blocked).  Chin will proceed to walk backwards.  You'll be surprised how many people try to punish you which is when you remind them about your hcf+K.

Mid range
Now we enter more of Chin's comfort zone.  df.B covers good horizontal distance and as long as you're not dead close--it's not punishable.  Of course if used preemptively, it's a good anti-air and another good anti-air is his vertical j.CD.  Play around with his Far C into df+B and you'd be surprised how effective it is against hops.  Against jump-ins use his qcb+B counter.  On the offense use Far C into df.D, good reach and deceptive.  Sometimes, it's even good to use hcf+K to escape underneath your opponent as they jump towards you.   Be prepared to publish with hcf+K or the Ex version.

Close range  Chin's sweet spot.  Here's when the mix up games begin.  Crossup C and jump B mixups, d.Bs with overheads loops mixups can seriously drive your opponent mad.  When they are tired of your barrage of attacks, let loose a well timed Ex counter and let them think again about attacking.  Don't forget Chin's d x2+P now has a foward+C followup which is a normal C throw.

So you start with a Crossup C, they block it, you can either go for a d.B into overhead, or s.C into overhead, both are relatively safe but they can still throw you if they're paying attention.  If your d.B connects you can go for s.A into df.B or just go for another overhead.  If they block your d.B, d.A/s.A, df.B you should be at the right distance where you get frame advantage and after you land your df.B (putting you back into kick stance), do his A follow up which is a standing A.  

If they start blocking high too much, sweep them with a down D and start the crossup/overhead/d.B/counter mix ups again.  Don't forget, holding df.D or pressing D again does Chin's overhead fake so you can do d.B combos or just throw them.

Sometimes when they wake up it's good to go for his punch stance and either Quickie Punch them/ throw them/ or cancel into his counter.  Don't forget both of his stances cancel into any special.

Let's say they block your overhead, tack on at least one set of Quickie Punches (coming from an overhead, you just tap C but mash d x2 and P after the first set if you wish to continue).  If they block your quickie punch you can go for another overhead (!) or cancel into his kick stance (d x2+K) and jump over them and start attacking once more.

Coming from a Chin user, Chin is real annoying to fight against once you really understand how many different options you have at your disposal.  After some reflection, what's annoying about Chin isn't necessary his damage (which I'd put average damage at best) but simply coz of the sheer amount of time he keeps you juggled is where most opponents get frustrated (it's ok, I get a dose of my own medicine playing against Lizzies) and lose their composure.  You factor in his different options to administer this torture, and you're grinning from ear to ear.

A more advance block string is j.C, s.C, kick stance, cancel into crossup C.   To perform the s.C --> kick stance simply hold down in the air (when pressing j.C), neutral standing C, down+D immediately.  You can even press D again in the kick stance to perform a far D for a 3 hit combo.  To add to the challenge, activate HD on his far D and use the autodash feature (after pressing BC on any normal or command attack your character will run forward briefly.  When you press s.C or s.D it'll cancel his dash so you can carry on your HD combo) and start your favorite HD combo with s.C.

I've spent most of the time talking about block strings and mind-game mix ups since you can read the combo section about what to do if it connects.  Basically...

-As long as I have one drink, I'll try to finish the df.B combos with his qcb~hcf+A.  

-If I have only one power stock, I'll save it for his Ex df.K combos, or his Ex counter (his qcfx2+P DM is pretty much not worth using, and will not connect after his df.B anymore (unlike XII).  

-Make sure you have 1 cancel gauge otherwise it severely limits his options (s.C, df.B, qcb+A, [DC], hcf+K...)

-If you really lack a cancel gauge, go for Quickie Punch into qcb~hcf+C (wires opponent), then perform the light version qcb~hcf+A (but remember to do it the opposite direction due to the wire).  If you don't have another stock do qcb+A then steal a drink after.

-Anytime you connect with qcb~hcf+A, drink away safely (even in the corner).  

-Don't under estimate 5 drinks = 150% damage.  A normal 40-60% combo is now 60-80% (best illustrated here.)

-Under too much pressure and have 3 stocks?  Ex counter, hcf+B, df.B, Ex qcf x2+AC.

-Personally, I don't use NeoMax too much but that can change in the future.

-If I have more than 3 stocks I'll either save it for combos or if I'm playing someone I better finish off (Mr. Kof), extend your df.BD, hcf B loops.  e.g. df.B, qcb A, [DC], hcf+B, (df.BD, hcf+K)x 1~3, df.B x2, Ex qcf x2+AC.

-Full cancel gauge and he opportunity arises, go for his HD which is good considering he does 60%+ damage with no stock.

Finally, I would be doing Chin a disservice if I didn't illustrate a competent Chin user with this video here.

Took me long enough, but I finished my first draft for a mini-FAQ for Chin.

Can you describe what all the moves do? It's been a long time since I played XII.


Quote from: Gravelneed on August 14, 2010, 02:53:40 PM
Can you describe what all the moves do? It's been a long time since I played XII.

I thought it was clear that I was on it, lol, but ok I'm on it.


In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


Impressive, thank a lot :D i'm looking for chin (i use him already in 98) in XIII. Could you add a last info? if a move (normal/special/super) are safe or free to punish, from what your experience learn of course.

i don't unsertand a thing, the taunt, act like the drink special, or do exactly the same thing too (charge a drink counter) slower ?


Quote from: Mazinkaiser on August 16, 2010, 01:47:56 PM
Impressive, thank a lot :D i'm looking for chin (i use him already in 98) in XIII. Could you add a last info? if a move (normal/special/super) are safe or free to punish, from what your experience learn of course.

i don't unsertand a thing, the taunt, act like the drink special, or do exactly the same thing too (charge a drink counter) slower ?

I'm still not done with the write-up, but none of his specials or supers are completely safe, even a well spaced hcf+K (blocked), qcb+ A (blocked) can be punished by characters with a long sweep (Robert).  EDIT: I suppose the Quickie Punches are completely safe, but you can free cancel out of it so that kinda doesn't count. The taunt basically makes him do his drink five times in a row...only you can't stop him once he starts drinking, and he actually gets drunk in the end (new animation) lol.

EDIT2: Done now. =)

EDIT3: Added: You can do s.C, qcb+BC and it'll do his qcb C+HD.  I suppose, but not confirmed, you can do qcb+BC off the Quickie Punches as well.  UPDATE: It will not bypass from the quickie punches.

-Added HD: s.C, HD, s.C, (qcb A, [HDC] hcf D) x2, (df.B, qcb C, [HDC] hcf D) x2, df.B, qcf x2+P DM [6hits], [MC] qcf x2+BD, df.B, qcfx2+P DM (929dmg, 5 stocks, if you drink it'll go over 1000).

UPDATE2: I did a slight variation of Chin's first HD combo: s.C, HD, s.C, qcb A, [HDC] hcf B, qcb A, [HDC] hcf D, (df.B, qcb C, hcf D) x3, df.B x5, qcf x2+AC DM (789dmg, 36hits)


All right thanks to Kane317 for introducing me here, how do you the high and low combo loop from KOF XII?


Quote from: PureYeti on September 02, 2010, 12:46:53 AM
All right thanks to Kane317 for introducing me here, how do you the high and low combo loop from KOF XII?

Welcome PureYeti (I've always loved your avatar), don't forget to introduce yourself here.  

Chin's high-low games are very similar to his XII version.  Overhead (df.D), starts off the mixup games.  You can also Overhead feint by holding the D down, or tapping it again, in which you want to start with low combos (d.B or d.D) or even a throw.  If the overhead connects press C to go into Quickie Punches, and repeat up to twice manually (d x2+P.P).  Even if the Quickie Punches are blocked you can cancel them into the overhead again, or his qcb+K counters.   Canceling his Quickie Punches into his kick stance allows you to jump cancel that (!) for crossup mix up.  Finally, d.B is actually cancelable and of course you can start his overhead mixups.

New HD combo from the BBS, needs to be confirmed:


j.D, s.C, B stance.D (far D), HD, s.C, qcb~hcf+C, (wires so do it opposite direction) qcb A, [HDC?] hcf D, qcf A, [HDC] hcf D, df.B x2, (qcb A, [HDC] delay hcf D) x3, df.B x n, qcb A/qcb~hcf+A/qcf x2+AC

I'm assuming the ">>" means HDC whereas ">" is a regular link/cancel.  There's also notes about juggle height and variations depending on location of screen where you hit the qcb~hcf+C but I couldn't translate it.  They mention that if it's Ex qcf x2+AC at the end, it's a 100% combo (finally, short of drinking more than 2 times, he lacked high damaging combos).

UPDATE: I modified the above combo and made my own variation (positioning is extremely crucial as the wire damage juggles the opponent to different places depending on your own position.  Starting position works perfect--even an extra jump hit will nudge them out of range):

(Drink) s.C, qcb~hcf+BC (HD bypass), [wires] juggle low as possible (qcb A, [HDC] hcf D) x2, (df.B, qcb C, [HDC] hcf D) x3, {df.BD, hcf B,} df B x3~4, Ex qcf x2+AC (3-4 stock, ~990dmg/~1020dmg if you do the {optional} df.BD, hcf+B )

-Don't forget to drink beforehand.
-If you cancel qcb~hcf+BC off the s.C too slowly it will not combo.
-Remember to juggle the first qcb+A after the wire, real low.  Ideally you hit them on the side instead of juggling from underneath.
-The qcb C, [HDC] hcf D cancels slightly slower than the normal qcb A, [HDC] hcf D cancel.

UPDATE 2:  Thanks to the good ole Japanese BBS (http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/bbs/read.cgi/game/50324/1270390677/l50) a new set of Chin "starters" that setups Chin for some good juggles.

Starter a) s.C, HD, s.C, hcf BD, qcb AC, (hcf B, qcb C, [HDC] hcf D, df.B) x4, hcf B ~
1 - df.B ×2, qcb A [815]
2 - df.B, qcf x2 A [904]
3 - df.B ×3, qcf x2+AC [967]
4 - df.BD, hcf B, df.B ×4, qcf x2+AC [1001]

Starter b) df.D, d x2+P.P, hcf BD, qcb AC, (hcf B, qcb C, [DC] hcf D, df.B) ×2, hcf B ~
1 - [626]
2 - [717]
3 - [807]
4 - [818]

Starter c)
qcb BD, hcf BD, qcb AC, (hcf B, qcb C, [DC] hcf D, df.B) ×2, hcf B ~
1, [723]
2, [812]
3, [875]

Here's a quick video of hcf BD, qcb AC, (hcf B, qcb C, [DC] hcf D, df.B) ×2, hcf B, df.BD, hcf B, df.B ×4, qcf x2+AC


UPDATE 3: Seemingly, Chin's strongest HD combo variation yet: (Full credit goes to No.17's friend Kantoku, translations done by No.17)

s.C, HD, s.C, (qcb+A, [DC] hcf+D)x2, df.B, qcb+C [DC] hcf+D, qcb+A, hcf+D,
df.B, hcf+B, qcb+C, [DC] hcf+D, df.B, hcf+B, (df.B.B, s.C) / (df.B qcfx2+P DM) / (df.B.B, qcfx2+P DM)

  • 779dmg with df.B, qcf x2+P DM
  • 846dmg with df.B.B, qcf x2+P Ex DM for 35hits


Nice combo, CHINa-man!



really nice vids on chin. although i wish we would get to see more vids done with just ex moves or ex moves and drive cancels instead of hd mode.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


Quote from: MUSOLINI on October 07, 2010, 11:44:14 PM
really nice vids on chin. although i wish we would get to see more vids done with just ex moves or ex moves and drive cancels instead of hd mode.

That's a strange request since, up till now, all my Chin videos online didn't have any HD combos incorporated.  90% of my matches are only Ex combos etc.

With that being said, I modified my last combo so that's it's a 3 stock (+1 drink) hyperdrive 100% combo, off the top of my head it I can't think of anyone else that can do a 3 stock HD 100% except maybe Takuma this side of Raiden.

REDONE: (turns out my last 3stock HD 100% used an drive cancel at the end.  The extra s.C was the difference maker making my last HDC a DC instead lol)
-(drink) j.D, s.C, qcb~hcf+BC, [wires] juggle low as possible (qcb A, [HDC] hcf D) x2, (df.B, qcb C, [HDC] hcf D) x3, df B x4, Ex qcf x2+AC (3 stocks, 1006dmg)

Rex Dart

Too damn cool. Thanks for the video.

I look forward to seeing you pull that off during an actual match against a real K'.