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San Diego CA

Started by Nikolai VolKOF, January 03, 2011, 01:00:30 PM

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Are you going to be hosting again jinx? I can make a friday night session, don't think I can do a trip up to oceanside for the kof 13 tournament saturday tho.


I can host again if you cats want... Just post up... I'm pretty sure its gonna be kof2002um and tmnt tf this time around with a dash of melty blood...
I'm on FightCade!!!


Yea I am down.

I can also post up again on facebook.



Heya San Diego crew,

Dunno if I got you guys just yet, but I wanted to ask if you guys would do this survey to help understand what TOs and Community Leaders need to do for viewers and players of KOF XIII.

Only takes 2 minutes of your time.



Yea I saw that survey on facebook and even reposted it to my own wall :)

Already completed.


Casa no Jinx Announcement #1228

Friday the 28th, I'm hosting again... Got a b-day to celebrate this Friday (the 21st), and for those waiting on the Mayan doomsday, I'll give you cats some time to welcome that ginormous meteor or Mars People to Earth for our pending destruction--that is if the "fiscal-cliff" doesn't end us all a la Great Depression of the 1930's...

Anyway, I plan on recording some KOFXIII, so bring that A-game, 'cause I'm stepping mine up... I got half days now at work, so best believe when I'm not on Guardians of Middle-Earth (dope game, check it out!!!), I'm gonna be doing some practice in the studio with some characters old and new...

I'm also currently working on a combo vid of sorts--- Currently, it's a compilation of NGBC, Battle Fantasia and VF5FS combos/setups and other crazy leftovers, but if you have a combo/setup or whatever to contribute for "any" game, lemme know, and that Friday I'll chop some time off to help record this said clip... If you have the means to record it, bring the footage and I'll add it, and edit if need be...

Oh yeah, for this upcoming session on the 28th, I need you cats to invite whoever the hell can and is willing to come... Sure, KOFXIII is gonna be the main game, on my "megazord" of a tv (the big gray one), but with the other setups I want to have games that ppl are actually willing to play... Straight up though, if cats wanna hit up TMNT TF, then I'll set it up... I only have one request though, can someone bring SF4AE for ps3... I took the plunge only for my xbox, and I'm not willing to snag that joint again just for my ps3 (there's just some games I won't do that for, but whatever)... So for now I'm planning on having 1 KOF setup, 1 SF4 setup pending someone brings that joint in-- if not, it turns into whatever fighter I have for ps3, unless someone brings in something like TTT2 or P4A... My thing is this: I need cats to come and play... I wanna support those other scenes just as much as ours, even if I don't play the game as much if at all (i.e. - P4A, SF4, etc), but I need cats hitting Casa no Jinx up, so again, bring as many heads as you can, and spread the word...

If you guys wanna pitch in for some grub like the time before last, we can do that... I might snag something, but it all depends on what things are looking like that evening... If you wanna bring something, you can do that too, it's whatever...

Lastly, if you have ps3 sticks or converters for xbox sticks to be used on ps3, please bring that... I haven't had time to snag an extra ps3 stick, and my ps2 stick only works so/so on some games, not others... Even if it worked on all games perfectly, that stick is hell to maneuver with at times, so inputs can get all janky ya know???

Oh, KOFXIII is gonna be on my xbox, so if you need a converter, hitbox, shoebox, atari stick, or whatever the hell you use, bring that joint with you... Pad players, I only have the wireless pad, and a retarded ass Madcatz pad that I only use for guests when we play 4 player games and I can't find my 4th, 5th, or 6th controller...

I think that's it... If y'all need my number, directions, or whatever, PM me... I'm still on that damn twitter (@jinxhand)... While I'm at it, spread the word about that... I'll get my fb acct back up sometime--whenever I have the time...

Oh yeah, if the 28th can't work for ya, I'm down for changing it to a later date... Hit me up and lemme know... There's plenty o' time to rearrange the schedule... Peace!!!
I'm on FightCade!!!


Count me in for the 28th. Also tonight (dec 18th) I'll be hitting up ttf, and I'll have  my setup with the usual games (kof, ttt2, etc).
PSN: jasemac

Mild Wallace

I will see if I can make it. My plans for the next couple of weeks are kinda sketchy between my work schedule, family stuff, and some other things I need to take care of. I've been wanting to make it down again for a while so I will see what I can do.

I look forward to seeing you guys again if I can make it.


Awesome! Hopefully you can make it, Wallice!
PSN: jasemac


Hate to be that guy who is negative but if you really want people from street fighter or other games to come play at your house you would have to move it off a day that TTF does its sf4 tournaments. The day when those two sf heads showed up was when ttf was closed for the night and they didn't feel like driving to clairemont to where sf4 got relocated for the night(every one else did I guess)

Vast majority of people willing to play other games only play them as a side game to marvel and sf4 and they are willing to stick to going to TTF. If you want some of those guys to come you'd have to put it on a day that doesn't already have a tournament or major casuals or something going on.(mondays, tuesdays,fridays,sundays are all taken I think) and you'd have to find someone that plays games with those guys they know and heard of to convince them to come out.

I don't know what the persona 4 arena community is like and where they play at in sd or where they post at.

Not trying to hate or anything. Personally I kind of like the small group of kof players we managed to get going there since its the main game I play and I don't have to pay a fee to lose all night to jason :) But I get why you really would like to expand a bit and if you really want that you would have to move things around a bit and get to know people who play those games.

Whatever you decide to do I am down for whatever tho. I try to go where KOF13 goes.


Quote from: Rhythmaxed on December 19, 2012, 07:18:36 AM
Hate to be that guy who is negative but if you really want people from street fighter or other games to come play at your house you would have to move it off a day that TTF does its sf4 tournaments. The day when those two sf heads showed up was when ttf was closed for the night and they didn't feel like driving to clairemont to where sf4 got relocated for the night(every one else did I guess)

Vast majority of people willing to play other games only play them as a side game to marvel and sf4 and they are willing to stick to going to TTF. If you want some of those guys to come you'd have to put it on a day that doesn't already have a tournament or major casuals or something going on.(mondays, tuesdays,fridays,sundays are all taken I think) and you'd have to find someone that plays games with those guys they know and heard of to convince them to come out.

I don't know what the persona 4 arena community is like and where they play at in sd or where they post at.

Not trying to hate or anything. Personally I kind of like the small group of kof players we managed to get going there since its the main game I play and I don't have to pay a fee to lose all night to jason :) But I get why you really would like to expand a bit and if you really want that you would have to move things around a bit and get to know people who play those games.

Whatever you decide to do I am down for whatever tho. I try to go where KOF13 goes.

No I don't think it's being negative at all... It's a look at things from a different perspective, and I appreciate that greatly...

I chose Friday to be the "meet up" day because it's the best time for most of us to meet up.. We all have things on Saturday most times, at least I do (music/production/etc), and I initially didn't want to overlap with CO's sessions if they even held sessions on Saturday any more...

I know TTF is and has been around, and I totally forgot about them hosting on Fridays, I only remember Wednesdays... I wouldn't mind trying a Saturday in the future, maybe even when the sun is still out and it's not too freezing or whatever... I'm still sticking to the 28th for now since that's best for most people though, unless not everyone can make it on Friday...

I'm not trying to out do any other venue that's hosting. I actually have multiple reasons I'm hosting. Despite me not being able to do much in terms of hitting up tourneys (that might change real quick though), I would at the very least like to have sessions, while simultaneously not having the "crusade" vibe of "'X' game is better than 'Y' game", but rather show cats that there are other great fighters that are out there... I'm also not trying to leave scenes in the dust, because I know how that feels (hell I play VF and MB)... I've passed far too many ppl who say they play 1 game, but can't find anyone else to play because everyone else is playing something else and isn't willing to learn another game... Things like that kill me, I think because I'm not a closed-minded person, and I feel that situations like that show closed-mindedness... Also, not all "anime-fighters" are ass-holes, and I plan on showing that by my personality...

Real talk, I don't expect to suddenly have a stuffed garage full of people... It'd be nice, but I don't forsee something like that to occur... Whoever's willing to come, come... If not, it's cool, no bad blood... My priorities personally go to both KOF and VF equally, then every other fighter afterwards (yeah even EX2, MB, and TF)... I plan on supporting those 2 games first, because quite honestly, these are ones most neglected... The GG scene itself is ever changing, and can easily turn from GGXX to BB, SG, VSav/Vhun, P4A, MB, HnK, or even AH3 just because it falls under "anime fighter", and the scene in general and DL supporting the games on their forums... KOF at one point in time was divided (98 vs 02), and even some only prefer those over XIII...

I will say this though: though I'm into XIII heavily, I will support those cats who only play games like MOW or RBFF, because that might be their true favorite game and they probably put mad hours of time learning it, and it sucks to only have 2-3 ppl on GGPO to play and 0-1 people in real life to play against (it's possible to level up with only 2-3 people though)... Back to my point, some smaller scenes have other options to fall back on per sé, not KOF or VF... SC players can easily shift to Tekken or DOA (most likely the latter because of the gameplay similarities [I'll break that joint down later])...

In all I guess I'm trying to support all scenes, but especially those neglected perhaps... While I'm not a fan of SF4, those that do wanna hang out and play can do so at my place-- I'm not so anti-SF4 that I don't flat out support it (I do play it too I swear lol)... I just feel its a dumb downed version of SFEX2 which I've explained to several ppl on numerous occasions (your paradigm will indeed be shifting when I'm done explaining)...

Real quick, lemme thank you guys for your support!!! Regardless of what game you play, or what you bring, even if you came and didn't play a damn thing or the game you came for, just showing up alone shows that this stuff is not in vain... Hell, even if you didn't come, but still showed interest in coming, thank you for at least doing that!!! It can only get better from here...

Let's start getting creative with our character specific gameplay!!! They say it can't be done with Kensou, and I personally want to prove cats wrong... I also plan on recording, so be ready for that!!!

I'm on FightCade!!!

Mild Wallace

Just want to update and say that it looks like I'll be able to make this after all. I'm gonna see you guys at the SD tournament on Saturday and again on the 28th. Its gonna be great to catch up after so long.

Btw Jinx, I'm down for BB/GG/MB on the 28th.


Word up!!! If you cats didn't check the tourney thread regarding the KOF tourney out here today, know that I will be there!!! It's on!!!
I'm on FightCade!!!


Yo, I heard that Microsoft store tourney was a fiasco lol. On a lighter note I just wanna remind y'all in the SD area that Oceanside Fight Club hosts free casuals, and $2.00 tournaments every other saturday for various games including KOF. Their venue is real nice, and they have lots of room to accommodate bringing your own setups. Check them out here for more info

PSN: jasemac